South-West Utah Winter On the Rocks 2013 (Jan 25th 26th) information and roll-call...

If any has seen the house on the corner of Washigton Dam Road with all the lisence plates, they are some of my family. If you have old extra lisence plates laying around bring them down and they will get them added to the collection. If your not sure where this house is and want you can give them to me and I will hand them off to my cousin's.
Thanks Brandon
I'm going down a day early, any groups heading out thursday that are open? Would prefer a tougher trail (maybe a 7-9), but just need to get out and relax...:)
Anyone coming down Friday after work that wouldn't mind bringing some T-shirts a with them? I just found out the shirts won't be done till Friday.
There will be a free shirt and a hug in it for you.
Running Sliplock and maybe more this morning. Meeting at the Washington Dam Staging area at 0930. Look for a White Cherokee. If needed you can call
eight o l- 5 nine 2- four nine 2 4.
Finally made it to the fairgrounds around 5:30pm, what an awful drive. With the storm in SLC it took about 7 hours...definetly a record.
See everybody in the morning!
