What the F.............


Huh? Looks like someone had just scratched that into the rock and not that long ago. Doesn't seem very weathered to me. Just my opinion.

I've not seen it in person, but in that last pic it looks like it was pecked in.... which with the absence of running water would make it nearly ageless.


Sandy, Ut
With utmost respect for the deceased... I have been researching this grave off and on all afternoon. Seems there is little written info on the grave pre-2001. I tried searching on FamilySearch.org... nada that I could find. If Mary Jane was an early Moab settler (with her family) I'd imagine they would have shown up on FamilySearch??? Seems all the online info is conflicting, some say she was born in 1889 and died in 1896 putting her at 7 years old... however other reports say she was 13? I'de love to hear more about this if anyone knows. I'd imagine the local BLM district would know, if in deed it is a real grave their heritage resource specialist would know about it? Mabey some of the local historians?

The part I have the hardest time with... why would an early settler be up on PSM in the late 1800's?? The PSM road wasn't there til much, much later. The Gemini Bridges/Gold Bar Rim is the same. Being so close to Moab which was alive and well at that time... why not bury the young child in Moab proper? Again, not saying it isn't true, just trying to figure out if it is. I "suspect" that it might be a geocache? Geocaching became popular around the same time the first grave sighting was reported... thoughts?


Active Member
I think there use to be a wooden cross there. But cannot remeber. Im looking to dig up some old pictures of the site way back


evanston wy
There is another grave on another trail in moab that resemble's this one along with the "donation's" all over but I cant remember where???


Registered User
Salt Lake
I think there use to be a wooden cross there. But cannot remeber. Im looking to dig up some old pictures of the site way back

Thats the way I remember it too. Its allways been there. Probably late 70's, early 80's when I first went up there. I might have a photo somewhere, I'll look. I heard its phony.


nothing to see here...
Payson, Utah
There is another grave on another trail in moab that resemble's this one along with the "donation's" all over but I cant remember where???

There is one towards the back and side of lion's back (through one of the exits from Hell's Revenge/Slickrock Trails), but it's up above on a "shelf" above the passage.


Sandy, Ut
I'm on the case... :cool:

I'll likely be writing an article on this for the Compass as it seems to have sparked alot of interst. Thusfar I have been in contact with the Dan O'Laurie Museum in Moab, the Moab Visitors Center, the Moab Times-Independent as well as the Moab BLM office. The Moab Times archives all of their newspapers at the U of U, so I might need to pay a visit there. The Moab Times started regular paper service in 1896, so an obituary or even a story might have been published.

If anyone knows any "credible" info on this story, please don't post it... PM or email it to me... I want to make a story of this :D I'll post the store here too!