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  1. TurboMinivan

    Tell me about the Ram 1500.

    #1: The second day I owned it, I removed the third row seat. It has been gathering dust in my garage ever since. :p #2: Since buying it 1 1/2 years ago, I can only recall three times when I've had someone ride in the back seat. #3: A few days after buying it, I was brushing snow off it in...
  2. TurboMinivan

    Anyone have a net connected solar panel system?

    But, but... it's a Toyota!!! :rofl:
  3. TurboMinivan

    Funny video thread... (Caution: there are a few f-bombs dropped by the vehicle driver, though they are kinda quiet due to the distance between the camera and him.)
  4. TurboMinivan

    Anyone have a net connected solar panel system?

    Some might say the guy is fanatical; I humbly propose that he is just an average guy who is showing what is possible via simple changes that do not compromise your standard of living. It is up to each of us to determine our individual level of commitment to any such change of lifestyle. The...
  5. TurboMinivan

    Anyone have a net connected solar panel system? EDIT: your article linked above was written back in 2012. According to John, PV solar panel prices have dropped about 250% in the last three years (his math, not mine), meaning the WSJ chart is significantly out of date today. FYI
  6. TurboMinivan

    Tell me about the Ram 1500.

    You say you want to easily tow 6,000 pounds up a mountain pass, and you want to be comfortable doing it? All while spending only $4k? You are in almost the same situation I was in (except I don't have kids to take with me). Sit down and listen, because I'm going to give you the best advice...
  7. TurboMinivan

    Anyone have a net connected solar panel system?

    And that is where you are wrong.
  8. TurboMinivan

    Anyone have a net connected solar panel system?

    You say going 100% solar and being net connected isn't financially feasible in Utah? John says you are wrong, and he is proving it every day. John Saves Energy Not only did he install solar panels on his roof (did the labor himself), the result produces enough electricity that he sold his...
  9. TurboMinivan

    Tell me about the Ram 1500.

    That spread represents the tail end of that generation Ram 1500. The redesigned 2002+ was a quantum improvement in nearly every way, especially when the old school 5.9L was replaced with the 5.7L Hemi. The new 545RFE was likewise a vast improvement over the former transmission.
  10. TurboMinivan

    Hanging Tree Trail run July 4th, 2014

    Once in the past, I grazed that tree. This time around, the tree was about the only thing I didn't contact. Oh, well.
  11. TurboMinivan

    Moving SUCKS!!

    I was wondering when this thread would appear. ;) Thanks again for the tail lights.
  12. TurboMinivan

    Hanging Tree Trail run July 4th, 2014

    Yeah, HTT is always a surprise in one way or another. It would be easy for me to be embarrassed about my troubles at that one obstacle (especially considering I've made it through unscathed in the past). But when I compare my vehicle to the others that were with me and I realize I drove...
  13. TurboMinivan

    Help with failed emissions

    When I suggested this, my main concern was that your engine might still be operating in cold loop mode--such as if the thermostat is stuck open. If the temp gauge is normal and you get good heat out of the system, I'd say this is probably not your problem. I have seen marginal cats that...
  14. TurboMinivan

    Help with failed emissions

    It looks like you're still running rich, or else your cat isn't cleaning up enough of the exhaust. Have you verified your MAP/MAF sensor (whichever you have) is functioning correctly? Is the engine up to proper operating temp? And have you tested the cat for proper operation? These look like...
  15. TurboMinivan

    New member just joined today!

    Welcome to the group! I'm glad you found us. I'm sure you'll make a number of friends here. Congrats on the JKU--it's a great rig and you'll get good use out of it in these parts.
  16. TurboMinivan

    Does anyone here speak Esperanto?

    Well, then what is it about? Are we all going to reveal our geek/nerd inner secrets?
  17. TurboMinivan

    Hanging Tree Trail run July 4th, 2014

    On the way up. Shortly before the final (big) waterfall, there is an off camber one-step climb that crosses your path right before a tight left turn. It's the climb that is deceptively difficult; you often make it halfway up, start spinning your tires, then you slide back down (and to the left...
  18. TurboMinivan

    Moving Thursday, Free Stuff

    Will do. Due to working bell to bell today (8:30am to 9:00pm), I won't be able to get down there until nearly 10:00. Is that okay?
  19. TurboMinivan

    Moving Thursday, Free Stuff

    Since I just destroyed one of mine on the Hanging Tree Trail, I would love to come get those taillights.
  20. TurboMinivan

    Hanging Tree Trail run July 4th, 2014

    Big thanks to Ryan for organizing this run. We were a small group of only six rigs, and my humble little TJ was the runt of the litter--everyone else had 40" tires or larger, for example, which made my 35s look like training wheels. I was happy to be the tail gunner so as to not impede...