Weird/Creepy things you've found on the trail


I live my life 1 dumpster at a time
So Jo, Ut
I think Dave already won this with the half-dead guy.. :eek:

I found a nice set of C-clamp vise grips once. But nothing else worth mentioning.


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
I forgot about that one. I was thinking of the fully dead guys we've found. Or the guy that lost a knife fight - but he found us, actually.

I have stumbled across all kinds of interesting, strange, surprising etc. Can't say anything really creepy or weird though. Except maybe the meth cook sites. And the one dead guy was pretty creepy, now that I think about it - he'd been dead a really long time, just a skeleton in clothes, except for where the animals had rearranged him. Found an empty dynamite crate and an old fashioned bathroom scale in a cave once that was pretty weird too, considering the location, now that I'm starting to remember things.

But really, mostly just interesting stuff, not much that I'd classify as creepy or weird.


Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
The creepiest thing I've found was a handful of blasting caps. Not super creepy, except that I didn't know they were blasting caps and I held several in my hand while I poked at and investigated them. :eek:


Well-Known Member
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Half dead guy? Dave, please share

Not much to it. Did Elephant Hill with the family a couple years ago - early, like Feb. or March, can't remember exactly, but it was cold and snowed pretty good that same night. Went to hike the Joint Trail and found what we first thought was a dead guy laying on the trail. But he was still alive. Backpacker that had been sick, dehydrated, disoriented, lost for days. Park rangers had told us earlier that day that they were calling off the search for him. He had pretty much cashed in when we found him. Rangers said he wouldn't have lived through the night.



Long Jeep Fan
Holladay, Utah
We have found many things in our adventures. One spring we found a Jeep that had slid off the road up in the Uintas. It was full of personal items that you wouldn't normally find in someones car and it was obvious that it had spent the winter up there. We called it in and the police asked us to come in to Heber and show them where it was. It ended up being a missing person. They found him a month later using search dogs. His name was also Dave and we were born the same year, had the same number of kids and even looked a bit alike. I guess I was supposed to help find him. We have also come across multiple rolled rigs out in the desert and helped people get them back on the wheels. We did have one person refuse our help even though she was under the rolled blazer. We also pulled a guy out of the middle of a beaver pond in his brand new 4x4. I guess he thought it could go anywhere.


But stuck more often.
Kurts "cow soup" picture from the other thread I think classifies as pretty weird. I bet he has one or two more.


Sandy, Ut
Kurts "cow soup" picture from the other thread I think classifies as pretty weird. I bet he has one or two more.

The cow soup one was bizarre, almost as disgusting as the sight was the smell. Western Utah fwiw and there were numerous holes, some with bobbing carcasses :eek:

IMG_3605 (Small).JPG

We drove past a human skeleton in the sand of Namibia, had wild dogs and hyenas ravage our camp in Botswana, shook down by a soldier in Columbia (trip report coming soon on all those).

Actually one of the creepiest situations I can recall was wheeling/camping in Corner Canyon as a teenager. Around midnight some creepy dude walked into our camp and demanded a ride home (ironically lived not far from where I now live). Dude was full mullet, cut-off jeans with pocket bottoms showing. I mean it was 1997 not 1987, this dude came off a time machine and ended up stuck in Corner Canyon. His story was that his car broke down though we didn't see a car and there wasn't anybody else up there that night that we had encountered. Odd and creepy.

We (bunch of RME'ers on a Fall Bash up AFC) had a big fire going with a large group of people hanging around when two random dudes walked in and started making themselves at home. We were leery but welcoming. After a bit one of the dudes through fuel of some variety on the fire and ran a few yards away from the fire just as a giant burst of flames erupted nearly overtaking a few scattering souls. We politely invited them to leave our camp ;)

I've had some creepy moments in mines including one in AFC (again with RME'ers). A couple of us had gone back in a mine when we reached a portion that had sluoughed off... There was enough room to comfortably crawl over the top into the rest of the mine... and knee deep ice cold water. Anyways we had my Cruiser parked at the portal with the headlights shining down the shaft just for added comfort. As we got a few hundred feet past the partially caved section we heard yelling and screaming... "cave in... get out... run for your lives". As Olly and I ran with soaking wet shoes, slippery mud and freezing temps back to the portal we realized that the slough was continuing to erode and fill in the crawl space.... we now had to drag through on our bellies with a cement like mud and rock moving around us. We high-fived at that portal and I've never been underground since ;)

I'll think of some others... great thread btw.


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
we realized that the slough was continuing to erode and fill in the crawl space.... we now had to drag through on our bellies with a cement like mud and rock moving around us. We high-fived at that portal and I've never been underground since ;)

Thats crazy, I think that would keep me above ground too.


Does this count ?


But stuck more often.
Kurt, reminds me of a time in AZ when we went in a mine. The main entrance made a slight bend about 100 yards in. It went pitch black after the bend. We walked on a bit further with no lights before I kicked a log or something on the ground. Instead of stepping over the log we decided to go back and get a light then go back in. We got back to the log and found out that had I stepped over the log I would have fallen 50 or so feet straight down. The shaft just stopped and turned down. That could have been ugly. I also haven't been in a mine since then.


Who Dares Wins
As we got a few hundred feet past the partially caved section we heard yelling and screaming... "cave in... get out... run for your lives". As Olly and I ran with soaking wet shoes, slippery mud and freezing temps back to the portal we realized that the slough was continuing to erode and fill in the crawl space.... we now had to drag through on our bellies with a cement like mud and rock moving around us. We high-fived at that portal and I've never been underground since ;)

And you wonder why I don't go mine spelunking with you...


Boise Idaho
while wheeling near fort bliss texas I drove past an unexploded 155mm shell. Yes hauled #$% out of there. No I wasn't in the impact area either :)

Rot Box

Diesel and Dust
Supporting Member
Smithfield Utah
Found this last year well off the beaten path and a billion miles away from anything. There were animal bones and fabric bags containing polished rocks all over hanging from trees. Random salt piles here and there. I'm guessing the circle represents the solstices and equinoxes.. Kinda weird I guess.



Sandy, Ut
Found this last year well off the beaten path and a billion miles away from anything. There were animal bones and fabric bags containing polished rocks all over hanging from trees. Random salt piles here and there. I'm guessing the circle represents the solstices and equinoxes.. Kinda weird I guess.

Appears to be a modern medicine wheel