Got a picture of it, by chance? I'm thinking about getting a new shifter cable, and then just making my own simple shifter. I haven't decided yet though.

best photo I could find, when I was re-doing most of the dash & tunnel:
Transwest up in ogden has a bunch of cherokee's probably only cost you about $5 or $10

Yeah, they're pretty common in junk yards, and I doubt if the shifter is the first thing to go in any of them. I prefer to buy from ninjas, so I'll try to go that route first. :)
I've made great progress! On the spare bedroom/toy room in my basement.

I did procure a sweet shifter for an awesome price. There's really not much left to get it drivable. Finding time to work on it is tough though. It will be ready in time for the Memorial Day BBQ.
I've made great progress! On the spare bedroom/toy room in my basement.

I did procure a sweet shifter for an awesome price. There's really not much left to get it drivable. Finding time to work on it is tough though. It will be ready in time for the Memorial Day BBQ 2010.
Fixed. :D