Street-legal buggys - It Passed!

Every agent that I have talked to and that my agent has talked to have not found anybody or any company that will insure a ATV or full size ATV for the street. He, as in my agent recommended just insuring it normally. Then tell if there is an issue, so play dumb. ;)

I go through Progressive, the policy say off road but I had my agent call them directly and they will cover it on the streets. They said they just haven't developed a Policy that covers an off road vehicle for street use, but they will cover it. I thought the state would contact me for failure to properly insure but I haven't had any problems so far.
I'm really curious, how are you guys getting past the 29" tire rule and the 70" max width? Am I reading the rules wrong?

The guy at the shop had a print out from 2011 that only showed ATV and UTV rules. I told him there are new rules that allow 93" and up to 44" tires for Full-Size ATV. He pulled it up on the highway patrol website and said "good to know!". :cool:
For those of you who have successfully registered a buggy for street use what did you do for a horn? Junk yard pull, a $900 Kleinn Air Horn set up or ?????

I have been looking at the Hella Twin Supertone horns

Not asking if you think these would work as I'm sure they would, I am more looking for different ideas prior to pulling the trigger on them.
If only you could hear that horn before buying it [emoji1] .
I like low sounding horns. Something that says "move it". 70's to mid 80's Lincoln's or other big cars. A high pitched horn just sounds sissy to me.

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