Apathy is going to get all these trails closed. There are enough 'wheelers to keep them all open, but no one wants to lift a finger.
Sad to say it, but Tacoma is absolutely right. Every time I look for a place to camp, the place is trashed.
The motorized community needs to get out and give back by getting involved in ANY of the organized clean-ups. Two upcoming organized cleanups are happening in the next month, and they need YOUR HELP!
The first one is September 6th in Providence Canyon. It is an event organized by the Bear River Watershed Council and is sponsored by U4WDA and it's member club Wasatch Outlaw Wheelers.
The Second is September 27th, all across the state of Utah. National Public Lands day is U4WDA's largest organized event, attracting over 400 volunteers in a single day's service project.
There is information about these two events on the "events page" on U4WDA's website at
Come on and get involved... Bring your gloves, Water, Jeans and sturdy shoes - but leave your apathy at home.