Brandon's Fantasy Factory 1980 Build

Sounds good a week from this saturday will give me time to get money to buy and make my sliders....maybe if not i will wheel on hard anyways brandon give me a call if you need help
sweet. lil moab or snakes? If it's dry I'd LOVE to try wayne's world, but I'm doubting it'll be super dry out there.

Oh, and the only reason I wouldn't make it is if I'm selling my taco on that day.
sweet. lil moab or snakes? If it's dry I'd LOVE to try wayne's world, but I'm doubting it'll be super dry out there.

Oh, and the only reason I wouldn't make it is if I'm selling my taco on that day.

I m down with either place, my dad bought his new truck but it is just another titan so I am hoping just to tow it down.
Steve I hope you can't come :) because that would means your truck is finally sold
got my windshield done My string around the gasket worked awesome


went in easy only took about 45 minutes
total cost 35$
Today was a effective day I tied up a ton of little projects and put my sliders on


I think I will get it inspected this week and get it registered
well I am in the process of buying another truck 85 4runner... I will probably be looking for some stock leafs plan right now is to turn into my dd it has a rebuilt 22re in it. Steve do you still have all those leaf packs?
I was going to hang on to my stock rears in case I need to tweak my current pack.

I have a set of taco rears, but they're longer than an '85 4runner.
The 4runner I just bought

Its 85 rebuilt 22re 4.88 front and rear arb in the rear
Interior is super clean and complete
on new 31's