Time for another dirt bike - which one to get for a short rider?

Thanks for the help Andrew. I'm trying to get this to idle right. Currently it takes about 7 kicks to start, with choke on. Upon initially starting up, it'll idle but just barely. When I ride it around the block, it won't idle anymore. It's acting like it's not getting enough fuel (or maybe it's getting too much fuel?) If I turn the choke off, I can't start it. and it doesn't run as well, which makes me believe it's not getting enough fuel.

so I'm guessing my pilot is too lean. Does that sound about right? I've got a 290 in there now, and I have a 300 and 310 I can swap in. I'm going to start with the 300.
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Did you loosen the jam but and turn in the phillips head idle screw? Also 290 (which seems lean anyway) is the main jet. The pilot will be around a size 60 and you'll only be able to see the head of it when it's in the carb.
Ok, I threw the 310 in there, and it's running a lot better now. Much more low-end (amazing how much of a difference that makes). It's still not idling though. I'm going to do some more research and see what I can do.
Did you loosen the jam but and turn in the phillips head idle screw?

Yes. I actually turned it in too much and it ended up making the slide get stuck (oops).

Also 290 (which seems lean anyway) is the main jet. The pilot will be around a size 60 and you'll only be able to see the head of it when it's in the carb.

Oh, that makes sense then. I know exactly which one is the pilot now. Good thing I swapped the main jet anyway, it runs a lot better now. I'll have to pick up a new pilot this week. Will a new pilot make it easier to start?
Steve, have you pulled the needle out to see if there is a wear ring on the bottom? If so, you will need to replace the needle and seat. It doesn't take much of a wear ring to cause it to run bad
I have pulled the needle, and it's smooth all the way to the tip. I don't see a wear ring on it. It looks like it's in good shape, but I just barely learned the difference between a pilot and main jet, so I'm not one to speak.
Ok. I pulled the pilot jet, but I can't see through the hole. Should I be able to see through it like I can see through the main jet?
I cleaned out the pilot jet. It was clogged with black gunk. I'm going to make sure the pilot circuit is cleaned out. I'm going to pull the carb again, shoot some cleaner in there, and hope for better results.
it's too late to take it for a spin around the block, but it definitely starts easier, and it's sounding better than ever. I may just have to keep this bike for a while...
I think you've got it figured out now Steve. Just make sure the carb cleaner blasts out of the two different areas into the carbs throat like I mentioned on page 7.
I used the little red straw and I sprayed the crap out of it. I saw it shooting forward towards the engine, but it was too dark to see where else it was shooting (my garage lighting is terrible). I assume it's clean based on how much cleaner I shot in there right under the pilot. If I have issues with it idling tomorrow then I'll take it back out and verify.

Many thanks Andrew, I appreciate the help. The great thing about this bike is that it's SUPER simple to pull the carb.
It looks like rekluse only makes auto clutches for the newer bikes. Does anyone know if they have one for my '89 YZ250WR? Or is there a hydraulic clutch I can put on it? I'm so used to one-finger clutching with the trials bike that this one feels like I need my entire hand.
I always would run a sewing needle point in the holes of all my jets. If it has sat for a while, you could get some build up. Never force the needle in a hole but it can help.

Search Thumper Talk for the best Clutch perch that has the lightest pull. I put a CR85 perch and new cable on my sons XR100 and it made all the difference in the world
well, I sold the WR this weekend. Someone offered me a lot more than I paid for it, so I let it go. Now I'm on the fence between a couple bikes which couldn't be more different.

1) xr200 - I think it'd be a great AF canyon bike. Not as exciting to ride as an xr200, but it'd get me up any trail without any problems. I'd get one of the older ones with the better suspension.
2) KLX300 - heavy, but street legal. Not sure how the 300 would feel. A little tall seat height
3) YZ/CR/RM/125 - It'd be tough to ride on a few of the steep sections, but it'd be super nimble and super fun to ride. It'd definitely make me a better ride, but there would be some frustrating moments when i'm trying to crawl through loose rocky stuff.
4) 200XC/EXC - I hear the pre 2007 models have a lower seat height. I think one of these might be the ticket, it seems like a good balance between the xr200 and a yz125. And it's a 2-stroke so it should still feel zippy.
I vote that you get or keep the XR200. It will run forever, cheap to maintain because you only need to change oil. Do you really think you will test the suspension enough to worry about it? They are very cushy, suspension and more importantly the seat. Get one and enjoy it.
XR200- Not sure if you could go wrong here regardless of year.
KLX 300- Great bikes but very tall.
125 2T- I'd pass. Too tall, close ratio trans, troublesome or impossible to get decent lighting for and zero lugability on the trail.
200EXC- Great bikes for trail riding however they're still too tall but everything else fits the bill.

Too bad this one isn't closer. Could be something simple. Even if the head needed to be replaced it would still be a bargain. http://www.ksl.com/index.php?nid=218&ad=20179830&cat=236&lpid=2&search=Yamaha IT