Eagles Nest illegal bypass

James K

NO, I'm always like this
Taylorsville, Ut
and people shouldn't enter the trail with a broke rig. I have seen somebody from this BB go run con after having broke an axle on WW. that to me is wrong.


Mead, WA
scoutabout said:
What's wrong with having a few bypasses on that trail? We had a truck stuck on the first obstacle, and used the bypass to bring another truck up to pull out the first truck. Sure, the first guy shouldn't have gotten stuck, but if the bypass hadn't been there then it would have become a VERY difficult extraction due to how he'd gotten stuck.
The problem I see is that there is a sign at the beginning telling you what you need to complete the trail and what to expect. Over the past year, I ran RS/CON probably 30 times or more - literally. And I've seen just about every type of rig attempt everything. But the thing is, the ones that did attempt it were able to get themselves out without making a bypass or mowing a tree down (not saying you hurt a tree, just saying).

To me, there is a difference between going off the trail because of ignorance and mowing a tree over to go off the trail. Or mowing a tree over so you can take a different line. It's all BS!

The trails are intended to be drove a certain way, with a certain level of experience and with a certain level of equipped rig. I've seen people do things with incompetent rigs that will make you say wow! can't believe he was able to make that! And those aren't the people I'm talking about. It's the guy that just bought a Jeep/Toyota/quad, whatever! and decide to take a run up CON to find it's even more difficult than he thought and drive over a tree because he couldn't make it up or hooked onto a tree with no trunk protector to kill the tree. Or the wrong tree to pull it out of the ground.

BTW that tree that we use to pull up Eagles Nest is starting to creak while winching off of it. I'm not sure how much longer it will be there if we keep using it. Part of it could be using it as an anchor point while the ground is soaking wet. I'm sure the dirt isn't too deep, nor are the roots. It's a pretty rocky area.


Mead, WA
James K said:
and people shouldn't enter the trail with a broke rig. I have seen somebody from this BB go run con after having broke an axle on WW. that to me is wrong.
Hey, if you are talking about me, I made it all the way out with staying on the trail and not destroying anything.-_-

If you aren't, then carry on! :D


Registered User
A few of us rover guys and utahoffroad ran RS and tried WW. It was too wet and muddy to get any good traction @ WW. Sure we could of winch up it but what's the point? We will be back to do it once the water hole below it subsides.


I agree with scoutabout here. Bypasses are optional, meaning you/we can still choose the harder route. Can't we ALL enjoy the trail?

How many guys here do not winch up the waterfall? My guess is not many. Keeps the posers out I suppose. :rolleyes:


Mead, WA
krazz1e said:

I agree with scoutabout here. Bypasses are optional, meaning you/we can still choose the harder route. Can't we ALL enjoy the trail?
No. And stacking rocks to make the trail easier is unacceptable, too.

James K

NO, I'm always like this
Taylorsville, Ut
krazz1e said:
I agree with scoutabout here. Bypasses are optional, meaning you/we can still choose the harder route. Can't we ALL enjoy the trail?

How many guys here do not winch up the waterfall? My guess is not many. Keeps the posers out I suppose. :rolleyes:

THIS TRAIL WAS NEVER MEANT TO HAVE BYPASSES PERIOD. and yes I have winched up eagles nest everytime.
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James K

NO, I'm always like this
Taylorsville, Ut
waynehartwig said:
Hey, if you are talking about me, I made it all the way out with staying on the trail and not destroying anything.-_-

If you aren't, then carry on! :D
YEAH, I am talking about you. You were WRONG to have come up con when you KNEW you were broke.


Well-Known Member
krazz1e said:
Can't we ALL enjoy the trail?

NOPE, not if you're not equipped to complete the trail. If the bypasses were made intot he original trail then so be it, but NONE of these on Con were made when the trail was established, there's even a sign saying exactly what you need and what to expect if you run the trail. If you do not want body damamge or meet the minimum requirements then STAY OFF!

How many guys here do not winch up the waterfall? My guess is not many. Keeps the posers out I suppose. :rolleyes:

completely different, winching up the trail is not going off the trail, and as long as you're properly equipped you can do so without doing any damage to the surrounding area. This statement is comparing apples to oranges.


I am the Brute squad
South Salt Lake
let me say this i have lived in this state for a year.when i first got here i ran Rattlesnake and never even attempted constrictor.i had stock axles ,lockers,8 inches of lift,winch ,etc. i could have done it .but i never did because of the shear fact i wasn't sure of the vehicle or what kind of situation i would have gotten into .i have a tendency to go for drives alone and i wasn't about to try it by myself and get into trouble.

after going to full size axles,alloys shafts,36's i tried it for the first time.even know if i feel there could be to much water or mud i don't even bother going up to to help from killing the area even more.

in the years time i have been here and driven both trails i have seem them change so much .i have seen all sorts of trails blazed in were there weren't before.rattlesnake is a driveway now compared to what it was when i moved here.

as for the bypasses being there and being allowed to stay .no they shouldn't be there the trail was rated for a reason .if you want to spectate and don't have the truck to follow then hope out and walk or go to a UROC event.

i would be then happy to help in the clean up and repair of these two trails


I didn't mean to do that!
I don't want to tell peole what trail they can and can't run. BUT, if you are going to take very "bypass" (that isn't even supposed to Exist), then find a trail more suited to your vehicle\skill level. Five mile pass has some 3 - 3+ areas, if you know where to look. MM, LM, whatever it is actually called. You can go from a 2 to a 5+ within 20 feet of each other.

Ironically, I helped a guy take stock S-10 all the way to the WW waterfall, HE NEVER LEFT THE TRAIL!!! I stacked one rock, and promptly put it exactly where I found when I was done.

When we finished at WW, we turned around. Even with WanyneXJ's and my truck, we thought it wasn't a good idea to go further.

Edit: If you want to get technical, we asked him to park his truck at the turn off to WW, just so he wouldn't have to incur body damage. So I guess he didn't drive ALL the way to the waterfall!!
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Registered User
Wellsville Utah
Yep Wayne you were wrong, James said so. Jeez what a joke. Stay on trail people, other than that keep your own rules to yourself.

edit: I would be happy to take part in a trail repair.
I don't think anyone is advocating that taking the bypasses as part of the trail is ok. In a perfect situation, the bypasses would never have been created in the first place. You're not really conquering a 5+ (or by James K's rating a 4) trail by taking all the bypasses.

It seems that the point of contention revolves around bringing under qualified vehicles onto a tough trail. I've heard that the first obstacle served as a gateway, before the bypass was cut by repeated use. It seems stupid to drive off the trail and cut a bypass when you'll run into the same problem (another obstacle) 20 feet up the trail. But I guess that's the problem. Stupidity. It's stupid to take your vehicle on a trail that it can't handle. It's stupid to drive over trees and brush to get off a trail that you shouldn't have been on to begin with.

So how do we solve the problem? The signage is a good start, but we all know how well that has worked by itself. Maybe some buck-and-pole fencing to block the bypasses? How long would they last? Having volunteers ready to work is a help, let's figure out what we can do.

Ok, so this was a pointless post with no new information, but I'm going to click "post quick reply" anyway.


Formerly WJ ZUK
It's difficult to say what people should drive what trail. I have a samurai with dana 44's locked front and rear, propaned and t case gears and I think I'm prepared for con and have run it many times. I also have broken a couple times and have been able to get out by myself, some were minor others major rolls. That is the risk I take on a 5 rated trail, I like trying the hard stuff, but I'm equipped with a winch and tools to change out any broken part or remove it until I can. I also keep spare shafts just in case; in my tow rig for now. The question is why do people that can't make an obstacle drive through tress and bushes etc to go around to the next hard spot. That is what makes it fun, you try different lines speeds, etc. If for some reason you can't make it have your buddy strap you or winch. There is no excuse to go off the trail. I have seen many people drive off the trail on rattlesnake, mainly right after the water fall right up the north hill. Even seen a guy back up right over a 5 ft fir tree when I has with wayne. I ran up the hill and yelled at those guys, but I don't think it did much good, sure pissed me off though. I 've only been wheeling for about a year now, but I'm concerned about where our trails are going, and how some people treat them:mad2: Let me know on the cleanup/construction I'll be there
Maybe an RME trail patrol is in order? Considering that someone from RME is up at the snakes almost every weekend, might as well get a little formal about it and start kicking people's arses for doing damage to the trails.


Formerly WJ ZUK
Yep, besides taking pictures and yelling at people to stay on the trail does nothing, it all comes back to one thing..... Physical violence, it solves everything:D