Political So now what

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Trump isn't going anywhere. He's not going to recede into the quiet and live out his years. This was always meant to be the greatest marketing scheme in history. He has and will continue to make SOOOO much money from being President, and his brand is SOOOO much bigger now that it ever could have been. He's still going to be front and center in the media, because he now has the largest captive audience in history just waiting to see what he says and does next. He laughs all the way to the bank as everyone keeps his name in their mouths.

I read an interesting article written a couple years ago by someone who had been high in his company for years and was part of his first campaign. Basically it said the entire idea was to just generate a shit load of publicity for the Trump brand by running for President. The further along he got, the more he could drag it out and keep his name in the media, the more press he got. According to that writer, even up until the end not even he thought he would win, and when he actually won and he became President, he was super overwhelmed that he now had to actually be the President. Then he got used to the idea of really being THE guy in charge. But the idea to keep his name in the media is still the biggest thing. He doesn't have to be right, or anything. Just stay engaged and no press is bad press for him. He's already gone through the worst that could be thrown at him.

So all of you guys raging about big businesses getting bigger, and all of the Pharm companies and PPE companies and medical test labs etc getting fat through all of this, possible the biggest winner through all of this will be Trump's companies. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I'd say that was the idea the entire time.


I hate Jeep trucks
Pleasant Grove
Trump isn't going anywhere. He's not going to recede into the quiet and live out his years. This was always meant to be the greatest marketing scheme in history. He has and will continue to make SOOOO much money from being President, and his brand is SOOOO much bigger now that it ever could have been. He's still going to be front and center in the media, because he now has the largest captive audience in history just waiting to see what he says and does next. He laughs all the way to the bank as everyone keeps his name in their mouths.

I read an interesting article written a couple years ago by someone who had been high in his company for years and was part of his first campaign. Basically it said the entire idea was to just generate a shit load of publicity for the Trump brand by running for President. The further along he got, the more he could drag it out and keep his name in the media, the more press he got. According to that writer, even up until the end not even he thought he would win, and when he actually won and he became President, he was super overwhelmed that he now had to actually be the President. Then he got used to the idea of really being THE guy in charge. But the idea to keep his name in the media is still the biggest thing. He doesn't have to be right, or anything. Just stay engaged and no press is bad press for him. He's already gone through the worst that could be thrown at him.

So all of you guys raging about big businesses getting bigger, and all of the Pharm companies and PPE companies and medical test labs etc getting fat through all of this, possible the biggest winner through all of this will be Trump's companies. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I'd say that was the idea the entire time.
Not a word of that would surprise me.


Who Dares Wins
Trump isn't going anywhere. He's not going to recede into the quiet and live out his years. This was always meant to be the greatest marketing scheme in history. He has and will continue to make SOOOO much money from being President, and his brand is SOOOO much bigger now that it ever could have been. He's still going to be front and center in the media, because he now has the largest captive audience in history just waiting to see what he says and does next. He laughs all the way to the bank as everyone keeps his name in their mouths.

I read an interesting article written a couple years ago by someone who had been high in his company for years and was part of his first campaign. Basically it said the entire idea was to just generate a shit load of publicity for the Trump brand by running for President. The further along he got, the more he could drag it out and keep his name in the media, the more press he got. According to that writer, even up until the end not even he thought he would win, and when he actually won and he became President, he was super overwhelmed that he now had to actually be the President. Then he got used to the idea of really being THE guy in charge. But the idea to keep his name in the media is still the biggest thing. He doesn't have to be right, or anything. Just stay engaged and no press is bad press for him. He's already gone through the worst that could be thrown at him.

So all of you guys raging about big businesses getting bigger, and all of the Pharm companies and PPE companies and medical test labs etc getting fat through all of this, possible the biggest winner through all of this will be Trump's companies. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I'd say that was the idea the entire time.
Oh yeah, no doubt. He's going to ride this wave to the bank. All I'm saying is that since he's not that man in charge anymore, the talking heads can froth at the mouth about what retarded thing he said on whatever social media platform he ends up on next; BUT who gives a shit anymore? Hes just one more idiot on the internet. Sure, he's got more followers and can influence people a bit more than you or I but he's not drafting national policy with each twit. So eventually, might be a year or so, he'll kinda fade into the background noise and that is bad business for the cable news networks.


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Supporting Member
Oh yeah, no doubt. He's going to ride this wave to the bank. All I'm saying is that since he's not that man in charge anymore, the talking heads can froth at the mouth about what retarded thing he said on whatever social media platform he ends up on next; BUT who gives a shit anymore?

About 4 billion people? Probably 2/3 of the world's population. BUT, you're right, in 2 years that probably cuts in half to a meager 2 billion, and then in 4 years when he starts beating his Trump drum again, he'll pick them back up.
Hes just one more idiot on the internet. Sure, he's got more followers and can influence people a bit more than you or I but he's not drafting national policy with each twit. So eventually, might be a year or so, he'll kinda fade into the background noise and that is bad business for the cable news networks.

No he's not. He's Trump. I'm just one more idiot on the internet. You're just one more idiot on the internet. He's Trump. In a year or so, I'd say he's still front and center in the media. I hope I'm wrong, but I'll be you a beer on it that the cable networks are still going to be in the Trump business.


Well-Known Member
About 4 billion people? Probably 2/3 of the world's population. BUT, you're right, in 2 years that probably cuts in half to a meager 2 billion, and then in 4 years when he starts beating his Trump drum again, he'll pick them back up.

No he's not. He's Trump. I'm just one more idiot on the internet. You're just one more idiot on the internet. He's Trump. In a year or so, I'd say he's still front and center in the media. I hope I'm wrong, but I'll be you a beer on it that the cable networks are still going to be in the Trump business.
Ha. Wouldn't it be nice if that was the case that the media is still all over Trump and politics fall into the background and things improve in terms of divisiveness? It's nice to dream right? I'll likely miss it all even if it does happen since I don't follow the news...


I hate Jeep trucks
Pleasant Grove
Ha. Wouldn't it be nice if that was the case that the media is still all over Trump and politics fall into the background and things improve in terms of divisiveness? It's nice to dream right? I'll likely miss it all even if it does happen since I don't follow the news...
Fortunately your employer will post the appropriate position to take on any given issue, and possibly have a dance party over it.


Well-Known Member
This is from an article on KSL today. Figures they'd justify it as a health crisis. It's not censorship, it's "moderation".


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Who Dares Wins
About 4 billion people? Probably 2/3 of the world's population. BUT, you're right, in 2 years that probably cuts in half to a meager 2 billion, and then in 4 years when he starts beating his Trump drum again, he'll pick them back up.

No he's not. He's Trump. I'm just one more idiot on the internet. You're just one more idiot on the internet. He's Trump. In a year or so, I'd say he's still front and center in the media. I hope I'm wrong, but I'll be you a beer on it that the cable networks are still going to be in the Trump business.
Oh, I'm sure each major news network will still have a reporter or team of reports for the next four years or so who's full time job it is to report on Trump. And they'll dedicate several hours a day to what Trump is doing; but again, he's not the man in charge anymore. So two things will happen:

1) the general populace will stop giving a shit because he's no longer a "threat". There won't be Women's Marches and #RESIST bumper stickers everywhere. Think about how quickly the anger towards W faded after the Obama was elected. Same thing here. American's are goldfish when it comes to politics.

2) Trump is toxic politically now, particularly after the dumbassery of January 6th. No matter your views on the "events" at the Capitol, Trump is unequivocally connected to them. So another one of two things will happen:
A) The GOP will cut out the cancer and move forward in a direction san's the Trump faction. The quickest way for this to happen is for the Senate to convict Trump on the current impeachment charges. Unprecedented? Yes. Inconceivable? No. Trumps greatest feat was co-opting the GOP in 2016 mainly because they were desperate to beat Hillary. If this happens, the GOP may be weaker in momentum, but hopefully stronger in its policy direction and conservative bona fides (a man can dream). Trump will be politically homeless, though. And despite what his most ardent supports think, the MAGA dorks are not a big enough constituency on their own to move mountains.​
B) The GOP descends into civil war. The Republican Party and small "c" conservatism are naturally at odd's with radicalism. Trump, no matter what you think of his record over the last four years, is a radical in American politics and he is no conservative in the traditional sense. So if option "A" doesn't happen, then the GOP will fight between traditionalists (aka the evil Establishment) and the radical Trump faction. This likely ends in the GOP disappearing in everything but name only from the political stage (think the Liberals in the UK circa 1920).​
Put over the top of this a new President and all the news that generates and you can't help but see that Trump, who will feature prominently no doubt in all this action, is no longer the central player and/or villain in events. So he will fade. Will he run in '24? If the Senate fails to convict, probably; but it will either be at the head of a MAGA third party or a weak and ineffectual GOP.

I think that the legacy of the Trump years will be the long term effect it has on the GOP and the conservative movement in the US. Personally, I hope that the GOP can get rid of Trump and his influence ASAP and return to a more centrist, moderate conservatism to counter the leftward swing that the Democrats have taken of late. If we have two parties of radicals then the majority of the country, Joe and Jill Lunchpail who just want three hots and a cot, are the ones who suffer.

Sorry for getting a bit off topic, but yes, you can buy me a beer whenever you want. ;)

Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
Vehicular limbo
B) The GOP descends into civil war.
This. Bet on it.

Trump has a taste of the political spotlight now and he doesn't want to leave it. He'll either wrestle with McConnell for control of the party (likely lose) or he'll take his ball and bat and try forming a new party (likely flop). Either way, a bunch of the Tea Party pols that first lined up behind him are going to stay lined up behind him, and that's going to cause some fresh new carnage in the papers. Trump isn't done with making headlines.


Registered User
Please cite what those facts are.

On immigration, legal refuge resettlement (about the most carefully vetted of all immigrants) decreased under Trump from 110,000 in the final year of the Obama administration to under 15,000 last year.
The Trump administration pushed both to end family-based immigration (a very slow and cumbersome process for those familiar with it, not the endless chain of distant relatives easily coming in that he portrayed it as. When we considered it for my wife's siblings after she gained citizenship the process was estimated at 20 years for her brother and sister, longer for nephew and sister-in-law) and as part of his proposal to switch to more skill based immigration (which I know is common in many countries) also included decreasing total annual legal immigration by about 50%.
They have also decreased the number of temporary, high skilled workers (H visas) dramatically.

China is robbing us blind. They have committed multiple attacks on my company and stolen intellectual property from us and countless other us companies. Do you think that is OK? If not, what should the response be?
You're opinion on immigration is not rational or tied to facts. You are emotionally involved and I understand that but though all the rme threads I've never seen you post and evidence of a policy or order Trump enacted that was anti immigrant. The definition of fascism, "forcible suppression of opposition" Trump certainly said the media was the enemy of the republic. He never tried to shut them down, deplatform then or silence them. Calling a spade a spade is not fascist.

Yes, efforts need to be done to deal with China, especially intellectual property. No question there. But it needs to be done wisely.
Tariffs against allies, both in Europe and Canada over steel and aluminum harmed US business dependent on those imports without any real national security benefits. And the trade war with China that blocked sales of US soybeans to resulted in billions of dollars in subsidies to US farmers to make up for losses associated with products they previously sold in an open market (remember that when you decry socialism.)


North Ogden, UT
What gets me is the protesters.

When their ass is doing 10+ years in a federal penitentiary, are the saying to themselves, "man, I sure had a blast at that last protest!"

Next time this crap happens, I'll sit out in my man cave, listen to some good music, tilt a few beers, smoke a big fatty, knowing full well the next morning I won't be waking up on a hard cement cot.

Hornets are my friends! 🍿


Emptying Pockets Again
Supporting Member

Boy the orange man bad is strong. Wasn’t expecting a response since I’m sure it’s auto generated. But I received a similar text over the summer from some local BLM turds asking me to sign a petition. I was able to get a response from them so I was hoping for the same here.

Not sure who’s wheaties I pissed in to get on this calling list but I’m tired of this unsolicited nonsense. Want to talk about inciting some BS


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Supporting Member
I was actually half jokingly talking to my wife last night about how Trump has a path to solving my personal political problems. He could break from the GOP, which I think will happen one way or the other because they can't remain divided and still relevant, and then form a 3rd party that is likely to be the strongest 3rd party in some time. A few turns down that long windy road and maybe we have a more open political system where there is an opportunity for something besides Red and Blue, Left Vs Right to participate.


I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
I was actually half jokingly talking to my wife last night about how Trump has a path to solving my personal political problems. He could break from the GOP, which I think will happen one way or the other because they can't remain divided and still relevant, and then form a 3rd party that is likely to be the strongest 3rd party in some time. A few turns down that long windy road and maybe we have a more open political system where there is an opportunity for something besides Red and Blue, Left Vs Right to participate.
I think something along these lines is likely but I think you will also see him putting money towards people who will run against republican's that opposed him. Probably high on his list is Liz Cheney.