General Tech What did you work on Today?


Hardcore Gearhead
West Haven, UT
Performed some minor "housekeeping" tasks in the shop over the weekend. I had a couple of old pieces of forklift forks that I had cut about 12-15 years ago. I cut them with the intention of making some heavy duty arbor plates for my hydraulic press. I have moved these things around on my shop floor for the last time. I merely cut them with an oxy-acetylene torch and although they were a pretty straight and clean cut, I have wanted to set them up on the mill and clean them up for many, many years now. I finally took the time to clean up the cut ends and true them both to the same size.

Using my facing mill to clean up the ends.

Ends cleaned up.

While I was at it, I also decided to clean up the arbor plates that I got when I purchased my used Nugier 20-ton hydraulic press 20+ years ago. The press was 15+ years old when I purchased it back in 1995. I had to repack the cylinder and replace some O-rings on the pump reservoir but it has worked flawlessly for the past 20+ years now. The arbor plates were dinged and nicked up pretty severely so I clamped them in the mill vise and trued them up.

Almost done with my medium duty plates.

My last set to true up. Before milling picture.

I only removed about .015" per side which seemed to be enough to clean them up quite a bit. I didn't want to remove too awfully much material.

All three sets of arbor plates ready for use. Light duty (V-style arbor plate), medium duty and my new heavy duty ones made from forklift forks. Boy were those hard to machine. They are also monsters measuring 3" wide x 1.75" thick and 8.675" long.

Ready to many, many more years of service.

What a mess I made while machining, but I figured while the mill was a mess I may as well get them all trued up.

Mill cleaned up, floor swept and ready for the next job.



Richfield, UT.
Nice work on the mill. I dream of one day having a mill and lathe. luckily i have a lathe at my disposal.

This week I performed my yearly oil change in my clapped out toyota buggy.I checked and topped off the axles. when i went to check the t case a nice white milk shake came oozing out. So i change the t case gear oil as well. Not really sure how i got water in it since i have forgotten where the breather is on it and or figured it would be plugged off by now. Must be from all the snow we got this year. I leave the poor thing out.

I also replaced the beat down spline and slip yoke in my rear drive line in it. Now i need to find time to do the front.

This buggy owes me nothing.

The old one was missing the dust shield and end cap. i think i greased it a couple years ago. It was bone dry and dusty. I had tones of slop and made some nasty chatter. I was a little worried it was gonna strip out I even carried a extra female slip yoke in the tool box.


Jeepless in Draper
Supporting Member
Draper, UT
I finished my other end table


1" square tube with 12"x24" floor tiles for the surfaces. (double stack on the bottom for ballast)
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