Eagles Nest illegal bypass


Just Hanging Out
Holly Day
krazz1e said:
I am not saying, nor do I think scoutabout is implying to continue using these 'illegeal' routes, rather just discussing should there be some officially made,
Why..........? Why make a bypass when there was never one intended to be there? Who decides what is an "offical" bypass?


Just Hanging Out
Holly Day
How about this Clean Up Day...........:cool:



See anything funny under that pile.....?


Sandy, Ut
Shawn said:
Here is one for ya.... Kurt, got a pic of Brittany's Box....?

Anyone know where that one is on the trail ;)

I might... I have some video of the first few runs we did, as well as a handful of still shots. The one I posted is the only one I could find tonight, I have been moving & organizing a bunch of stuff and stumbled across that one just a week ago... got me reminiscing needless to say.

I don't think bypasses are appropriate for this trail, as for their need in many other trails, its an open debate. Many trails HAVE to have a bypass as per the county, State, Forest Service, BLM, etc. This is not the case with Constrictor, and frankly the bypasses that were created were very destructive IMHO. No one really has the "official" say on what goes on these trails... but an ethical wheeler should know ALOT better than some of the actions I have witnessed (or the damage I have witnessed) on the trail (Con in particular).

I hiked it a couple weeks ago (I was out with a freind in my Taco). All I can say is "raped". Did I know it would happen? Yes... did I think it would happen to the extent it did? No...

Constrictor is a very popular trail, between it & RS I would be willing to be it get traffic nearly every weekend and many weekdays. Some of the most disconcerting stuff I saw between the two trails (RS included) looked as if it took place from the ATV guys. Kindve hard to police them too... RS & Con were ATV (CON mostly a single track) trails prior to us falling in love. I know RS has grown harder than the past from an ATV perspective...


I didn't mean to do that!
So five pages??? Are we ready to get together and discuss this? Like I said before, my place is open for some BBQ and BSing!


Mead, WA
James K said:
YEAH, I am talking about you. You were WRONG to have come up con when you KNEW you were broke.
Maybe, but I didn't take any bypasses, use any tow strap, winch or stack a rock to make it through. Well, you know I used one at the waterfall, but that's it. I think I even pulled people up the waterfall. If you ask me, completely different. I can see getting flamed if I had to stack rocks all over the place, or had to winch off of trees or even go off trail, but I did not. Even at the very start of the trail, I did not use the bypass.


Just Hanging Out
Holly Day
toys4rocks said:
So five pages??? Are we ready to get together and discuss this? Like I said before, my place is open for some BBQ and BSing!
Sh!t... 5 pages.... do some searching. Most Constrictor threads go for more than 20.
Just to be clear, I'm not in favor of illegal bypasses. I'm definitely not in favor of cutting bypasses like an idiot. I'm saying that if the bypass is there then it's there, and we're going to have to expend a great deal of energy to remove it. Is it always worth it, or should we use that energy to keep illegal bypasses from being cut on other trails?

As brought up in other posts, how would a newbie know where the bypasses are? Once it's been there for several years (or a few days of good use as I've witnessed in some cases), it looks like part of the trail. Only an experienced wheeler familiar with the trail will know. Look at Jeff Steven's post about putting winch points in at Pritchett.

James K

NO, I'm always like this
Taylorsville, Ut
waynehartwig said:
Maybe, but I didn't take any bypasses, use any tow strap, winch or stack a rock to make it through. Well, you know I used one at the waterfall, but that's it. I think I even pulled people up the waterfall. If you ask me, completely different. I can see getting flamed if I had to stack rocks all over the place, or had to winch off of trees or even go off trail, but I did not. Even at the very start of the trail, I did not use the bypass.
well, captain clueless. The point is it wasn't necessary for you to go on a trail with a broke vehicle. As I recall you had a hell of a time on the waterfall because of the broken axle. You put the rest of the group at your mercy, because if it had got worse we would have had to get you out. I also believe we had to wait for you at the top because it was taken you longer then it should have, why..........oh yeah, BECAUSE OF THE BROKEN AXLE. The biggest problem with you is you need to know when to say when. You say its ok to take a strap or use the winch yet you take a broken vehicle on a high rated trail.


Mead, WA
James K said:
there are no bypasses on constrictor.
Either way, I did not take any. I drove down the crack at the gate, I drove radiator rapids as it was intended, winched up eagles nest like everybody else does, etc. The rest I don't think you COULD make a bypass, as it is too narrow.


Mead, WA
James K said:
well, captain clueless. The point is it wasn't necessary for you to go on a trail with a broke vehicle. As I recall you had a hell of a time on the waterfall because of the broken axle. You put the rest of the group at your mercy, because if it had got worse we would have had to get you out. I also believe we had to wait for you at the top because it was taken you longer then it should have, why..........oh yeah, BECAUSE OF THE BROKEN AXLE. The biggest problem with you is you need to know when to say when. You say its ok to take a strap or use the winch yet you take a broken vehicle on a high rated trail.
True...I completely agree with this statement and see your point.:ugh:


I'm game. And after this thread turns up like they do every Spring, I'll prolly end up fixing them myself this spring/summer :)

James K said:
the line forms in wyoming.

And heads East?

Shawn said:
I would like to point out that the first obstacle has a name. It is called the Wolverine.
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As for tree's, here's the winch point on 10-23-05 and the most recent to fall taken on the same day just above the nest
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