Finally changed my front brakes. Went with the IDparts brake package with ceramic pads which altogether cost ~$100. Thanks Spork for the heads up on the 7mm allen! I bought one beforehand and to be honest these were probably the easiest brakes I've ever changed
I also ordered some vacuum hose from IDparts as well (OEM style). I had an EGR fault code recently. The EGR is new but the vacuum hoses looked weathered so hopefully this takes care of the problem.
I've replaced my coolant sensor o-ring twice now. I cannot for the life of me get it to stop leaking
It's dripping one drop every ten minutes or so.. The housing looks perfect--clean and clear of debris and I lube the o-ring before installation. I'm seriously considering coating it with something like hondabond, RTV or silicone but even then I don't think it's a proper fix. Any ideas?