Search results

  1. Milner

    Restaurants....what do you all like?

    Lugano 33rd S 23rd E Italian Roma 33rd S just east of Highland Dr. Italian Biaggis in Gateway Italian Flemmings in Gateway BEEF!!!! Market Street Dowtown/cottonwood/U Fishy/steaks MacCools in Foothill Irish pub like, fish, chicken, steak, stew, pot pie, GOOD East West Conection Foothill...
  2. Milner

    is it...............

    Well, if your afraid of James, your just a wuss :p
  3. Milner

    little irony

    I call it Job Security :squint:
  4. Milner

    DEATH WOBBLE!!!! any suggestions??

    Don't want to be that guy.... ;) But do a search. It has been discussed here many times....even xj specific.
  5. Milner

    Chile Challenge in Las Cruces

    It would be fun, but not worth the drive IMHO. I hated that drive! :)
  6. Milner

    Nick Names

    We have a winner.
  7. Milner

    Nick Names

    RonShawn Shawn the pawn
  8. Milner

    Interesting article

    Bodagget breath!
  9. Milner

    Nick Names

    Put down the bong and step away from the computer.
  10. Milner

    Nick Names

  11. Milner

    Holly Shizzle!!!

    Budder :rofl: :rofl:
  12. Milner

    Nick Names

  13. Milner

    Interesting article

    BC your slipping, that the best you can come up with....get some new material.... :D
  14. Milner

    Interesting article

    stop it, you'll go blind.
  15. Milner

    Interesting article
  16. Milner

    Locker's which way to go ??

    I voted Det/Spool, but if it was me I would do Det/Det....I did not like my spool.
  17. Milner

    RME Gathering, hooters or applebees? Poll!

    My opposition to Hooters has nothing to do with hooters. I just think their food sucks! (BTW the girls are not all that cute either :ugh: )
  18. Milner

    Fuel injection up grade

    Check There is a link on there to a series of 5 articles from Bronco Driver magizine. The truck injection is very tall!! You will need a body lift and a hood bubble, at least.
  19. Milner

    RME Gathering, hooters or applebees? Poll!

    We just let you think that :cool: