Where is this? The game...

So I just did some google fu on this. Appears that there may have been as many as 8 or more, depending on which sources you choose to believe. Some now under water in Lake Powell.

Some of this, I now remember having once known, but forgotten. Getting to be the rule for me, not the exception... :(

Anyway, figured out where this one is, but cheated to do it, so won't say :cool:.

Oh crap, I know which one you're talking about now. Now let's see if I can remember the name of that side canyon without googling it... :guilty:

I cheated - but since nobody else is going to say it, I will anyway - it's below Spring Canyon point, south of Hey Joe, in Labyriynth.

How about this one?


Either where the picture was taken from, or where it is you can see in the background. Should be pretty easy for somebody.
