Wanted: Chick With Own Rig !


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RME's first official marriage!!!!!! Greg, this has to be some sort of cause for celebration.


Back from the beyond
Roanoke, VA
Hubby?! Just a year ago I was replacing your SYE and doing body work on your rig because your ex ruined it, and now your married? Hopefully to someone else; because once a cheater always a cheater. ;) Or is this the guy that you showed up with to pick it up? Anyway sorry for the thread hijack and congrats!! :D

I remember this. Some dude named Jeff? Said he had some 60crd axles for sale and would never return my emails or calls.

Brett and Bubba are next....just as soon as they legalize civil unions.


Registered User
Wellsville Utah
Best of the Best of the Best

Best thing I ever did was buy my wife her own Jeep. We have been wheelin buddies ever since and I love the fact she goes with me every time. The only bummer part is her Jeep is nicer than mine, oh and she is a rocket scientist! ;)


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Active Member
Layton, UT
Soooo....no ones got any scraps laying around. Thats great for the rest of you that have it going on. I need to get outta this country and get back to wheeling. All this typing on here is making me anxious.

"SCRAPS"??? I think u need to explain urself or there could be some serious estrogen flyin' in ur direction -_-


Mead, WA
He He He, wow that was a year ago wasn't it! Yeah my sweet husband was the one who came with me to pick it up. Actually I hate to admit it, but the jerk is the one who helped me find him. The weekend after I met you guys out at waynes world was the weekend that he took my jeep out and wrecked it. After finally getting it back from him I came here for help in getting the damage fixed. Well it just so happens that my current hubby is a member of the forum, and after a few pm's he some how convinced me into going to dinner with him! :eek: Well to make a short story even shorter 8 months later we were married! :eek::D And it seems as though while being spoiled rotten with a new jeep, and lots of jeeping trips I forgot to THANK YOU! for helping me fix my jeep as well as find my hubby!

So like stated before we are out there, but you have to be fast! Once discovered by the right guy all it takes is a nice rig, and a decent ring (lol) to tie us down. :cool:

That's cool! Congrats, to you two!! :D


Unhealthy Obsession
I remember this. Some dude named Jeff? Said he had some 60crd axles for sale and would never return my emails or calls.

Yeah, that doesn't surprise me to much :rolleyes:

Dude, if you refer to the gentler sex as "scraps", you gonna be lonely for a long time. :ugh:


"SCRAPS"??? I think u need to explain urself or there could be some serious estrogen flyin' in ur direction -_-

Ditto x2!

That's cool! Congrats, to you two!! :D



Limited Supply Of Sanity
Better start bending over because that is the only way your going be able to take it in the future.


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ya, don't call our hot babes "scraps"

do I get browny points? anyone have a hot sister ;)
Wow been out a few days. Guess I better replace "scraps" with "Leads" or....well hell guess I screwed that up to the point of no return. Sorry, Im a weenie. Guess it's good that Im not home so you cant bring the Estrogen Army over to pummel me, especially after all the burly lesbian talk.