Political So now what

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Smooth Gang Founding Member
I think the open warrants are a joke. The police say they won't arrest her because she'll just be released immediately. I don't care, arrest her and have her released. At least they would be doing something.


Registered User
Salt Lake City
now that this is out, the internet sleuths will make Kathy's life a living hell...and well deserved too (at least from the videos) She seems to be the aggressor here, however, the video doesn't show everything.

I bet her life is already looking less rosy.


Smooth Gang Founding Member
She at least spent the night in jail like I wanted. Hopefully that will help her chill but I doubt it since she seems crazier than a bag of cats.



Well-Known Member
Not sure if this would be the correct thread to ask here, but it’s definitely the most current political.

What’s everybody’s thoughts on the housing market concurrent with the economy? It seems the economy is steadily heading for a crash. I’ve read that the feds plan to slash interest rates in 2024?

I ask because we’ve been considering selling, and moving to my in-laws place for a couple reasons.
1. For my kids to be closer to grandma and grandpa
2. To become debt free

We purchased in 2020, and since, have about $100k in equity based off similar houses selling in our ‘hood.

If we sell now, we can pay off pretty much all debt, save a good size stack and live nearly free at the in-laws. If we can put up with each other long enough, I’d like to consider saving for a while and building our own home down the road if it does crash.

Just curious to see what everybody’s take is. Bonus points if you have reliable articles to share. Thanks!

Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
Vehicular limbo
Yeah, if you're going to sell, sell now. I don't know if there's a crash coming, but we're definitely on the backside of the spike.

We paid just over 100k for this house in '05, pretty identical houses in the neighborhood are listing for 300-350k. I wish it was the right time to sell, and just rent for a year or so, I'd make a bundle.


Well-Known Member
West Jordan
I’d sell right now if I had a stable place to ride it out for a couple years. Maybe home prices never drop, but I certainly don’t think they will continue to soar upwards.

Even if you end up buying for more money down the road, you will be in a better financial position after a couple years of being debt free.


Well-Known Member
Amateur view from the sidelines. Supply and demand. As long as our population continues to grow at near the current rate, house prices aren't going to go down much. More like, stop going up as fast, maybe. Or a bit of a downturn correction, but just start climbing again right away.

If house prices here did crash. Speculators from literally around the globe would start snatching up every house they could and the prices would bounce right back up. Hell, if prices crashed, I'd snatch up one or two.

Just amateur opinion.



I live my life 1 dumpster at a time
So Jo, Ut
I’m in the buy now camp, not sell now. Homes are sitting on market for a long time, but are still selling. As interest rates come down back (into 6’s this week, instead of high 7’s-low 8’s we’ve seen the last few months) homes are going to sell faster, and prices will go up again.

It’s also a VERY rare person who will actually save the extra money from living with inlaws. If you can, great. But most can’t. It turns into eating out, newer cars, etc.

Even if you are a good saver, I still think you’ll see a greater increase in home values for the next few years than you would ever save in a bank account.

History says home value will always go up. They may dip a little here and there, but even when it ‘crashes’ we aren’t too affected in Utah.
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Smooth Gang Founding Member
I agree with DAA and Jeeper. I’ll add that I’d never sell anything with a 2020 interest rate (I assume 2.x) for only $100k in equity. Once you pay the agents and potentially all closing costs it’s not as much as you think. IMO at least. If I had to move and only had that amount in equity I’d keep it and rent it out. We had almost $300k in equity on our last house and I was still super tempted to keep it and rent it. In the end I wanted the cash for down payment and finishing yard/shop.


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
Amateur view from the sidelines. Supply and demand. As long as our population continues to grow at near the current rate, house prices aren't going to go down much. More like, stop going up as fast, maybe. Or a bit of a downturn correction, but just start climbing again right away.

If house prices here did crash. Speculators from literally around the globe would start snatching up every house they could and the prices would bounce right back up. Hell, if prices crashed, I'd snatch up one or two.

Just amateur opinion.

Yup. Economics and generational trends suggest people being able to work remotely will continue to spread out until cheaper markets become more in line with traditionally more expensive markets. I mean, Utah and BF Oklahoma will always be cheaper than San Diego, but the gap will become less. We all know people moving to Texas or Georgia or... Shit eventually maybe even a Dakota... To find comparative value in real estate. Eventually that value will go away.

The demand on housing in Utah won't decrease until population begins to decrease and I don't see that happening in my lifetime.


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Maybe I already shared this but our backyard neighbor sold their house in early 2017 because house prices had risen and he didn't think they were going to hold. They moved into an apartment to ride it out thinking in a year or so he would be able to buy low. Looking back we know what happened with the market.


Burn-barrel enthusiast
Supporting Member
Maybe I already shared this but our backyard neighbor sold their house in early 2017 because house prices had risen and he didn't think they were going to hold. They moved into an apartment to ride it out thinking in a year or so he would be able to buy low. Looking back we know what happened with the market.
He went from 3.5-4% interest rates to 6.5-7.5%.


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
For his sake I hope they bought back in before rates jumped that high, but he certainly lost out on a bunch of equity. I didn't know them well enough to keep in contact but I've thought about them more that I would have expected.

We sold our house about 18 months after he did and made an additional 50-75k in equity. When we closed on our new construction house December of 2018 we locked a mortgage at 4.385% and then refinanced down to 2.385% later on. If we had waited even longer would could have made more equity but the price increases the builder made would have washed all of that away. The same house would have been another 80k to build 6 months after we went under contract.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I don't think you should try and time the market or read into what *might* happen in the future. If you feel like you need to get out of debt right now and this is the only viable option then do it. But don't do it because you think the market might turn and you'd be able to buy something comparable for less in a couple years. It could possibly work out that way, but the alternative is that you could be in a lot worse of a position as well.


Threat Level Midnight
Maybe I already shared this but our backyard neighbor sold their house in early 2017 because house prices had risen and he didn't think they were going to hold. They moved into an apartment to ride it out thinking in a year or so he would be able to buy low. Looking back we know what happened with the market.
I know a guy that did the same thing. He had done it in 2007 and sold high, so he thought he was Nostradamus. Sold in 2016, and is still renting. His home gained about $600k in equity since he sold it.


Smooth Gang Founding Member
Yup, a family in my ward did the same thing in 2018 I would guess. I talked to him right after they sold and he thought he was a real estate mastermind. I've talked to him since and he is depressed over the money they've wasted on renting for a handful of years because they can't afford to get back in a house.


I hate Jeep trucks
Pleasant Grove
I play the price prediction game with a few grand in the stock market, not with the place my family lives. Just my 2 cents added to the examples listed by everyone else here.

I anticipate companies who enable remote work will at some point do as the feds do and adjust pay based on a cost of living index. I thought it would already be happening but I don't see much evidence of it. That may help bring rural prices down but I think Utah is not going to be affected much unless we move farther from California.