hanging tree trail


Crazy Man
Sandy, Utah
It was a good ride. I managed to shear off all the studs on the driver rear tire. Luckily I have a spare shaft in my truck and we just hammered out the studs and put them in the other shaft that sheared them off. Thanks again Rockmonkey, it was nice meeting you.

did you guys go up and back down, or exit out the top? like everyone has been talking about.

I Lean

Mbryson's hairdresser
It was a good ride. I managed to shear off all the studs on the driver rear tire. Luckily I have a spare shaft in my truck and we just hammered out the studs and put them in the other shaft that sheared them off. Thanks again Rockmonkey, it was nice meeting you.

Any reason you didn't just change the shaft, rather than pressing studs in and out? :confused:


Suddenly Enthusiastic
It was a good ride. I managed to shear off all the studs on the driver rear tire. Luckily I have a spare shaft in my truck and we just hammered out the studs and put them in the other shaft that sheared them off. Thanks again Rockmonkey, it was nice meeting you.

Nice meeting you too. It was a fun day. I'm up for another.


Crazy Man
Sandy, Utah
I would like to run it. As well
if you can make it i'm heading down on the 24th of this month and am going to run it with an xj or two of them..
or if you want to wait, then i know more people are going to be going down in july, cause sixstring steve is going to shakedown his truck then.


~ Bush Eater's Offroad ~
Salt Lake Utah
just FYI, heres my 2nd time on Hanging Tree Trail... had an inadvertant rollover due to off camber situation in a large boulder garden. We could barely get a vehicle manuvered back down to do a snatch block recovery... Love that trail and am headed back very soon as I think its the best one I've seen in North Utah.

As for the people that are planning to run the Rubicon trail and use Hanging Tree Trail (HTT) for a shakedown run, I believe that will be a very VERY good test. You can see here on the sign clearly stating by some local UT wheelers that 35's and dual lockers are recommended (and probably should be a minimum), I would have to agree!!! I would not want to be on that trail with anyone that didn't because you will not get up or back down if you broke catastrophically. Now I would say you can probably make it "through the trail" with 33's and a single locker by not doing all the obstacles and winching a couple mandatory spots, but I can guarantee you won't complete the actual trail unassisted without two lockers. (and I’ll buy ya a steak dinner if ya can!!! and yes, video camera proof is required)

Hanging Tree Sign and Roll.jpg

Hanging Tree Waterfall.jpg


Well-Known Member
I'll agree with ya Ryan. There's no way my rig will make it up the last waterfall without a winch. Hopefully I can get to that spot without needing a strap, but I doubt it.


I don't know if I would even want to try that last waterfall without a winch. Just seems like a really good spot to end up in a bad way quick. Since it's the last obstacle unless you are with a local and driving out that way i don't even think it's worth it.


~ Bush Eater's Offroad ~
Salt Lake Utah
The last water fall isnt the one I'm thinking of that is a mandatory ledge that is super hard to make. Its the one at about the middle of the trail where everyone usually stops to eat lunch.

Colton just after lunch.
Jerry just after lunch W/ 40" stickies.
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~ Bush Eater's Offroad ~
Salt Lake Utah
Oh, and I wasn't actually saying any particular rig wouldnt make it, but rather a rig with less than 2 lockers will not make it thru the trail unassisted. I honestly think this is a perfect trail for a shakedown run. Most of all have fun on this trail cause it is awesome and down right epic!!!


~ Bush Eater's Offroad ~
Salt Lake Utah
Previous video links fixed.

I wouldn't say any of the ledges, waterfalls, boulders or hill climbs are too horribly bad... but def a challenging trail that gets your off road adrenaline pumping around every corner!!! its also in a super peaceful & beautiful area which is awesome cause it takes a better part of a day to finish without very many stops. I love that fact that if your actually planning on driving to Ephraim to go run the trail your likely in a capable enough vehicle to try most every obstacles out there by going slow, using a spotter and a little driving skill.