Constrictor Clean Up


I run a tight ship... wreck
EKSJAE said:
... i know something was mentioned about removing all the loose rocks at the bottom of the eagles nest, to restore it to what it used to be.

Unstacking rocks on all the obstacles would be a good thing to start with. I'd say that's one thing we can shoot for on the current cleanup we're planning.


I run a tight ship... wreck
EKSJAE said:
what would we want the signs to say?
how many signs?
what size signs?
who will pay for the signs?

with some of these questions answered, someone could start to look into what it will take to get some signs made.

IMO, a handful of signs. One at the trailhead like Badger said, the trail name, rating, identifying the difficulty and required equipment & now state that poeple must stay on the trail... no bypasses. I'd say make it at least 2x bigger than the current one. Mabey 24x36"?

Another sign just below the Eagles Nest, stating that people who aren't properly equipped should consider turning back. Medium sized, 12x18"?

Then a few smaller signs at the bypasses, stating that this is NOT the trail. I'm sure a few people have used the bypasses unknowingly. Saldy I don't think signs would last long, they really need to be combined with a fence, which we need BLM approval before we add the fencing.

Who will pay? I dunno... perhaps a good old fashioned fund raiser is needed. I've heard of clubs getting grants from the BLM for trail improvements, but I doubt we can count on that one.


I run a tight ship... wreck
James K said:
thats cool, just wanting to help.

:cool: I just threw that date out because that would work for me. I just hate trying to come up with a date for something & opening it up to the whole forum, seems like everyone has a reason they can't make one date or another. Seems like we can never agree on a time that works for all. :-\

James K

NO, I'm always like this
Taylorsville, Ut
Greg said:
:cool: I just threw that date out because that would work for me. I just hate trying to come up with a date for something & opening it up to the whole forum, seems like everyone has a reason they can't make one date or another. Seems like we can never agree on a time that works for all. :-\
true, too true. I have had something planned for 6 months that fails on that date.


I am the Brute squad
South Salt Lake
this could always been in a series of different days as well maybe break the work up to two different for each half of the trail or some crap


Formerly WJ ZUK
Greg said:
Ok, I'm going to toss out a date... June 10th. It's a month away, soon enough that it'll be fresh in out minds, yet far away enough that we can plan what we're going to do.

I work every other weekend, so that date will work for me. It's a Saturday, FYI.

Would love to help, but thats the weekend of the millard country delta trail ride isn't it?:-\


Registered User
MOST people are smart enough to know that what we are doing is for the better... and there should be no reason why we would have to close the trail is not like we are putting the fence across the entrance.... Some people that are helping might have to park a little further away and walk so that people who made the long haul to run the trails can still do it....not a big deal.....And June 10 should work for me! Think you can get the approval from the BLM by then???


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Supporting Member
I'll be in Moab for an event that weekend. Why does everyone schedule everything on days I have to work?


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Magna :0
James K said:
true, too true. I have had something planned for 6 months that fails on that date.

So you get to have sex twice a year? :D (sorry couldn't resist :shawn:)

I won't be able to get away but will look into contacting U4.