Do you browse KSl classifieds with no intention of buying, just for fun?

Do you watch the KSL classifieds with zero intention of buying?

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Well-Known Member
How many of you out there watch the KSL classifieds for fun, with no intent on purchasing at all?
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Well-Known Member
So, as a follow-up, how many of you will contact the seller and maybe even arrange to look at the item, while acting like you're interested in buying, even when you know you're 100% sure you wont?


Well-Known Member
I want to change my answer to the middle one. I check to see what the going rate is, but only when I'm about to sell something, not for fun.


Wandering the desert
I'm looking casually for a certain vehicle, so I will often look around. I haven't yet contacted someone to look at a vehicle and probably won't until I'm more serious about buying.


I do not window-shop online, or in the real world.

mostly because if I do, best case scenario: I see something I "want" and spend my limited, hard earned money on it. Or I don't have the money, and now am bummed because I can't have it.

and worst case scenario: I see nothing I like, and it was a waste of my time.


also, the classifieds world has been ruined by hagglers, so the "asking" price is not what it actually sells for. so if a person looks to determine what something is "going for" they are getting bad info

because it seems now, no matter how good of a price, buyers will not pay asking price.

I posted a used 1-time dewalt electric impact, with case. For like $45.00

I was bombarded with people offering like $20.00, when I said "$45.00 firm" they said nevermind. to the point I pulled it off.

1 day later I re-posted the ad, but at $100.00. I was then bombarded by people offering $40.00-$50.00

I did end up selling it to an RME-er. for $40.00 or something. but to an on-looker who trusted the price shown on the ads "those things are going for $100.00" but that's not what it did actually "go for"

but the point is that sellers are forced to list way high, because something about the classifieds world makes buyers think you automatically high-ball them. and since they list it high, and get haggled down, the buyers are then confirmed in their initial thinking

it's a snake eating its own tail

I use RME's classified almost exclusively now, so much less B.S.
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Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
When I browse the classifieds it's wishful thinking, but every now again I run across a deal on something I want that's in my budget.

I wouldn't ever waste somebody's time pretending to want something just so I could check it out. If it was something I really wanted to look at but didn't want to buy I'd be up front about it.


Formerly black_ZJ
So, as a follow-up, how many of you will contact the seller and maybe even arrange to look at the item, while acting like you're interested in buying, even when you know you're 100% sure you wont?

I hate it when people waste my time, so why would I ever do it to someone else, just seems a bit rude doesn't it? I only look and call when I am actually going to buy something.


Formerly black_ZJ
also, the classifieds world has been ruined by hagglers, so the "asking" price is not what it actually sells for. so if a person looks to determine what something is "going for" they are getting bad info

because it seems now, no matter how good of a price, buyers will not pay asking price.

I posted a used 1-time dewalt electric impact, with case. For like $45.00

I was bombarded with people offering like $20.00, when I said "$45.00 firm" they said nevermind. to the point I pulled it off.

1 day later I re-posted the ad, but at $100.00. I was then bombarded by people offering $40.00-$50.00

I did end up selling it to an RME-er. for $40.00 or something. but to an on-looker who trusted the price shown on the ads "those things are going for $100.00" but that's not what it did actually "go for"

but the point is that sellers are forced to list way high, because something about the classifieds world makes buyers think you automatically high-ball them. and since they list it high, and get haggled down, the buyers are then confirmed in their initial thinking

it's a snake eating its own tail

I use RME's classified almost exclusively now, so much less B.S.

Given our local demographic I always price a bit higher than most ads to weed out the cheap folks, and although I sit on things a bit longer I have never accepted less than I had in mind when I listed it.

Rot Box

Diesel and Dust
Supporting Member
Smithfield Utah
Well I picked the top one. There isn't a Motorcycle in the dirt bike used section that I haven't seen over the last five or so years... :D


something about asking more than I actually want for it feels dishonest to me. on the flip side, I pay asking price, and if the asking price is too high, I won't even contact the seller. one time a few months back before Christmas, I found a gift for my wife that she wanted, they were asking $165.00. I called said, I'd take it, and that I was on my way.

on the way there I realized that I only had $164.00, and on principle I called them back and said "i'm $1.00 short, is that OK?" they had a tone of voice like I was an idiot. but so many times people show up and say to me "oh, gosh I only have ________, i'm short. Will you take that?" likely as a passive aggressive ploy to get my price down. it irritates me, so I won't do it, even over a single dollar

luckily on RME it's a thread, so you can open up a dialogue with the seller. so you aren't showing up, and haggling over price when you get there. a person can reply to the thread and say "I can pay _____" and that way everyone can see it, and if the seller does not accept, you know before you get to his house, and haggle with him on the spot
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Well-Known Member
Twin Falls Idaho
When I browse the classifieds it's wishful thinking, but every now again I run across a deal on something I want that's in my budget.

I wouldn't ever waste somebody's time pretending to want something just so I could check it out. If it was something I really wanted to look at but didn't want to buy I'd be up front about it.

I spend WAY too much time browsing classifieds, KSL/Craigs/RME. Its an addiction that wastes a lot of my productive work day. If I spent as much time actually working instead of searching for deals in classifieds, I might actually be able to afford the stuff I'm looking for! There have been a couple deals in the past year that I saw immediately after they were posted and I was able to snatch them up before anyone else. That has made me want to search constantly through classifieds for the next great opportunity.
I don't waste anyone's time, but my own, though. If I don't have the $, then I just save the ad and check back when I can afford it.


another one that made me feel sick is when I was working at Honda-Suzuki of Salt Lake. the head mechanic found a motorcycle he wanted on KSL

he gathered as many people he could that worked there and said. "OK you guys all hit him up with some ridiculous low-ball offer, so that way the phone #s are all different. Then, when I make an offer of ______ (which was still pretty low) he will think that's the best offer I have gotten, I better take it..."

that pissed me off, that people even have the audacity to do that, and can sleep at night. I likewise haven't been able to trust the classifieds since then

It bothered me more, that a group of people were even willing to be a part of it


Ant Anstead of Dirtbikes
Supporting Member
I'm nobody to chastize anyone else, buy it seems some of you guys would benefit yourselves by worrying less about bargaining. That's the name of the game, and has been since the dawn of man. That's how you.determine value: what someone is willing to pay.
Respect gets respect in most situations.
Of course there are scum buckets out there.
I try not to get offended since that only hurts me.

I love the classifieds, :D it gives me hope in light of all the wasteful rampant consumerism.
I like seeing stuff get used instead of sitting around
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gravesdigger, do you remember making me an offer on the dewalt impact that I was talking about? I remember you making me an offer via text

then, as now. you and I take different positions on "bargaining"

Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
Hagglers don't bother me near as much as the ones that set up a time look at something you're selling and no-call-no-show, or agree to sell you something and then don't bother to tell you they've sold it to somebody else for more until you show up at their house. That last one has happened to me twice, and if it happens again I'm going to kidnap their cat or something.


Active Member
Hagglers don't bother me near as much as the ones that set up a time look at something you're selling and no-call-no-show, or agree to sell you something and then don't bother to tell you they've sold it to somebody else for more until you show up at their house. That last one has happened to me twice, and if it happens again I'm going to kidnap their cat or something.

Amen to that... I expect low balls and hagglers... I get frustrated when people waste my time by setting up a meet and don't show... or offer less the 50% of asking price. If you were planning on going that low, you should have made it known before the meetup.

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or offer less the 50% of asking price. If you were planning on going that low, you should have made it known before the meetup.
I agree, I don't mind a little haggling, but it's the low-ball offers that take you from left field.

an RME-er at my house last week literally looked me in the eye, and offered me $20.00 for an NP205 transfer case, no joke. and my asking price was only $50.00.

it took a lot to hold my tongue from saying "dude, there is a complete NP205 sitting on the ground between us, that I am asking a more than fair price for, and you are going to hit me at $20.00?...." no, he didn't make it known that was his intention before the meet up either

^^that is what I am talking about. ^^
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Well-Known Member
Sandy, Utah
I love to browse the classifieds. Usually I have not intend on buying, but if I am, it is worth it to check things out.

Mostly it's just wishful thinking as I try to prioritize my spending on current ventures i.e., riding gear/supplies, and other summer time fun and vacations or other priorities that I have a little more interest in.