Armed Feds Prepare For Showdown With Nevada Cattle Rancher


somewhat damaged
I haven't watched this yet. Posting for later.



Active Member
Seeing the takedown at 22 seconds helped me understand why things got amped up the way they did. I've got family thats had permits down there. Its very emotional for them - it seems like its like challenging their way of life, and deminishing what their families went through to settle down there.....I don't think the government and the BLM has a reputation of playing fair from several "ranchers" perspectives.

I would imagine there would be a lot of arm chair quarterbacks if there were video cameras back with this country was being established.


I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
My personal experience through motorized recreation and family who are ranchers is that the BLM in most, not all offices are filled with people who are he'll bent on pushing their own environmental agenda. I think that both parties are wrong in this conflict. Flat out the rancher has not pad his fees to the BLM for 20 years and has to resolve that issue and the wacko's in the BLM are using the desert tortoise to restrict ranchers in areas where they are not indigenous.

If you think this is bad, watch what happens if the Sage grouse get listed.


dont be a sheep in a jeep
west jordan,UT
I found a video that someone was taking right behind the cop that thew that old woman to the ground..

but I can't get a link to post.

Look at diesel trucks for sale on FB to see it


Wandering the desert
I don't think it much matters anymore who is right and who is wrong in this whole mess. I see a big cluster*** starting to play out, and unless someone with a cool head takes control, it's not going to take much for it to turn very bad very quickly.


Registered User
Unfortunately, one rancher with very extreme views (found a quote by him in an LA Times article saying he obeys almost no federal laws) who has become a rallying point for others with equally extreme anti-government positions.

Quickly becomes a very volatile situation that is unlikely to end well.

JL Rockies

Binders Fulla Expo
The Fed would sell land to the Chinese to settle debt in a heartbeat if/when the schizz hits the fan. I'm so tired of the states would sell everything argument.

Kooler than Mudd.

JL Rockies

Binders Fulla Expo
Making this a "little guy vs Feds" issue is going to get someone killed.

I am far from a fan of the federal government and the overreaching, abuse of power associated with the mess our government has morphed into over the last 50 years.
But I'm not going to do anything personally about it and declare that people who stand up to be wrong.

However, does that allow one man and his cows to ignore the law? No.
Ghandi and MLK would disagree.

And for those always on the "the federal government can't own land" kick, do we really want to lose public lands?
Is attitudes like this that threaten us on the Bill of Rights kick too; the law is not a kick sir. We lost public lands when people let the Fed carve off a little fat from the one document that protects us from them. The land was/is ours.

We are fools if we think state control will make everything well. The states will sell off land for development (think Lions Back) if can earn them a buck.
The Fed has been taking out equity loans in this land for years. When we can't pay the tab anymore, watch how fast oil rights are sold to the Chinese.
Courts and the voting booth are where changes are made.
The problem is too many people vote for big government.

Kooler than Mudd.


somewhat damaged
Well this is going to get even more interesting. There are militias from a few states that are headed toward this area in Nevada. They are expecting over a 100 armed militia citizens. Wow.

JL Rockies

Binders Fulla Expo
In fact, according to the Utah Constitution, all males (with few exceptions) 17-45 are already in the state militia and can be called upon by the Gov at any time.
Do your duty Utahns.

Kooler than Mudd.


Sandy, Ut
The Fed would sell land to the Chinese to settle debt in a heartbeat if/when the schizz hits the fan. I'm so tired of the states would sell everything argument...

It's not an argument Joseph, the state made it very clear they would sell lands (with the bulk of the proceeds in fact going to the Fed) to fund the management and stimulate economic growth. Shizz has hit the fan, I can still drive on the majority of federal lands in Utah.


Sandy, Ut
In fact, according to the Utah Constitution, all males (with few exceptions) 17-45 are already in the state militia and can be called upon by the Gov at any time.
Do your duty Utahns.

Kooler than Mudd.

And there is about a 0% chance that Herbert calls any Utahn to action in this case, they don't want to touch it with a 10' pole.


I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
Well this is going to get even more interesting. There are 'militias' from a few states that are headed toward this area in Nevada. They are expecting over a 100 armed militia citizens. Wow.


Sandy, Ut
So I've been doing some late night reading about this, particularly interested why the State of Nevada and the Nevada Cattlemans Assoc. (i.e. massive group of ranchers) seem to be taking such a 'back seat' approach to this mess, obviously discouraging the 'intimidating' tactics but not the underlying reasoning. Why are they distancing themselves from him when I would expect them to be the first ones getting sicked by dogs? So how did it get here?

As best I can tell it was a lawsuit from the Center for Biological Diversity (well know ultra-litigious group that has deep pockets and sees no compromise) that forced the hand originally. Basically they sued the BLM for not protecting the newcomer Desert Tortoise on the lands they manage.

CBD wins in court and the federal courts instruct the BLM to comply and protect the habitat according to the Congress passed NEPA and FLPMA (did Utah congressional rep's vote yea on this? I sure hope not.) The BLM starts by reducing the allowed herd sizes in these public land allotment which obviously angers ranchers and understandably so.

They (BLM) in the view of the courts (has been through the system several times now) have the right and more so responsibility based the Taylor Grazing Act, remember the Taylor Grazing Act was sought by ranchers themselves to promote the future of healthy ranching, started by a Utahn too ;) So, while most ranchers in the area begrudgingly complied with the new permit restrictions knowing the TGA didn't leave them much choice, Mr. Bundy did not and no longer paid his permit fee for his leased land, thus forfeiting his permit. At the same time the BLM negotiated with the State of Nevada to sell some of these grazing allotments (thus reducing overall cattle numbers in the Tortoise area) and buy-out the ranchers allotments, to the tune of $5-7 million (not sure to who or how that was dispersed). However as Mr. Bundy had already let his permit lapse, he got zero of the buyout money from the State of Nevada.

For the next 20 years Mr. Bundy's cattle continue to graze on public land with no compensation paid. State and federal courts rule on behalf of the BLM/NPS but Mr Bundy doesn't feel the Taylor Grazing Act applies to him as his family settled the area before it was a State and before the Taylor Grazing Act. Finally the courts order the BLM to remove the trespass cattle from NPS/BLM managed lands and we land here.

Everyone on the same page there?
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