Anyone into 3D printing?

Quick question we got my son’s printer put together and printing but the bottom layer is thin on the prints. The printer is the ender3 neo I’ve run the bed level program and it seems level. The interwebs is telling me the bed plate is to close to the nozzle isn’t that something it should adjust when it does self leveling? Or do I need to adjust it down manually?
We we did a print yesterday and it turned out great. After the print we cleaned the bed with alcohol loaded another print hit start and it won’t stick to the bed… I leveled the bed manually and cleaned the bed again and nothing even tried applying some glue stick to the bed. Any ideas?
Do you have a brand you like? Do you put it on before you start the printer? Also should I auto level before every print? Thanks
I use a bottle of Aussie when I can steal it away from the girls. :D I don't clean my bed very often, just apply a good layer of hairspray and let it dry when I have issues with it sticking and I don't have auto level so I only adjust level if I notice the first layer isn't flat.
I've had to change a few of my settings and relocate my printer to make sure it's not warping. I'd make sure there isn't some sort of breeze by the printer. Like glockman said run a skirt to make sure it's level. I had to change the way my bottom and top layer were printed so it wouldn't warp. I also think I changed to first and last layer print speed.