Words and Phrases I HATE!!!

Ask an avid fan of canoeing or kayaking what the thing they use to row their boat with is called....I bet they might call it a paddle ;)

Those are paddles not oars so they would be using it correctly.

You paddle with paddles and row with oars.
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So after reading the write up on the awesome ATV trip Greg threw up I have to say I hate the word EPIC because it gets thrown around on very non"epic" discriptions. Most things it describes are not once in a lifetime kinds of things.
So after reading the write up on the awesome ATV trip Greg threw up I have to say I hate the word EPIC because it gets thrown around on very non"epic" discriptions. Most things it describes are not once in a lifetime kinds of things.
I'm curious as to when Epic became the meaning of "once in a lifetime"? Epic (as I've always understood it) means grand, or covering a period of time. That's why it's often used on the moto trips because multiple days on a bike is easily a long trip. Also, often the trips are quite grand. Rarely is any trip ever "once in a lifetime". :)
Something I used to say that I'm sure people made fun of---"all intensive purposes" and I believe the correct phrase should be "all intents and purposes":rofl: Laugh away
My Boss thinks he is saying Bugger (brittish slang) but he always says "Booger," he can't recognize that they are different.

The one thing that for the life of me I won't correct him on is when he says, "blow your wad in one place," while referencing money. It is just too funny!
Current usage of the word 'epic' in today's society. It's used far too much.

My bad. Fo' sheezy. That was totes uncalled for.

Did I just say anything there?

Sorry, SAMI, but for some reason, I have been spewing "epic" around a lot lately. It has a level of underlying exaggeration that is currently appealing ot me, although I am sure it will pass.
What do I hate? Nothing is worse than a bunch of people getting together and complaining about trivial things like spelling and pronounciation. :cody:

You know what is even worse? When people talk about hating something, then go out of their way to surround themselves with it:freak:

We really need a sarcasm font.... ;)

I could care less :squint: what people are whining about. This thread is hilarious.

Oh...the guy-flipping-me-off emoticon threw me off on that one. To me, that is not an indication of sarcasm. Then again, there are so many freakin' emoticons out there, it is hard to tell what one's intentions or tone is anymore.
It is for his what? Row boat?

Maybe... what are you, the paddle police? Sheesh.

:D heh

The term butterface, "she is hot, but-her-face...." Kinda stretching it there.
jpest and Tacoma: Hahahahaha :D. Some of these posts are making my sides hurt.

jdub: I am guilty of this one from time to time, although I usually put it at the end of the statement when an explanation is due. "Everything's nice/great/hot but her face." It is dwindling down to extinction though, and that is probably for the best. :)
OK, this is my last post in this slew of posts, as I catch up on this thread. A younger relative of mine just suprised me with this:
"Yeah, for a while that was the bomb dot com!"
It was my first time hearing it, and sadly, it is kind of catchy! Although, if I hear it more than maybe 3 times, I might start changing my mind.
So after reading the write up on the awesome ATV trip Greg threw up I have to say I hate the word EPIC because it gets thrown around on very non"epic" discriptions. Most things it describes are not once in a lifetime kinds of things.

I think this got misunderstood because I did not write it clearly. Not Gregs trip he went on but the south American tip on ATV rider I think. No offense meant to Greg.