Constrictor Clean Up

Bone Down

Well-Known Member
Hmmm interesting.... As Steve pointed out both trails cross all sorts of land. RS starts on BLM, then goes on State, then back onto BLM and ends on Private land (the mine tailing). From there the road up to Constrictor goes back onto BLM. Constrictor does the same, without anything on state land. I've never heard the actual claim names used before... sounds like he might have some merit?

I was hoping you would say something as it seems to me you know more about the trails around the hills that surround.

he did mention that if you look up just about any claim up there other than the Freds that he mentioned two others (the names slip me) were brought up he also made mention that most of the bigger claims up there have 19-30 acres that are included in the claim.

Again I hope the Gent is legit, but I am skeptic to say the least.