The upcoming moto ride/quick report.

Grant and I had another great ride today. We were planning on meeting up at his house at 9 but I was a little late due to being pulled over in Lindon. The officer said he didn't think I was plated but then after he pulled me over he saw my plate on top of my fender. He said it has to be visible from 100 ft. He also said I need a motorcycle endorsement which I totally forgot about. He was a nice guy though and let me go...not usually my luck. I'm sure Grant will fill in the details on which trails we took because he has the map with all the numbers. It was some fun riding though. We made it to the summit and down to Sundance and back up and then on our last loop before heading home I got a flat tire.

We decided to ride out a few more miles on the trail. We then hit the road by the pine hollow parking lot, took it easy on the pavement back to Grants house. He happened to change out his tire and tube a couple weeks ago so he had a spare tube at this house. He had all the tools, we got it changed out quickly and I was on my way home with air in my tire. The old tube had a hole in it about the size of a quarter, must have been a pinch flat. I recall hitting a rock that just didn't feel right.

Thanks for all your help Grant and for teaching me some tips on changing a dirt bike tire. Thanks for riding with me too! Had a great time, other than eating your dust all day.
Yes, great ride indeed! Every time I go up AF canyon I enjoy it more. Getting to know the trails helps. We started at Tibble Fork and rode 41 to 173, up 40 through the super fun wooded switchbacks and then went south down the ridge trail to 252. This was my favorite part of the day. It descended through some swoopy, rolling smooth wooded sections and ran into Cascade Scenic drive. From there it was a little more technical, with fun hills that we caught some air on. It was so fun that when we got to the summit we hooked back on the pavement and ran it again. We then rode 55 from the summit down to Sundance. This was not so much fun. The top was ok, pretty tight single track with a few down trees. The bottom we encountered some really tight down hill switchbacks. Neither of us tackled these with much grace and it didn't help that there were a ton of people hiking to Stewart falls on the trail. I was starting to wonder if the trail was motorcycle legal, but sure enough the sign at the bottom proved it was. We decided to ride the Alpine loop back to the summit so we didn't have to ride back up that trail with all the hikers. The 525 with D606 tires loved sprinting up the tight paved corners. They felt good leaned into the corners and even allowed some power coming out. Braking was a little sketchy on the knobbies though. We got to the summit, hit the ridge trail and made it about 1/2 mile when Tyson got a flat tire. We rode down and back to my place and changed out the tube. Pretty sure it was a pinch flat.
I always regret not taking more pictures so I bought a micro pelican case to house my nice camera and strapped it on the back fender. It didn't stay on long but the case did protected the camera. Thanks Tyson for seeing it on the trail and picking it up for me. I need to find a good way to secure it and still be able to access it quickly.
Fun day, fun trails, and great weather!

I'm thinking of an AF Canyon ride tomorrow (Thursday) night. I'm still injured, but I'm down for a mellow ride. 5:30 @ tibble fork? I could also meet at the summit or at pine hollow, wherever you guys want. I've never ridden pine hollow, but I'm pretty familiar with the rest of the trails up there.
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No problem. I'll be riding with Russ this weekend in St. George. I'm sure we'll have some good rides there. Get better for next week though.

If Russ is healed up we will. I crashed a week ago a d can still hardly move my arm above my head. I am sure my boys want to go so we will be riding. It sucks getting old and wore out. Just call me when you get down here
When/where are you meeting? Sounds fun, I'll try to make it, but I'll let you know for sure
Ill be leaving my house around 530. We could do tibble or the summit or pine hollow... I'm game for anything. I could swing by your house and you can follow us up.
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I'm in. It might be closer to 6:00 by the time I can get up there. Let's meet at pine hollow parking. There are some fun loops from there and you don't have to drive all the way to Tibble
we had a fun ride last night. Kyle had clutch problems and had to turn around after the first 1/2 mile. Get that thing fixed and we'll get back out there!

Grant and I continued on. We took pine hollow trail to 40 up the switchbacks, across the ridge towards cascade springs, then over across the little bridges, and up to the summit. On our way down we ran into about 10 people on horses. They were going really slow and weren't making accomodations for us to pass, so we just coasted down the hill. At the fork near salamander flatts we took trail 150 over to timpanookie. We were trying to loop around to the pine hollow parking lot from the back side, but we got lost in the timpanookie side. We found trail 178 for a bit, but turned back because it was getting dark.

I'd really like to go back and try the trail from pine hollow up to timpanookie. It looks like a real challenge. Sorry you got home so late Grant.