Who to boycott


Let's Ride!
Supporting Member
Bummer. I just bought a new camelbak a few weeks ago. I sold a ton of their products while I worked for the Bicycle Center.

This is the letter I am trying to get into the hands of Sally McCoy, the CEO of camelbak

Please direct my comments to Sally McCoy.

As a resident of Utah and an avid outdoor enthusiast I have been a long time user of the Camelbak products. My most recent purchases were made last month. I often participate it hiking, bicycling (both mountain and road), motorcycling, and jeeping. Being in Utah the Canyonlands and Moab area have become nearly a mecca for each of those activities.

I am writing you to express my concerns that the title of 'National Monument' that you support for this area. Do you realize that with the National Monument designation only one of my listed activities would be allowed? The area does offer a handful of fantastic hiking destinations however most of the proposed Monument would be difficult to access with boots alone. Why would you want to support restricting activities to such a large demographic of your customers? The economic and business impact this would have on the Moab region would be devastating. The gains in land protection would minimalistic.

I am very interested in a response as to why you feel this is a good idea. In the meantime I will be suspending any purchases and use of your products.



Sandy, Ut
In MX with limited service (about to strap into a race car) but do your research on this bill before you write a letter. While this will limit or close limited routes (which absolutely should be disputed as needed) this is not a sweeping 'closed to OHV's' proposal. Thus if I were reading some of these comments as a land manager or the President himself, one could only assume your using the same one-sided erroneous facts as the others are being accused of. I'll have more on this when I'm home but this is something that isn't going away with letters unfortunately.


Ant Anstead of Dirtbikes
Supporting Member
My letter to Burton Snowboards!
This burns me up!!!

Why in the world is Burton supporting the creation on a national monument in southern Utah?
http://www.delalbright.com/Access/Canyonlands letter.pdf
Do you guys have any idea who buys your products? OUTDOOR ENTHUSIAST! (including snowboarders like myself who also enjoy offroading!!!!)
If SUWA had their way they would close all the ski resorts and make those areas national monuments too.
Please detract your name from this letter! I've been riding Burton snowboards since I was 8 years old (1992) I've likely spent thou$and$ of dollars with Burton over the years and if you truly support this effort: I will NEVER purchase another product from you again.

Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
In MX with limited service (about to strap into a race car) but do your research on this bill before you write a letter. While this will limit or close limited routes (which absolutely should be disputed as needed) this is not a sweeping 'closed to OHV's' proposal. Thus if I were reading some of these comments as a land manager or the President himself, one could only assume your using the same one-sided erroneous facts as the others are being accused of. I'll have more on this when I'm home but this is something that isn't going away with letters unfortunately.

I'm very interested to hear more of your take on this.


Registered User
Logan, Ut
I got an interesting response from Camp Chef:

Mr. Baugh,

I am very concerned with the email that you just sent to us. Camp Chef understands that not only our consumer base, but even our employees, are very diverse and enjoy the outdoors in many different ways. We believe in a balanced approach on conservation and utilization of our public lands. I personally know and love this area very much. I spend time there every year not only with a backpack but also with my Polaris RZR. It is like no other place on earth and I can’t even imagine Moab without some off-road activities involved. To be honest, I am not sure how our company name was put on the list. I can tell you, that we do spend money and time preserving and restoring the local canyons when we can. We also support wonderful off-road events like www.rallyontherocks.com. We just finished Rally in the Pines a little over a month ago and plan to support these events and groups in the future. We believe in supporting responsible and the multiple uses of our beautiful public lands, which we are so lucky to have in our own back yard.

I would be happy to discuss this further on the phone, if you would like, and once again I thank you for bringing this to my attention. I will look further into who wrote the letter and put us on the list as well.


Brandon Sparrow

435.752.3922 ext. 200

Customer Support campchef.com



Sent from the Outer Limits via Android.


Well-Known Member
I'll repeat myself.

What are the consequences/rules of making it a "national momument?" Does that mean you have to pay to enter? Does that mean trails are closed? I'd like to see that spelled out somewhere so I can email these companies and let them know what they're signing up for, and so I can be better educated as well.
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Well-Known Member
Steve, look at the other rules governing the other National Monuments to see what effects this proposition will likely have.
(escalante comes to mind for me).

I'm trying to find info on it, but I don't know where to look. Wikipedia gave me a start, but I need more. It sounds like each national monument has its own set of rules.


Well-Known Member
According to this: http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R41330.pdf

Monument designation can limit or prohibit land uses, such as development or
recreational uses. Limitations or prohibitions may be included in the proclamations themselves,
accompanying administration statements, management plans developed by the agencies to govern
monument lands, agency policies, or other sources. Some use issues may not arise for particular
monuments given their distinctive characteristics, for instance, their small size or water-based
nature. In general, existing uses of the land that are not precluded by the proclamations, and do
not conflict with the purposes of the monument, may continue. Monument proclamations since 1996 typically have had protections for valid existing rights for land uses, but the extent to which designations may affect existing rights is not always clear.

I'm curious what this particular proposal entails. If the proposal is to prevent the swell from being paved like 9-mile canyon, then I'm all for it. If it proposes no more motorized recreation, then I'm against it. I'll bet most of those companies signed the petition without understanding the potential implications.
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Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
I got an interesting response from Camp Chef:

Mr. Baugh,

I am very concerned with the email that you just sent to us. Camp Chef understands that not only our consumer base, but even our employees, are very diverse and enjoy the outdoors in many different ways. We believe in a balanced approach on conservation and utilization of our public lands. I personally know and love this area very much. I spend time there every year not only with a backpack but also with my Polaris RZR. It is like no other place on earth and I can’t even imagine Moab without some off-road activities involved. To be honest, I am not sure how our company name was put on the list. I can tell you, that we do spend money and time preserving and restoring the local canyons when we can. We also support wonderful off-road events like www.rallyontherocks.com. We just finished Rally in the Pines a little over a month ago and plan to support these events and groups in the future. We believe in supporting responsible and the multiple uses of our beautiful public lands, which we are so lucky to have in our own back yard.

I would be happy to discuss this further on the phone, if you would like, and once again I thank you for bringing this to my attention. I will look further into who wrote the letter and put us on the list as well.


Brandon Sparrow

435.752.3922 ext. 200

Customer Support campchef.com



Sent from the Outer Limits via Android.

Awesome. Who says a respectful letter can't work?


Well-Known Member
These boycott requests come around it seems once a year. After talking with most companies, they don't even understand what they are signing. Usually these petitions are presented to these companies in a way that they only see what they want to see and not the impact that they would be abandoning a good part of their customers. A better approach is to take this list of companies and educate them to the decisions they have made concerning this.

EDIT: The Camp Chef response is exactly what I'm saying.


Registered User
Logan, Ut
I will be following up with Camp Chef when I get back to my desk. Will keep you all posted.

Sent from the Outer Limits via Android.


Who Dares Wins
Hopefully Camp Chef will reneg on the letter, send OIA and the President a retraction and issue a public statement to that extent through its website.
Someone should Get Gephart on this. :D


dont be a sheep in a jeep
west jordan,UT
I would like to be on any list disputing this also,

this hole thing is confusing.. I don't know how to do my part.
Do I send emails to all those company's?
Email some political douch bag that hardly cares?
will there be a national vote or something?


Sandy, Ut
These boycott requests come around it seems once a year. After talking with most companies, they don't even understand what they are signing. Usually these petitions are presented to these companies in a way that they only see what they want to see and not the impact that they would be abandoning a good part of their customers. A better approach is to take this list of companies and educate them to the decisions they have made concerning this.

X2, its like the infamous 'black list' all over again.