Where is this? The game...

Here's an easy one.

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Guaranteed I was one of the last to run the lower Helldoardo trail before it was sold. This was one of my favorite trails, I would hit it as soon as I got into Moab and any time I had a some spare time to burn.

Edit, This would have been after it was sold... But I had no idea that it had been sold, and there were no signs or barricades of any type anywhere. I never knew it had sold until I heard the story about Easter weekend and someone driving over the new owner, so all these years I thought I was one of the last people to run it legally. I feel kind of bad about it now, it did have a fresh coat of snow and either someone had pulled all signage or it wasn't properly posted, I am a land owner and come from a family of ranchers and farmers and was raised to respect property boundaries. Man, I am a bad person...
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I remember that spot pretty well, right towards the top... I *loved* Lower Helldorado, one of my favorite all time trails... Chris Holley and I once ran Lower and Upper in less than an hour, which was pretty quick for me!

Ok, here's my submission. (No right clicking on the pic to figure out the location!!)
