Who to boycott


Well-Known Member
Maybe senator Lee needs to hire you back so you can reply for him. :D I still haven't got a response from his office, though I do know he is very on the ball with these issues and I'm not too worried.

Lee's office is the worse for getting back to you. I still have yet to get a reply (even a canned reply) to emails I sent more than a year ago about my adoption.


Western Colorado
Western Colorado
Just found this thread after getting ingrained in the Other Thread. Lots of good info and links over there too. I'd like to encourage everyone to continue what you are doing on Facebook as well as the other efforts that you are making. I think some of the manufacturers are willing to listen and what it will really take is a continued push from people asking them to redact their support as written. The truth is that these industries made a big mistake in putting their signatures on a one page document with no substance. I won't repost everything here but I wanted to reshare the posts that I got from Facebook.

Lot's of other industry responses coming up.

Facebook response from New Belgium Brewing. https://www.facebook.com/newbelgium?fref=ts
"New Belgium Brewing Here is a note we put together. I am posting it to a few of the comments on our Facebook wall, hopefully it gets around…
In August 2012, New Belgium along with 100 other companies signed a letter in support of designating the Greater Canyonlands as a national monument. We did so because we believe the area greatly needs the protections that monument status will afford. The document clearly calls out the economic role that outdoor recreation plays in the area and asks for protections that will allow that industry to flourish. Our advocacy on this issue acknowledges that public access to these lands is dependent upon their federally designated status. We support sensible allocation of open space for all recreational enthusiasts including motorized vehicles. Our understanding is that monument status does not necessarily exclude motorized vehicles as that would be negotiated in the managment plan."

Facebook response from NRS. https://www.facebook.com/nrsweb
"NRS Jonathan -- Thank you for letting us know your feelings on this. We hope you haven’t thrown your NRS straps away yet, because we’re not suggesting banning 4x4s. Like you, we’re passionate about the outdoors and would like to see the greater Canyonlands area preserved for all types of recreational use. You may have associated the Outdoor Industry Association letter with one of the more restrictive proposals that have been making headlines lately, but we don’t endorse any such proposals. We’re not advocating keeping anyone off the land, but only to protect this valuable recreational resource from harmful industrial development. We look forward to an open and robust discussion on the issue where all opinions can be heard and respectfully considered. Here's a link to the official position of the OIA: http://ow.ly/fmgNj"

Facebook response from CamelBak .
Hi {Insert Name Here}, thanks for sharing your thoughts. At CamelBak, we enjoy and encourage active, outdoor adventures. As part of that, we support the conservation of land for recreation. We support the Outdoor Industry Association on this issue in order to encourage our nation’s leaders to protect land for recreational use. We appreciate and respect that others may have a different perspective.

Outdoor Industry Association Response


Active Member
Supporting Member
We need to keep up the pressure until we have 25-50 companies on this list to recant. Once they recant, then the Outdoor Industry Association will have no choice but to revise their position!
There's no reason that their letter and/or proposal should blame and target offroad vehicles as a problem if they truly aren't trying to close trails!!!


Western Colorado
Western Colorado
I just posted this on the OIA FB. I want to see the meat of their proposal and they seem to continue to refuse to publish any response.

Dear OIA-
I would like to request that you please release a detailed document detailing your vision for the Greater Canyonlands National Monument. The primary concern I have with the one page letter that you submitted to the president is that is lacks any substance or detail regarding your proposed plan. This undated letter contains no references to a larger document leaving us, the users of the area in the dark about your actual intentions. It is very disturbing to me that so many companies have blindly supported something with so little substance. I eagerly await your response.


Well-Known Member
not moab anymore
[h=2]Join our Facebook photo campaign asking President Obama to protect Greater Canyonlands![/h]

Print out our President Obama: Protect Greater Canyonlands sign (or make your own), snap a photo of yourself holding the sign, and share it on Facebook. Or you can even photoshop a sign into an existing photo of yourself in Southern Utah. It’s all super easy with our simple uploading tool — just click the blue button at right and follow the instructions on our Facebook page. If you are not on Facebook, you can still participate. Just send your photo to jackie@suwa.org.

[h=2]Here are some other steps you can take to amplify your message:[/h]
2) Tweet a message to President Obama. Tell him you want Greater Canyonlands protected.

3) Send President Obama an email message by clicking here.

4) Call President Obama at the White House: 202-456-1111

5) Request a stack of Protect Greater Canyonlands postcards that you and your friends can sign (send them back to us and we’ll forward them to President Obama). >>Click here<<

6) Join a “banner brigade” and hold up “Protect Greater Canyonlands” signs when President Obama comes to your city! >>Sign up here<<


Well-Known Member
not moab anymore
the petition on suwa's website has 5725 signatures .. has ours even broke 1000 yet?

maybe we could go to some jeep dealerships?

and get them behind us!

crawl magazine?


every offroad company you can think of we need to keep fighting.. we are getting our butts kicked but i still feel like this is more involvement by more people than normal so good job guys lets keep it up!


Formerly black_ZJ
I am noticing a lot of spelling and word misuse errors in these letter samples, you may want to have someone proofread them before emailing them out.


Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT
the petition on suwa's website has 5725 signatures .. has ours even broke 1000 yet?

maybe we could go to some jeep dealerships?

and get them behind us!

crawl magazine?


every offroad company you can think of we need to keep fighting.. we are getting our butts kicked but i still feel like this is more involvement by more people than normal so good job guys lets keep it up!

I have had very little luck with magazines like Trailer Life, Rocks & Gems, Deseret News and any of the off road magazines. Have not tried off road manufacturers except for donations for prizes.
I didn't read every post, but I'm reminded how history repeats itself. Firing off responses and boycott emails is as bad as the knee-jerk reactions of those who support closing OHV access.

This issue comes around over and over again. Search "boycott" here on RME for several examples.

A few things to chew on:

National Monument status doesn't mean blanket closure, it means change in management practices and objectives. Some closures for sure, and some paving for sure, but the specifics would be worked out within a new management plan.

Not every business listed knew what they were supporting and sometimes they were asked to support something completely different than what their name was attached to. Think the Moab Blacklist after SUWA published a letter signed by hundreds of Moab businesses. Several businesses were never contacted by SUWA and others were completely lied to about what they were being asked to support.

A pro-OHV business approach is more beneficial (and a shorter list) so start there.

Always entertaining.


Active Member
Supporting Member
Here's more to chew on...

If you think that this is something that "...comes around over and over again..." and it should be taken lightly then you fit into the majority of the off road community who really misunderstands the people and entities on the other side of this argument! Please understand, this is a war that will never end!

Additionally, these constant battles to limit access are being waged by people who are more passionate, better organized, and better funded than the off highway vehicle community!

If and when the off road community accepts this, then we can begin to win these battles one at a time, but the war to limit access will never end!

Here are a few questions...

Why does there have to be a change in management plan? Can the United States government actually afford the change in management?

If we don't raise questions about this letter to the companies that are listed then how will they know what they signed or didn't sign on to? After that, it's their responsibility to deal with the OIA, SUWA etc.

If we don't raise awareness then how will we know if we're economically supporting the other side?

I do agree about rallying the businesses that support access!!!

I didn't read every post, but I'm reminded how history repeats itself. Firing off responses and boycott emails is as bad as the knee-jerk reactions of those who support closing OHV access.

This issue comes around over and over again. Search "boycott" here on RME for several examples.

A few things to chew on:

National Monument status doesn't mean blanket closure, it means change in management practices and objectives. Some closures for sure, and some paving for sure, but the specifics would be worked out within a new management plan.

Not every business listed knew what they were supporting and sometimes they were asked to support something completely different than what their name was attached to. Think the Moab Blacklist after SUWA published a letter signed by hundreds of Moab businesses. Several businesses were never contacted by SUWA and others were completely lied to about what they were being asked to support.

A pro-OHV business approach is more beneficial (and a shorter list) so start there.

Always entertaining.
Here's more to chew on...

If you think that this is something that "...comes around over and over again..." and it should be taken lightly then you fit into the majority of the off road community who really misunderstands the people and entities on the other side of this argument! Please understand, this is a war that will never end!

Additionally, these constant battles to limit access are being waged by people who are more passionate, better organized, and better funded than the off highway vehicle community!

If and when the off road community accepts this, then we can begin to win these battles one at a time, but the war to limit access will never end!

Here are a few questions...

Why does there have to be a change in management plan? Can the United States government actually afford the change in management?

If we don't raise questions about this letter to the companies that are listed then how will they know what they signed or didn't sign on to? After that, it's their responsibility to deal with the OIA, SUWA etc.

If we don't raise awareness then how will we know if we're economically supporting the other side?

I do agree about rallying the businesses that support access!!!

You don't know me and you don't know the level at which I'm involved or understand these issues. Not that you're concerned about who you call out and why. I do not suggest this should be taken lightly, I suggest these reactions should be considered in context and with appropriate understanding before firing off an email or facebook post and then acting like you've saved access for all. You've completely missed the point of my post, and I regret trying to get involved in this conversation. Your comment is an example of what I was referring to. More reaction than understanding.


Active Member
Supporting Member

I am happy that my post raised your brow because this is the energy and focus that the off road community needs. Please understand that I'm not attacking you and as people who enjoy off highway recreation, we're on the same side.

I have the privilege to see a large cross section of the off road community and they just don't understand or realize how vigilant the anti-access people are!

I do agree that any response should be well thought out and lucid because they will be taken more seriously than a poorly thought out and worded comment/letter.

Regarding my understanding, my partners and I are some of the few who do really understand our adversaries and that's why we bought and work to keep open the land called AreaBFE. Additionally, we encourage others to look into private ownership of land because we feel it's the best way to keep open and free access.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
not moab anymore
I didn't read every post, but I'm reminded how history repeats itself. Firing off responses and boycott emails is as bad as the knee-jerk reactions of those who support closing OHV access.

This issue comes around over and over again. Search "boycott" here on RME for several examples.

A few things to chew on:

National Monument status doesn't mean blanket closure, it means change in management practices and objectives. Some closures for sure, and some paving for sure, but the specifics would be worked out within a new management plan.

Not every business listed knew what they were supporting and sometimes they were asked to support something completely different than what their name was attached to. Think the Moab Blacklist after SUWA published a letter signed by hundreds of Moab businesses. Several businesses were never contacted by SUWA and others were completely lied to about what they were being asked to support.
maybe you could ...email them and make sure they are aware of whats going on?

A pro-OHV business approach is more beneficial (and a shorter list) so start there.

Always entertaining.

thanks for your help email all the companies on the list and we will be waiting for you to report back and let us know how it went .. thanks again for all your help!


Formerly GVHS
So here is what I do not get... I have called many of the companies onthis and not one has responded...

Where was the company when the recent RMP was completed for this area? Did have a respresentative or not? DId they send in comments? Did they work on solutions? Have they been in the area picking up trash? Fixing Signs, etc. So far not Red Wings, New Belgium or any of the local businesses have responded with: Yes we had input and were present through out the RMP. The National monument plan will not allow for any real public input and also will not allow for us as a group to have significant lasting effexcts on the recreation in the area.

I believe we need to call these companies out and let everyone see how they failed to do anything in the existing system. They have not been involved in the process and now are looking to take away all out rights to play and active and continued role in the use and development of this area...

Anyone notice how after my comments Dessert Industries pulled down their face book page? They would rather hide their heads then deal with it.


Active Member
Supporting Member
Red Desert Adventures fb page is still up. They have a bunch of remarks commending them for signing the letter and they've posted the standard Q&A about what a national monument means. I just don't understand how they believe that an elevated designation of land doesn't mean elevated restrictions/limitations???