waynes world & snakes

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My friend and I would be willing to come back up on a weekend and help out if you would like. Though, that sign needs to be dealt with as son as we can.

As I mentioned in another thread, it would be nice if we could work something out, or if U4 could, so that we might be able to get some trail markers up there so that people don't go on the illegals.

HAHA Side note...

wow, this thing was only four pages when I got on today... :D Yall can type! Yall's keyboards must be Smoking! :D
While we are building signs, how bout one at WW that says "please remove rocks after use", or "if you stack-em, Please remove-em"

You know just a reminder so someone thinks about the next guy.
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my dad(340 six) has been there. he has worked on there phones

Well someone ought to let the BLM know they have an office there. Imagine what we could get done out there if the SLC office could actually have the Tooele office help them :rofl: Seriously, they may have an office there, I've never heard of it but worst you could do is try calling it.
WOW been gone a week and then this.

Who the hell are all these smartasses? My first thought is the wind probab ly blew down the sign. I have been in beaver for the last week, wind was atleast 70+ mph. I will do what I can to help I have a gas powered cement saw we can use to cut it up and make it smaller. The sign itself looks like we can add some of those metal brackets and concrete it back in. I will be in town until sunday afternoon. My crawler is down but I will glady take my work truck for any hauling needed. As far as this pissing match goes its definetly counter productive, kiss and make up and lates take cae of the problems at hand.
sorry, I have to......

How to Use There, Their and They're
The English language is full of problems like the one presented by there, their and they're. Most native English speakers pronounce these words the same way; therefore, it is difficult for some to judge in which situation to use which spelling. Each spelling means a very different thing; if you'd like to learn the difference, read on!
[edit] StepsUse there when referring to a place, whether concrete ("over there by the building") or more abstract ("it must be difficult to live there").
There is an antique store on Camden Avenue.
The calculus books are over there on the floor.
Use their to indicate possession. It is a possessive adjective and indicates that a particular noun belongs to them.
My friends have lost their tickets.
Their things were strewn about the office haphazardly.
Remember that they're is a contraction of the words they and are. It can never be used as a modifier, only as a subject (who or what does the action) and verb (the action itself).
Hurry up! They're closing the mall at 6 tonight!
I'm glad that they're so nice to new students here.
Test your usage. When you use any of these three words, get in the habit of asking yourself these questions:
If you wrote there, will the sentence still make sense if you replace it with here? If so, you're using it correctly.
If you chose their, will the sentence still make sense if you replace it with our? If so, you've chosen the correct word.
If you used they're, will the sentence still make sense if you replace it with they are? If so, you're on the right track!
I'll say it again, with meaning this time:

**** that.

You stack rocks to get up , YOU move them when you're done.

That is not a poorly thought out sentiment, it's the right thing to do. If you need the rocks, then the onus is on YOU to remove them for the next guy.

Back to the issue, I'll be calling Julee tomorrow to tell her that the sign will be addressed, and asking for any input she's got. I'm sure she will be excited to hear that steps are being taken to fix it, as she is likely not aware of it yet.

Kiel, Bodine, and I, among others, have been working with her for a while now on clarification of the RS/Con trails, SPECIFICALLY to address the bypasses, which they want closed just as much as we do, for the same reasons: erosion, unsightliness, etc. The trails themselves are wash bottoms and as such present no similar ecological concerns AS LONG AS THEY ARE MAINTAINED AND CLEANED UP!!

I can't stress enough that the bypasses and trash are what draws attention, not a rock-colored cement pile. Heck, I'll buy a tub of SuperGlue and stick more rocks on it so it looks like a naturally occurring formation, wtf.


Also, one of U4WDA's mission principles is to act as a sort of clearninghouse for 4wd projects in the state, to present a unified front, so I'm happy as a clam to see people debating the issues, to wit: RS/Con are getting messed up, what can be done?
Well someone ought to let the BLM know they have an office there. Imagine what we could get done out there if the SLC office could actually have the Tooele office help them :rofl: Seriously, they may have an office there, I've never heard of it but worst you could do is try calling it.

I think he might have meant that his dad helped at the SL office... but there is no BLM office here LOL I was just scrutinizing the signs at the Bauer Fire closure, which closed off three mines and some great view spots... :mad: No Tooele number/office listed.

There IS however a Forest Service depot up the street from me nestled among the houses, and a bunch of Forest Service guys floating about the neighborhoods.... they're like lost dogs, looking for gas for their ATV's. :D JUST KIDDING. The Forest Service is a valued ally in the trail access fight, and to a man they have been excellent in their responses to 4wd issues, that I've seen anyway.
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