Are the Quarterly Trainings still a thing?


Well-Known Member
just out of curiosity, might be a stupid questions, but why would we need a permit to do this at 5 mile? isn't it just a bunch of people getting together to talk off road stuff and go on the trails?


~ Bush Eater's Offroad ~
Salt Lake Utah
just out of curiosity, might be a stupid questions, but why would we need a permit to do this at 5 mile? isn't it just a bunch of people getting together to talk off road stuff and go on the trails?

Not stupid one bit dude! Same question "we" (including family reunions, boy scouts, church groups, outdoor enthusiast's groups and even cleanup crews) all have had at one point or another...

In general "they" (the local BLM office) have to follow rules from Washington DC and a permit is required for such gatherings and even a SRP (specialized recreational Permit) with all sorts of details if the criteria is met.

I recommend you check out the BLM website for more research and some glorious reading if you wanna take you knowledge a bit further with numerous categories pertaining to BLM regulations.

When I called today and talked with BLM rep they seemed very interested in all my personal details about what we were planning on doing. When I mentioned my past service projects to the area and some basic tid bits about weekly trail rides in which people perform cleanup of garbage that really caught their attention. All this in reference to the details about what we wanted to accomplish by pursuing these new permits and the personal on the other side of the phone almost cried they were so in support of our intentions.

So, long story short.... its a chore, bureaucracy and sometimes a bit out of line (or overkill) for a few folks wanting to get together for a campout, but def worth the effort to take things further in my opinion.


~ Bush Eater's Offroad ~
Salt Lake Utah
yep, more than ya ever wanted to know about offroad camping... blah blah blah



The Salt Lake Field Office requires different types of recreation permits based on type and location of activity, size of group, and if the activity/event is commercial and/or competitive. Only one permit is required for any given activity/event (other authorizations may be required based on your proposal, ie: commercial filming). Requirements for each type of permit are as follows:
Large Group Camping Use Authorization. Large Group Use Permits (LGUP’s) are required for organized group camping activities that do not take place in a developed fee area, are not commercial or competitive, have more than 25 participants and/or more than 8 vehicles. Issuance of this permit allows for Large Group Use activities at nine specific large group camping locations (see LGUP map). This permit authorizes you to use public lands for dispersed, undeveloped camping activities (no BLM recreation facilities or developments). To obtain a LGUP, select one of the seven large group camping locations, complete the Large Group Notification and Use Agreement, and return to the SLFO at the address listed below 10 days before proposed use date. Upon receipt of the completed LGUP, the BLM will review, authorize, and return a copy to you. NOTE: Some conditions may require the BLM to deny your permit application or redirect you to a different location, ie: fire danger, extreme draught conditions, etc. When conducting or participating in camping activities under a LGUP, you must agree to and comply with LGUP Conditions of Use (found on back of permit). There is no fee for a LGCP. Issuance of a LGCP does not reserve sites or grant your group exclusive use of an area. All sites under this permit are available on a first come/first serve basis.

Special Recreation Permits
(SRP’s) are required for commercial recreation operations, competitive events and activities, and for organized group activities that require special management or monitoring (exclusive of those organized group camping activities which fall under a Group Camping Use Authorization).

Special Recreation Permits are authorizations which allow specified recreational uses of the public lands and related waters. They are issued as a means to manage visitor use, protect natural and cultural resources, and provide a mechanism to accommodate commercial recreational uses. Authorized by the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act, there are five types of uses for which these permits are required: commercial, competitive, vending, individual or group use in special areas, and organized group activity and event use.

to start, they want to know:
Are you charging a fee?
Do you expect to make money on the event or is the fee to cover expenses?
Will there be a competition?
Will you advertise?
Will you mark a course?
Will you be expecting vehicles at your event? (How many?)
Will your event involve public lands?

Organized Group Activity and Event Use – Organized group/event permits are for noncommercial and noncompetitive group activities and recreation events.Examples: A large scout camp out, a fraternity activity, a large family reunion, or a dual sport event.
Objectives of the BLM recreation permitting system are to satisfy recreational demand within allowable use levels in an equitable, safe, and enjoyable manner while minimizing adverse resource impacts and user conflicts. In issuing recreation permits to recreational users of public lands, the BLM authorizes permittees use of the lands and/or related waters for permitted purposes. This represents a privilege to use public lands and/or related waters which is subject to the terms and conditions of the permits.
Recreation permits are managed in a manner which is consistent with management objectives determined in resource management plans, recreation area management plans, or in their absence, through recreation management objectives resulting from analysis of resources and visitor use for each area.


Well-Known Member
I'm getting pretty burned out of these, and I don't have the time to give this the justice it deserves. Does anyone else on the committee want to step up and run these? Stephen? Kurt? Marc? Jason? Davy? Scott? (I feel like I'm forgetting someone important).
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Finding Utah
Supporting Member
I'm open for September 13th at this point and will do whatever is needed to make this happen. I can't head it up but I can carry a good part of the load if we start planning it soon so it's not a rush. I would like to get my son to one.


Sandy, Ut
I'm totally down and can help on the BLM angle, remember we had the state BLM rec guy as an attendee and presenter at a couple of the early QTD events, I've stayed in touch with him and have continued to discuss activities, etc. Unfortunately I'm out of town for every weekend until mid September so I'm not much help before that.

I will toss this out, CruiserFest is @ MMP in early September, Saturday events include QTD classes including hilift training, ham radio, trail repairs, planning an expedition, first aid, etc.


Active Member
Thought I'd resurrect this thread and see if there were any updates on making this happen. As long as it's not the weekend of Sept 26, I can be there. As one of the new guys, I couldn't do much in the way of instruction, but I'm willing to help out where I can to make this happen.


Provo, Utah
Double bump! I'm in the same boat as far as giving training, although I do know my first aid...but i can make cookies! (>.>) (<.< ) (>.>)


~ Bush Eater's Offroad ~
Salt Lake Utah
Unfortunately the local BLM reps have to follow the federal law in Washington DC... so even though someone who recreates responsibly all the time may feel 25 people (and OR eight vehicles) getting together isn't a big deal, the impact on the environment is real and to support equality to all that use the federal lands, correctly applying for permits is prudent in situations like this.

I've filed for group camping permits (20-50) at 5mile pass for Oct 2014 and quarterly for 2015, this did require filling out paper work for a SRP and producing an Operating Plan as well as provide a detailed map for the campout. I am working with a local SLC rep to expedite the process for 2014 and they seem to be very interested in helping us because we have proven we provide a lot of support for their own cause with these training days and pure dedication to recreating responsibly.

The real fact of the matter is that I'm willing to submit the paperwork to BLM and have Bush Eaters Offroad sponsor the permit for the event at snakes, but It looks like there is a need for someone to take the leadership role and plan an immediate training day NOT on BLM land, but in the national forest. Does anyone want to step up and make solid plans for AF Canyon for September, or would you just like to start planning 2015 activities so something can actually be put on a schedule and developed ahead of time?

Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
If there's enough interest, I'll volunteer to coordinate some stuff in conjunction with Kurt's NPLD stuff up AFC. Friday or Sunday or both, makes no nevermind to me. I'll need teachers and teachees.


~ Bush Eater's Offroad ~
Salt Lake Utah
If there's enough interest, I'll volunteer to coordinate some stuff in conjunction with Kurt's NPLD stuff up AFC. Friday or Sunday or both, makes no nevermind to me. I'll need teachers and teachees.

I plan on being there with a few people for NPLD and would be interested in a Sunday Sept 28th event and could also be a teacher for many different offroad topics.


Well. Once yall get it sorted out on an official training day date. I would be willing to help in any way (vehicle demonstration or whatever) but I draw the line at AF canyon. That place is a zoo and I hate it.

Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
Well. Once yall get it sorted out on an official training day date. I would be willing to help in any way (vehicle demonstration or whatever) but I draw the line at AF canyon. That place is a zoo and I hate it.

So throw up another time and place? Benefits to doing a mini-QTD that weekend up AFC include no need for permits and a bigger draw due to the NPLD project. Another date and time won't get near the same turnout of potential teachers and teachees, and if it's going to be on BLM land it'll need to go through the permit process that Jinxspot is struggling with right now.

Off the top of my head I can't think of any potential FS site besides AFC that offers unpaid group camping and close proximity to wheeling. If you've got one, lets set it up.