Who to boycott


Sandy Ut.
Here's your list of Outdoor Businesses NOT to support. They signed on specifically to remove OHV access to 1.4 Million acres in Moab

In a letter written to the President to encourage a 1.4 million acre National Monument in Moab Utah.

Here is a link to the letter from the Outdoor Alliance which includes all the companies, local and national who support the closure of these lands specifically to Off Road Use:



Jeepless in Draper
Supporting Member
Draper, UT
Amazing how many of the signers are business owners in Moab that directly benefit from the people who come there specifically to off-road. Talk about biting the hand that feeds them..

Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
Amazing how many of the signers are business owners in Moab that directly benefit from the people who come there specifically to off-road. Talk about biting the hand that feeds them..

Yup. I have yet to see a single business down there with a "no 4wheelers allowed" sign...


I think most of these companies don't realize the potential impact this could bring. I feel their line of thinking is in the right place in wanting to protect our lands but just don't realize that it could possibly shut it down to some of their biggest consumers.


Registered User
Logan, Ut
It wouldn't be so hard to create nice(!) a letter of our own, as off-road enthusiasts, and email it out to as many of these businesses as we can. Just to let them know our position on the subject, and more importantly, that we also know their position on the subject.


Well-Known Member
It wouldn't be so hard to create nice(!) a letter of our own, as off-road enthusiasts, and email it out to as many of these businesses as we can. Just to let them know our position on the subject, and more importantly, that we also know their position on the subject.

that's a great approach. Let them know how you feel.


Well-Known Member
I like how they say "many of us know the Canyonlands area firsthand." At least they're admitting that a lot of them haven't even been there. How about the people who live here and recreate there 4-10 times a year instead of once every 10 years?

I'd be willing to bet that 90% of those companies have no idea what they're suggesting by making it a "national monument." They hear "let's keep our favorite places from being paved" and they sign it. heck, I'd sign that petition.

What are the consequences/rules of making it a "national momument?" Does that mean you have to pay to enter? Does that mean trails are closed? I'd like to see that spelled out somewhere so I can email these companies and let them know what they're signing up for.
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opinions are like Jeeps..
Clinton, Ut
Going thru that list...

Camel bak and Burton Snowboards are the only ones Ive even bought anything from.

What the heck does a snowboard company in VT have to do with this anyway???

But I would be happy to add my name to a email sent to these companies saying that I wont be using their services


Well-Known Member
I wish we could get a similar list going and have companies like ARB, TeraFlex, alljeep, cruiseroutfitters, cabellas and other prominant companies to sign it saying we should keep it open.


Well-Known Member
interestingly enough, REI isn't on that list. Way to go REI, you'll be getting an email as well for staying out of it.


Registered User
Logan, Ut
Dear Sir and/or Madam,

I have just resently discovered that your business/organization has signed on to a letter that was sent to President Obama to ask him to designate the Greater Canyonlands area a National Monument.

Let me voice my great disappointment with this fact. As an avid outdoorsperson, I have chosen to live in Utah because of it's diverse recreation opportunities, some of which involves motorized offroad vehicle use. By designating the Greater Canyonlands area as a National Monument, it would no doubt close this area off to responsible motorized use, and people that would not be able to enjoy the area by any other means would be denied access to the wonders and beauty within the area.

Please understand that I truly respect your position on this matter. With this letter, I just wanted to inform you of my position. As a citizen of Utah, and an avid camper, fisherman, hiker, snowboarder, and mtn biker, I cannot, in good conscience, support a business that would knowingly exclude people such as my elderly parents or people with special needs from enjoying what this great land has to offer. In the future, I will look to support businesses and organizations that openly promote inclusive and responsible land use.



Well-Known Member
If they get 10 copies of the same message, it doesn't have the same impact as 10 individually written letters. I'll definitely be using it for ideas though. Thanks!


Registered User
Logan, Ut
I can't believe Camp Chef signed on to this! How the hell are you supposed to carry one of those damn things? Strap it to your dog?


Registered User
Logan, Ut
I'm starting locally. Here is my letter to Camp Chef's President. I will be personalizing each email I send:

Dear Mr. Meason

I have just recently discovered that your business/organization has signed on to a letter that was sent to President Obama to ask him to designate the Greater Canyonlands area a National Monument.

Let me voice my great disappointment with this fact. As an avid outdoorsperson, I have chosen to live in Utah because of its diverse recreation opportunities, some of which involves motorized offroad vehicle use. By designating the Greater Canyonlands area as a National Monument, it would no doubt close this area off to responsible motorized use, and people that would not be able to enjoy the area by any other means would be denied access to the wonders and beauty within the area.

Please understand that I truly respect your position on this matter. With this letter, I just wanted to inform you of my position. As a citizen of Utah, and an avid camper, fisherman, hiker, snowboarder, and mtn biker, I cannot, in good conscience, support a business that would knowingly exclude people such as my elderly parents or people with special needs from enjoying what this great land has to offer. In the future, I will look to support businesses and organizations that openly promote inclusive and responsible land use.

I have purchased Camp Chef products in the past. As a resident of Logan, I felt that it was important to support the local economy. In the future, I will look to alternative vendors.


Victor Baugh
Logan, Utah


Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
Those are great letters. I'm going to see if I can find individual mailing addresses for the people named, as opposed to sending them to the company mailbox. More impact that way, I think.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to see if I can find individual mailing addresses for the people named, as opposed to sending them to the company mailbox. More impact that way, I think.

If you do find them, post the email addresses up here so we can use them too. :)
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