hanging tree trail

The land owner just doesn't want people to be lost on their land. If you know the way out (basically 1 specific turn) your fine.

Yea, theres a couple forks but if the trail has been ran frequent its kinda a more common/beat'n path. going back down the trail is usually faster, but its also when the tip overs and body damage usually happens. I would ask that if you dont know your way out the top and down dry canyon, not to go without someone who does, once youve been out the top a few times you should be able to find your way out. Make sure the gate is closed, if its locked you will have to go back down the trail.
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I didn't mind driving down the trail at all. Made it down in less than an hour and that was with stopping and waiting for others.
Going back through the bottom isnt bad at all I drove out in 2 wheel drive after breaking a stub shaft and then I broke a knuckle jumping off ledgees on the way down.......Thank goodness for suspension seats