Constrictor Clean Up


I am the Brute squad
South Salt Lake
glad to see the ball is rolling we still need to nail down a date to do this are we sticking with the 10th or are we going to actually pick a date everybody can make it.


We're waiting for the greenlight from the BLM on everything except the clean up, feel free to pick up anything you see when you're there.


Sandy, Ut
Is it bad? RME covered RS/Con as part of the U4WDA NPLD event back in September. There was a crew of 3-4 rigs that went up and spot check both trails as I recall.


Registered User
I ran it yesterday and it was in pretty good shape!!

I found a couple of plastic cups and a beer can but that was it.......3 items

Pretty good if you ask me! Usually you can find a lot more than that!
I thought it was clean on the trails and even at Wayne's World on Saturday. The surrounding area could always use some attention however. Considering that we're trying to work with that BLM office on establishing more trails in the area, clean-ups in the area are always helpful.


Formerly WJ ZUK
Yeah Herzog, MEat and I ran it one NPLD and picked up about 3 full bags from all along the way between the start of rattlesnake, the transition to ww. and through constrictor. I would still love to do some bypass blockers. What ever happened to that? Some appropriatley winched rocks should do the trick in several spots and buck board fences for the rest.


I run a tight ship... wreck
... What ever happened to that? Some appropriatley winched rocks should do the trick in several spots and buck board fences for the rest.

As I understand, we're waiting on the new travel plan from the BLM. If they decide to keep the trails opened after the plan is completed, then we'll work with them to fix the areas in need. We need permission before we go in & start adding structures to the area.

Bone Down

Well-Known Member
a group of us ran this trail yesterday 10/29 all I found was a single beer can.

I also do not know how true this is or if this guy was legit, but an older gent on a dirt bike claims that he and his brother now own 800 acres in the area that include four of the mines Fred 1 - 4 and included rattle snake and constrictor and he promised that they would never let them close (truth in this dunno), thought I would throw this out there.

Said his name was Casey Cannon and I forget the BLM Agents name that he mentioned but he asured me that not a lot would get closed of as it was private land.

I am sure you guys will say what I am thinking as this guy was telling me all of this (B.S.), but again just wanted to confirm my original gut feeling on it.
Let's hope that's the case. RS/CON go through a mix of State, Private, and BLM land, so any one of those land managers could remove some access (which in effect would close the trails). It'd be great to connect with that guy as there are several potential new trails on the private property in the area.

Bone Down

Well-Known Member
Let's hope that's the case. RS/CON go through a mix of State, Private, and BLM land, so any one of those land managers could remove some access (which in effect would close the trails). It'd be great to connect with that guy as there are several potential new trails on the private property in the area.

The guy was very cool and seriously was enjoying watching everyone attempt to climb WW and assured me that neither he nor his brother would close any trails. He did make mention thought that they had just signed two leases on two of the Fred's mines to a British Mining Company just last week.


Sandy, Ut
Hmmm interesting.... As Steve pointed out both trails cross all sorts of land. RS starts on BLM, then goes on State, then back onto BLM and ends on Private land (the mine tailing). From there the road up to Constrictor goes back onto BLM. Constrictor does the same, without anything on state land. I've never heard the actual claim names used before... sounds like he might have some merit?