This guy should be fired!


Parts Collector
What is evident to me is we are experiencing an encroaching police state where the cops are not bound by reasonable restraint. This guy is clearly a powertripping a$$hat.

Mead, WA
I've been pulled over on the east coast for having UT plates. Not speeding, not driving erratically, nothing. Wasn't arrested, ticketed, otherwise placed in detention. So I guess the planets lined up nicely.

Again, I'm not talking about AFTER you do something like refuse to sign the ticket. I'm talking on a regular old traffic stop, and the cop says he wants to search. You'd do it? I wouldn't. Define your rationale for allowing searches.

The burden should be on them, and I'm not going to help them expand police powers.

I love my rights, but I'm not going to harass a cop when I've given him reason to search my car. If I've not given him that right, then I'll question it. This guy gave him that right by being an asshole and getting arrested because of it.

I understand there are bad cops out there, but that is a minority, not a majority. A majority of them are out there protecting your life with their own. Because of this, they deserve to be treated like **** - why?

Keep in mind my wife is a LEO. I enjoy her company and want her to come home from work at night. She doesn't have a tazer or any other pansy ass subduing method. If she feels her life is in danger, she'll take neccessary action to stop that threat. It won't be with brute force, either and believe me, that guy won't be suing her or anyone else. This guy was lucky (like someone else mentioned) that LEO's now use tasers and pepper spray and? and leave thier firearms as last resort.

And for those that think I'm exaggerating or etc, next time you drive down the highway, count the white crosses of down officers. I bet they didn't die in that spot from natural causes....:rolleyes:

Mead, WA
I've been pulled over on the east coast for having UT plates. Not speeding, not driving erratically, nothing. Wasn't arrested, ticketed, otherwise placed in detention. So I guess the planets lined up nicely.
Were you searched? Did they ask to search your car or your person?

My wife has been pulled over in Spokane stopped at a traffic light because she has out of state plates on her unmarked cop car. No, her car wasn't searched. My guess is they are checking out the car to make sure it's where it should be and not stolen.


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
I love my rights, but I'm not going to harass a cop when I've given him reason to search my car. If I've not given him that right, then I'll question it. This guy gave him that right by being an asshole and getting arrested because of it.

Waaaaait just a second there. What did you do on a speeding stop to give him reason to search????

Keep in mind my wife is a LEO. I enjoy her company and want her to come home from work at night. She doesn't have a tazer or any other pansy ass subduing method. If she feels her life is in danger, she'll take neccessary action to stop that threat. It won't be with brute force, either and believe me, that guy won't be suing her or anyone else. This guy was lucky (like someone else mentioned) that LEO's now use tasers and pepper spray and? and leave thier firearms as last resort.

fNot to be disrespectful, but doesn't she work for the Post Office or something relatively low-risk like that? A little bit different than dealing with random asshats on the highway, and we've all seen COPS to know how that can go. Remember the Kehoe's?

And for those that think I'm exaggerating or etc, next time you drive down the highway, count the white crosses of down officers. I bet they didn't die in that spot from natural causes....:rolleyes:

Most of the crosses I've seen across the country are for just regular accident vic's, not cops. :cody:



Sandy, Ut
Honestly... what good is sending emails going to do? The person that reads them likely is NOT allowed to pass them onto the team charged with investigating the incident. They are going to review it with far more info than the average YouTube watcher has (ie the cops previous experiences, intense knowledge of taser laws, etc). IMO emailing is a waste of time. If they wanted public comment, they would solicit it. The remrimand/review of an officer is not an public meeting.


Back from the beyond
Roanoke, VA
BOTH of these idiots handled it poorly.

Back when I was streetracing, I had police officers approach my vehicle with their firearms drawn. It is a very unsettling feeling for sure. I found out that your best bet is to kill the engine, turn the interior lights on, and leave your hands where they can see them. Be polite, and they may let you go with a warning. If not, beat them in court. I've rolled tires into the courtroom to get out of tickets. It's nice when you can win, and then wave at the cop on the way out(yes, I've done it)

Lastly, I figure this guy became a cop for the same reason men become gymteachers and priests....and it's not the money-_-

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Well-Known Member
Oh! I didnt' realize cops' primary job was to protect the 1st Amendment!

argh, Badger beat me to it

OH! You'd be surprised how much people want others arrested for "speaking their minds"

Guess we'll see who ya call when someone violates your rights ;)

Mead, WA

Don't kid yourself. A lot of people don't understand what a postal inspector is or even does. A postal inspector is at least 3 times more likely to use their weapon than any other agency. Because of this, inspectors have to qualify with their carry piece, shotgun and physical strength every 6 months. They fail and they are out of a job. They have also been the main investegators/prosecuters in many high profile cases: OJ case for one and then the WA sniper case was just two of the many. She was in Spokane for three days when she had to raid a large meth lab. She's also been involved in many other raids for kiddy porn, beastiality and etc. One case there were dozens of inspectors flown in from other cities to help out with a raid in LA (we turned that into a family vacation and went to Disney Land, LA zoo, etc while she worked :). There are also a lot of meth labs in SLC that the USPIS has taken down and are currently investigating.



here is an example of what can happen if he had tried to cuff him first.

I know that this drunk and jared in Utah are not even in the same class of people on the outside. but is trooper gardner really gunna know everyone just by looking at them.

Hell, jared even got up after her was cuffed. Officer gardner Has little man syndrome, But he did the right thing. it sure beat wrestling Jared on the hyway, or a chase scenario.


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
Don't kid yourself. A lot of people don't understand what a postal inspector is or even does. A postal inspector is at least 3 times more likely to use their weapon than any other agency. Because of this, inspectors have to qualify with their carry piece, shotgun and physical strength every 6 months. They fail and they are out of a job.

Sounds like they prepare for likely scenarios, versus random attacks/fights/chases.

:beer: to your wife. :D

Mead, WA

here is an example of what can happen if he had tried to cuff him first.

I know that this drunk and jared in Utah are not even in the same class of people on the outside. but is trooper gardner really gunna know everyone just by looking at them.

Hell, jared even got up after her was cuffed. Officer gardner Has little man syndrome, But he did the right thing. it sure beat wrestling Jared on the hyway, or a chase scenario.

If you watch the cops stance, he thought this drunk was safe and wasn't threatening. He's lucky that he was able to overpower the drunk. It definately could have ended up worse. My first thought on camera was the drunk was going to over power the cop and use his own weapon (gun) on him.

Scary **** there!!


Something just occurred to me.... the video has several edits in it, did the UHP give the video with the edits or did the dumbass driver edit it? what was in those edits?