This guy should be fired!


that kid is a moron...........But I can see myself in the same situation.

The Leo didn't do alot of things right. But even If he had, I doubt the kid would have stopped trying to worm out of the situation. Even if the officer had read the rights, told him his speed, 'splained that signing is not admiting guilt, even if all those things were done, that Kid would have still pushed it too far. just a bad situation. The driver is the know it all a**hole that needed his butt kicked in college. daddy is prolly so proud.
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77 fj40
salt lake
Just out of curiosity... would you let a cop search your vehicle if he asked? Even if you had nothing to hide?

I sure wouldn't. Just because you have a badge doesn't automatically always make you right or allow you to do whatever you wish.

Once it gets that crazy they have "Probable cause" and they get to search no search warrant needed.


Who Dares Wins
All I have to say is that kid is an idiot. Tasering him was a little on the extreme, but he wouldn't have cooperated anyway. Probably would have ended in a tussle had it not been for the taser. Hopefully the kid spent a night in jail, serves him right.


total tacoma points: 162
hes lucky he was tazed. how would he have been stopped before tazers. they may be uncomfortable and a little embarasing on video, but he is alive. im not saying they would have shot him, but its happened before. think of how much better one of those shooting incidents would have gone if the officer had used a tazer.

Rot Box

Diesel and Dust
Smithfield Utah
When I was growing up I always assumed that law officers where some sort of superior being incapable of doing anything but good..... I later learned that they are only human, and we all know humans make mistakes.

That being said I cannot imagine inflicting pain upon anyone that isn't endangering someone else. That was a pretty extreme reaction on the officers part imo…. but then again I wasn't there ;)


Formerly Beardy McGee
shoulda just shot him.. i bet there was a bag of loot in the back:rofl:

overall.. the kid's retard..


Well-Known Member
Was the cop a little loose with the taser? yeah, was other guy a f'n moron? You bet. Cops are humans and as such already a bit nervous when they pull someone over, so it's generally a good idea to comply without question for the first 20 to 30 seconds to put them at ease. Instead this guy ignores the request for license and reg, comes up with stupid ideas trying to get out of a ticket, refuses to sign something that just says he'll appear in court, ignores the cops directions, starts to wander off and puts his hands in his pockets :wtf: all the while acting completely irrational. And then after he is cuffed and under arrest he gets up and starts wandering around? :wtf:

Well put.

Here's a what if...

What if the officer decided to go "hands on" rather than use the tazer. The officer and the driver begin to wrestle/fight they fall to the ground, fall into the travel lane and get ran over by a passing vehicle and get injured/killed. (It's happened before)

Monday Morning Quarterbacking is FANTASTIC! :p

soda blaster

Active Member
Saratoga Springs
I think the officer was in the right completely the ticket says right on it that it is a promise to appear only nothing else and if a officer tells you to stop and put your hands up or on the car of course you don't walk away and say your crazy or what ever. These guys put their life on the line everyday they never know who they are walking up on and what they are capable of. How many cops need to get shot in the face before they are allowed to defend them selfs. you walk away heading back to your car after he tells you to step out and put your hands behind your back he can only assume the worst (non compliance= probabley not a good person) Bottom line don't be a dumbass follow instructions stfu court is the place for b!tchin.


Here's a what if...

What if the officer decided to go "hands on" rather than use the tazer. The officer and the driver begin to wrestle/fight they fall to the ground, fall into the travel lane and get ran over by a passing vehicle and get injured/killed. (It's happened before)
Yup, or the guy had a knife in his pocket, or while they are fighting the wife attacks the cop....


Well-Known Member
The "speeder" should have done what he was told. You will never get a Cop to back off a ticket when your being an @ss like that.
I don't ever have anything illegal in my vehicles, so I have nothing to hide and a search would not be a problem for me. I haven't had a ticket in 20+ years, but I have been pulled over and I always cooperate in every way I can.
He may not have read him his rights because they may have just let him go, after putting him out for a bit to think about what he did. I may be wrong, but the "rights" may not matter if your not charged with anything.


After listening to HIS side on the KSL website, I can honestly say, he still has no clue that he did anything wrong. WOW just WOW :confused:My tinfoil hat is just as big as any, but this kid has got to realize that he can't do as he dang well pleases. doesn't he realize that many criminals act just like him and then shoot/stab/hurt LEO's? WTF? yes the cop might not be your favorite, but come awn. Is he supposed to believe you are peter priesthood on your word alone.:rolleyes:


(and I still don't like that cop):ugh:


Registered User
Good on the cop. The kid was acting like a total b***h and got what he deserved. He should have never started arguing with the cop in the first place. That only set the cop up on the defensive. After that, he had no reason to believe the kid was a sane person either. He should have just kept his mouth shut and went back down the road on his own to see if there was or was not a 40MPH sign further back. Odds are there probably was and the kid just didn't notice it.

And when the cop tells you to turn around and put your hands behind your back, you should do it. If you don't think you should, watch this video over and over and see what happens when you don't. All he had to do was comply and cool off. The cop may have ended up letting him go.


Registered User
Wellsville Utah
I love hearing hardened criminals scream when they are tasered. If I was the cop I would have done the same thing. My life is more important than second guessing some a-hole who doesn't want to be arrested.


2024 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Rubicon 392
Herriman, UT
Just out of curiosity... would you let a cop search your vehicle if he asked? Even if you had nothing to hide?

I sure wouldn't. Just because you have a badge doesn't automatically always make you right or allow you to do whatever you wish.

Yes, I would, but again that was just the way I was raised and I understand why some people wouldn't.



Well-Known Member
Green River
He also failed to give him his miranda rights.[/QUOTE]

You are not required to give Miranda unless you have placed them under arrest AND are interrogating them. FYI

ID Bronco

Registered User
Idaho Falls, ID
What could happen if a police officer wanted me to sign a traffic ticket and I refused?

The traffic ticket contains an actual notice to you of a pending court date at which you must appear. By signing the ticket, you are providing an acknowledgment of receipt of the "notice to appear." Since the officer is charging you with a violation of law, he could take you into custody. By signing the traffic ticket, you avoid being taken into custody at that time, and are "released on your own recognizance" pending the court date. It is better to sign the traffic ticket and go about your business pending the court date. By signing the traffic ticket, you remain free and retain the right to show up at the hearing to contest the issuance of the citation or summons.

A person is free to refuse to sign the traffic ticket; however, the police officer is free to place him/her under arrest and take him/her into custody.

For what it is worth, I couldn't find the actual Utah code, but I do think a citizen should have the right to put their own comments on the ticket.

I think the cop was a jerk, and should not have had the guy get out of the vehicle, but I guess right or wrong he had the ability to do it.

This cop gives law abiding citizens a bad taste for cops. I think Herzog's comments are right on. I would not allow a voluntary search of my vehicle, I would like to know what I had done wrong if pulled over and would not expect to be punished for it. Tazer or not, I think the cop could have told the driver what he was doing and just given him the ticket anyway.


Registered User
Arm Utah
It's simple. The UHP could have done some things to calm the situation, BUT, the kid was totally out of line tying to take control of the situation and tell the cop what he was, and wasn't going to do. I say the UHP, albiet somewhat a jerk, was justified.


Have gun, will travel
I agree totally that the guy was a moron, there's no doubt of that, I just think that the cop took it a bit far right from the get go. Yeah, I think that he should have listened to the cops requests, it is NEVER a good idea to ignore a cops directions, especially one that is on a power trip. I have dealt with a ton of great LEO's in many situations, and although not in LE myself, I am a firefighter and have seen citizens be TOTALLY irrational and need to be dealt with accordingly. I'm in no way saying that the guy was smart, right, or justified, I just think that had the cop had a cooler head, things may have gone down differently.


This is very similar to the situation that made me an ex-LEO.

I think a little more explanation of the details before pulling him out of the car would have gone a long way ("I am writing you for XXX miles an hour over the speed limit sir", perhaps warning him that he could be arrested for refusal to sign).

I don't have any problems with what that Trooper did after the guy exited the car. He clued in to some good body language that police training tells you "could" be threatening (the guy was non compliant, reaching for "something" in his pocket, retreating toward his car where there COULD have been weapons). At least he went home to his family that evening, too many officers don't when they miss clues like that (in the academy they show plenty of video from dash camera's of the cars of cops who didn't come home because they didn't clue in on those things).