Not yet, But seriousely considering it!! I have run b100 in my truck for the last 3 summers and b20/50 in the winter....down there you'd be fine up to 70% in the winter....If you get one, I will come down a weekend a month and help out....and bring some oil with me:D
I never said it wasn't exciting....just 20 years ago, perspective was different and so was the was not as difficult as it is now, but respective to the rigs, it is about the same....The biggest tire back then you saw in Moab was a 35!
Still makes me sad! maybe I am just too old, But this is the 5th EJS I have missed after 15 in a row....Just get too mad at the stupidity to enjoy it anymore....
Only time I worry about getting a nifty cool starter is on a HIGH compression motor....Anything you can run on pump gas will be fine with a standard 2 if you are worried.
Very cool. It is great to see her progress and the positive attitude you/her and your families have kept up all this time. Attitude is a HUGE part of healing!!
IIRC a sibling is a match for the kidney??