Any trips comming up that you don't have to have a JEEP to be accepted?

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Seriously though. I'll admit there are people I don't like wheeling with. I don't like wheeling with people who are underbuilt or unprepared for the trail. I don't like people who are going to get super pissed off if they do break something or scratch some paint. I don't like wheeling with people who are going to disrespect the trail by using illegal bypasses or throwing trash around. I don't like wheeling with people who have a bad attitude. I don't like wheeling with a lot of people. I guess that's why I tend to go wheeling with fairly small groups where I know everyone is well prepared.

I have NEVER refused to wheel with anyone because of that brand on the grill. :rolleyes:
My sentiments exactly!

Dude, wheel with whomever you want, I don't think many of us here care what you do.
Amen to that!

Amigo1, so how are you any better than the people that were supposedly horribly rude to you? You essentionally are saying that RME'rs are rude, judgemental asses. Now, we have never met and you've never wheeled with me so how do you know that I'm a rude judgemental ass? It seems to me that now you've become the judgemental one based on ONE experience. I'm sorry it happened, but now the ball's in your court. Are you going to chalk it up to sh!t happens and give "RME runs" another chance or complain about it a little more?


Cuts Through Grease !!!
That's kinda how I feel. If I do give a Bronco or Scout person a hard time, it's definitely in good humor (or at least an attempt). I'm not sure what to call what I wheel. It looks like a Jeep but is probably 75% GM.
-_-I loathe you and your GM Heep!!:p:rofl:

Well, isn't that better than a Subaru?

Subarus are great for wheeling, I loved mine.:):( Heck, I still dream about that car.:eek:

I think the dude I talked to last weekend up AF was in an Amigo.....

Nice one, so you're the culprit!!:mad::greg:
My sentiments exactly!

Amen to that!

Amigo1, so how are you any better than the people that were supposedly horribly rude to you? You essentionally are saying that RME'rs are rude, judgemental asses. Now, we have never met and you've never wheeled with me so how do you know that I'm a rude judgemental ass? It seems to me that now you've become the judgemental one based on ONE experience. I'm sorry it happened, but now the ball's in your court. Are you going to chalk it up to sh!t happens and give "RME runs" another chance or complain about it a little more?

He he, you just said balls...:rofl::rofl:


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
Hey, just cause your Amigo can drive down some stairs like a slinky doesn't mean it belongs on the trail.....mmmmmmkay!

To be totally honest, if I had an Amigo I would roll up to every staging area with the slinky song from the commercial playing as loud as possible. You have to represent---have some pride.


Boise Idaho
There are some brand specific clubs out there if that's where you feel you'd be more welcome; couple years ago i hung around the Xterra club; lots of good dudes that i loved wheeling with there but i was politely told you cannot join our club because you don't have an Xterra (I had a Nissan Frontier) big whoopty spanky doo:rolleyes:

There is a zuzu club you can join; i've wheeled with them too on 2 occasions and they are great.

I used to be in the bighorn 4x4 club a long time ago and i don't even know if they are still active. Anyway my advice to you is join a club; feel it out and if you don't get a good vibe, quit and find another one.

I was in the las cruces 4x4 club briefly and we went on a trail run they said was 'easy',,,anyway it turned out to be one of the chili challenge 4x4 comp trails. back then my YJ was not ready for that trail and they must have been stupid to not know that; i left and had to go back the way i came in alone and they didn't care. I can't stand people that would lure you into a situation. i guess i could have stayed but they had to weld on this old CJ while a guy in a sammi replaced his front axle; yeah at that time i knew i didn't want to wheel with them.

so you'll find clubs that are a good fit and some that aren't. but get over your attitude and try it out.

i personally like to wheel with any make and model; i don't care what people drive.

Kris K

4x4 Addict!
Heber City, UT
I've never gone on a trip with people from RME and, been treated bad. The last time I went out was on the Summit Machine run out to the snakes it was a blast. Cody was even there and, didn't even make fun of my samurai.:D

When we got to the top of constricture I chickened out on getting winched over the Eagles nest by Timp. I had both Timp and, Meat talking to me about winching over it I just desided i really didn't dare to and, they never gave me a hard time about it.:D

Just wheel what you brought and, have fun. :greg:


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
. Cody was even there and, didn't even make fun of my samurai.:D :

I'm pretty sure I made fun of every rig that day. You weren't spared--just not within earshot.

and I think Meat already volunteered himself as the elitist a-hole. I mean, you see what he drives, how could you not be an elitist with the keys to that fine piece of machinery.



Dude is a troll, he's been on here a couple of times since he was asked what trail he is talking about and hasn't answered yet.

Mead, WA
Get over it already and stop whining. Do you have such low self esteem that you need other people's acceptance? Just show up for the runs. Yes, I have wheeled with lots of different flavors of rigs - Geo's all the way up, even station wagons! You don't have to associate with the other people. Quit being a pussy and go wheel! :D


I'm pretty sure I made fun of every rig that day. You weren't spared--just not within earshot.

and I think Meat already volunteered himself as the elitist a-hole. I mean, you see what he drives, how could you not be an elitist with the keys to that fine piece of machinery.


Keys? Tractors don't need a keys.


I'm not going to rad this whole thread but I will add to it. I do notice wheelers being brand loyal and tending to stick their own in groups but even now that i own a Jeep I don't let it bother me, just show em up and prove them wrong. A buddy was telling me that a guy he works with went on the run up AF canyon and was ignored when he tried to converse with some jeep guys because he was in a stock Sami... It does happen but not everyone does it. I'll be hitting the snakes on Sat. if you would like to join fell free to show up.


Who Dares Wins
I guess I'll throw in my two cents on this, like everyone else.
To begin with, I drive a Samurai and have had to endure the pains of constant ridicule (Cody -_-). But you know what, if you're on the trail and you give it your all and show that you're willing to drive what you've got with pride then no ones going to give you guff. Also, on that note, 99% of the time that someone is giving you a hard time its in jest. Take it with a grain of salt and give it right back.
I'm sure that you felt like you were singled out. And you know what, you probably were because of the vehicle you drive! An Amigo is not a typical vehicle to see on the trail. I'm willing to bet that most people thought that it was pretty cool though even if they were giving you a hard time. If you keep coming to the trail runs though, less and less people will give you a hard time (except Cody, because he's an ass).
I guess that the moral of the story is to be confident in what you drive, and ultimately who you are, and you will have infinitely more fun out on the trails. Oh, and J**ps are sh!t. Especially Grand Cherokee's with 4.0L's! :D


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
You're talking to the guy that made a buggy out of a grand cherokee. You think I didn't get ridiculed and questioned everywhere I went? It's all in good fun though.

Seriously, if someone did shun you because of your rig and they are on this forum please post it up. I think thats crap and I would climb (type?) down their throat at every chance I get. It would be nice to have a non-innocent target for all of my pent up hate.

Rot Box

Diesel and Dust
Supporting Member
Smithfield Utah
Troll for sure :ugh:

No one ever made fun of me when I wheeled my lifted Subaru... Then again no one wanted to wheel with me in the first place :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I think that everyone has pretty much spoke what was on my mind already. I don't believe that anyone made fun of you or your rig... At least no one from RME :cool:

I enjoy different rigs personally, and I only drive a Toyota because it's sexier than anyone elses :greg:


Registered User
Certainly hope he waasn't shuned for what he drives. I agree that if he did not feel welcomed for what every reasons (close friends not reaching out, what ever the cause) he may have put the blame on the rig.

I know when I got the Montero Sport I was not shuned, but at the same time the rig has had to prove itself worthy (which I think it has).

I see a similarity with this thread and race/ethinicity. A minority (and to put this in context so I am not accused of racisms, my observations are based on my in-laws and wife) is treated poorly at a store, their first reaction is 'was it because I'm not white?' For me, my reaction is 'man, that checker is rude' and leave it at that.

My wife had one specific store she had gone to several times and felt the customer service was awful and used the race card, until I pointed out I had the exact same problem and stopped shopping there becasue of it.

Amigo's problem is probably the same way. Perhaps the group was not friendly, but more than likely it had nothing to do with what he drives.


I run a tight ship... wreck
Certainly hope he waasn't shuned for what he drives. I agree that if he did not feel welcomed for what every reasons (close friends not reaching out, what ever the cause) he may have put the blame on the rig.

I know when I got the Montero Sport I was not shuned, but at the same time the rig has had to prove itself worthy (which I think it has).

I see a similarity with this thread and race/ethinicity. A minority (and to put this in context so I am not accused of racisms, my observations are based on my in-laws and wife) is treated poorly at a store, their first reaction is 'was it because I'm not white?' For me, my reaction is 'man, that checker is rude' and leave it at that.

My wife had one specific store she had gone to several times and felt the customer service was awful and used the race card, until I pointed out I had the exact same problem and stopped shopping there becasue of it.

Amigo's problem is probably the same way. Perhaps the group was not friendly, but more than likely it had nothing to do with what he drives.

Well said, especially coming from a guy that wheels a Montero that I've been on the trail with. :)
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