The beginnings of the Revolt!


I run a tight ship... wreck
So your saying that only certain rigs should go on certain Trails, right? Thats what I get from the above post.

(Neither of those Buggys on 38's have Competed, so I wouldn't blame Trail Damage on the Competition Crowd, they usually won't take kindly to it.)

Now, I am not taking their side...... I saw some things I didn't like myself, but most of the 'damage' that was there was the type of stuff a heavily run Trail will see. The holes that were dug? Opened Diff rigs dug just as many holes as the Buggies today. Thats part of wheelin. Sure, trying the Trail in 2wd isn't the most Ecologically Safe pratice...... Does that mean that we should limit Opened Diffed rigs from running Trails? I saw every Opened Rig spin Tires today, too.

I didn't like how the area by the 'Squeeze' was torn up, but there had been others that ventured off the Trail, previous to the stuff we saw today. People have been going off the Established Trails forever, due to- Broken Rigs, Scared Drivers, Incapable Rigs, Trail Blockage and of course, in search of Harder Lines. Oh, where did that part of the Trail have the Closed signs posted??

Rocks will move, no matter what size Tire you have. If you have Dana 60's well then, your more likely not to worry about it bashing your axle, rather than a Dana 30. Things are proportional, rocks are always moving on that Trail. I have unintentionally moved rocks many times. It's another thing that's just part of wheelin!

Also, that place is a WASH! It changes with every storm, no matter who wheels it. Trail Damage from people wheelin is probably less than the change due to the Natural Enviornment of the Wash and the way water works within. Ask Marc about how much that Trail has changed, just from Water running down it.

Also, I don't see how, in any way, Marc could be held responsable for the actions of others. He doesn't have a Key to the Trail or anything..... it's a frickin Desert Wash. Anyone can (and will) go up there and do what they please. Just make sure you are practicing the Tread Lightly guidelines yourself and if you need to, KINDLY ask others. From what I understand, that gets really heated, really FAST! Good Luck!

The BLM can't legally single out one person,and blame them for the actions of others.

demon jeep

American fork
Running open, locked, 2wld,it does not matter things like holes in the trail are all normal and can be fixed with a good rain or some trail work. It is the attitude of SOME of the people that run these trails. It does not mean compition rigs are all the problem I see more comp. people that are better in places like that becouse they want a nice fun run and not go all hard all the time. It is the people that have big egos to fill. ( I have bigger tires than you and I can drive were I want) Those are the people that need to come back down to earth and think about other people than them selfs..

The people that are not built enough to run these trail should also pull there heads out, if you cannot make the trail with out MAKING you own bypass then get off the trail. Some trails have bypasses to get around stuff were others donnot. Like Pritchet it use to not have any bypasses in it lst time I ran it but some dude wanted to go werte the big boys go and had to do that know the bypasses are about as hard as the trail so know we have a big messy area that no one can make so they make another bypass and it goes on and on. We all need to know our limits and drive in the boundries and respect the trail boundries and keep on the trail just remeber that thing awile back TREAD LIGHTLY


I run a tight ship... wreck
Demon- I agree with the 'Big Tire, Big Ego' thing. (I have 37's, so where do I stand???) Attitude plays alot in who we are and what we are about.

It's hard to get everyone to think on the same level, and as your experience grows, your thinking changes. (Keep that in mind, Pokey! :D )


Just Hanging Out
Holly Day
I think I should just keep my mouth shut on this one.:rolleyes:

However, I just can't see why Demmon thinks he is going to catch shet for this, Does he own/lease the trail from the BLM? Are we suposed to post a guard out there?

I'm done.


Why is this One Trail getting so much attention?


I run a tight ship... wreck
Because of the Controversial trail-run today. Full Width, 38.5" TSL's Buggies running with Stock/Modified rigs..... They can't seem to get along. No wonder the Enviro-Nazis are winning, we can't get along within our own sport! :rolleyes:


Just Hanging Out
Holly Day
Originally posted by Greg
Because of the Controversial trail-run today. Full Width, 38.5" TSL's Buggies running with Stock/Modified rigs..... They can't seem to get along. No wonder the Enviro-Nazis are winning, we can't get along within our own sport! :rolleyes:

I ran this trail with some of the so called stock rigs, We didn't have any problems,,,,

There is just to much finger pointing going on.

When I ran smaller tires and watched rigs do things I couln't, all I could do was "Wish". And I loved to watch them work.

What happened?


I run a tight ship... wreck
Remember the Squeeze? The area with the Tree in the middle of the Trail?

Above and to the Right, someone had been trying to climb out of the Canyon with their Well-Built rig. There were a few Sage Bushes and alot of dirt/small rocks that were dug up. It looked like crap, but there weren't any huge trees pulled down or anything. Anyway, it was more of the same.... Fingerpointing, as you said.

Granted, the driver that did that should have been more considerate of everyones use of that Land, and the effects his actions could have for all other users.

I do think though, that 2 good storms would remove any sign of a vehicle being in the area......

demon jeep

American fork
The area that you guys went up is a open area shawn and them have gone up it. The area that was diserbed is the area at the squeeze on the east wall( yes shawn the one you were eye balling) there should have never been anything go up there.

As of today I donnot deal with the BLM on that area I have drop off on the trail conservation of rattle snake I donnot need the greef from the Blm for stupidity of others so if the trail is closed you may thank the ones who donnot care I have other thing to worry about. I will still be involved with trail opening and matanice but that area is just not respected and there is no cooperation from the big dog and the little guys If you want this sport to last then work together and lets make it work it get no were fighting and pointing fingers. If you donnot see the person do it then just fix what was destroyed, and if you do see them tell them to nock it off. If you feeel theatened then get a hold of local law inforcement to take over there are laws to protect the land then lets use them to our advantige.


Just Hanging Out
Holly Day
Originally posted by demon jeep
but that area is just not respected and there is no cooperation from the ..............big dog and the little guys

Need to ADD: SOME Of The

It is not ALL.


Burn-barrel enthusiast
Supporting Member
Shawn, are you tryin to say your a big dog?:D My question is, if you saw someone tearin it up, did you say anything to them? Or were you just afraid of there "Bigness"? :confused:


Demon did tell the guys that it was stuff like this that was going to get the trail closed. I agree that there was some fingerpointing going on and Greg I think that what you said has truth to it, open diffs do dig holes, everyone does. But you didn't see me trying to climb the ledges, and I don't have a problem with rocks being moved by accident, or to make the trail funner (within reason). Demon I am sorry to see that you are losing hope for the area, but it is understandable. Tread lightly should be practiced by everyone big or little. As for attitude, I did feel like the bigger guys didn't think that I was worthy to talk to them. They kind of gave me the cold shoulder when I tried to talk about Jeeps with them. I think that I need to appologize the the comp crowd, I didn't mean to single you guys out, I just needed to get a good description of the vehicles that where there, sorry.


Sandy, UT
Maybe it's time to start shooting people that are going off trail. A 9mm should do it.


(Disclaimer: The thoughts protrayed above are not those of the author; in fact, aliens kidnapped someone and took over his/her body and used it to convey improper and politically incorrect sentiments towards people or objects that may or may not have aquired the ire of said posessed individual.)


Sandy, Ut
Originally posted by EZRhino
Maybe it's time to start shooting people that are going off trail. A 9mm should do it.

Trail patrol just took on a whole new light...:D

I'll go load up the 12 gauge...time to protect and serve:D


Registered User
Hill AFB
I myself love to see the biult buggies, i think they are really cool for the guys that can build/afford them. I have my jeep built to what i can afford to do. I have a great tim ein moab running 4 - 4+ trails right now i am skilled enough to get through these, and as i said my jeep is built to get through these. I run a 93 yj with 31s skyjacker 4' softride and a limited slip in the rear. Running trails that my jeep is built for I have no problems. I have also seen the big built buggies on the same trails I have been on, why who knows.

As far as idiots go, I have seen my share of these but in diddent form than where spoken of (of the few posts I read). The main guy that really got my goat was, the first time i ran poison spider. About, oh, half way through i come upon a black cowl that goes under the bumper of a pick up. Being the guy that I am i pick it up and though it in the jeep. after 10 minutes we come on a group of guys driving full size fords, dodges, ect. One of them looks at me and says Hey look you got my bumper. so of course I asked him you want it back? His reply was NOPE you can tak eit out of here. Now not only did he leave his crap on the trail but they also left quite a few liquid courage containers laying around on the ground when they left ( i counted as i picked these up also Some where around 15 cans). This is the crap that really gets my goat. We have enough trouble keeping trails open without goofs like this making it worse for us.....