Lighten the mood

ID Bronco

Registered User
Idaho Falls, ID
I agree, officer's job is NOT to execute anybody, whether they're local or FBI or whatever. They are not the judge, they are not the jury.

It's certainly possible that's what happened here, we know the FBI has done that before. I'm just not ready to play that card here, and I don't think anyone who doesn't have first hand knowledge should be. From the last article in the Deseret, they're saying they told him to come out, he didn't, they breached his front window and next thing they're bringing him out on a stretcher and doing CPR. If that's an accurate representation of the facts, it sounds like the guy F***ed Around and Found Out.

Maybe not. Maybe he was a harmless old eccentric and they overreacted and shot first. Maybe they didn't need to go in, maybe they could have starved him out or used tear gas or played Van Halen really loud at him. I don't know. I wasn't there, I don't know what their orders were or exactly what they knew. I do know what his social media looked like, and based on that I'm prepared to believe that he was who he said he was, and when the FBI came for him he met them with his .45 like he said he would, and he wasn't as good a shot as he thought he was. I'm also prepared to change my mind if information comes out down the road that paints a different picture. I just don't think it's helpful, in fact I think it's downright harmful at this point, to engage in a bunch of partisan fingerpointing, and some of the comments upthread have definitely had the smell of doublethink and partisan fingerpointing and I guess I'm not as good at keeping my mouth shut as I wish I was.

Anyway, anyone can tag me in one of the other threads if we want to continue this conversation, but this is not the right thread so I'm gonna hush. Here's something to lighten the mood.

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Switching this out of a fun thread is a great idea, I don't know the best way to do it.

Having had poor interactions with the FBI before I don't trust their version of events, but I agree let's see what happens. If he shot at them first, no problem. I still have a problem with bashing in the guys house, that would incite more emotion and make any homeowner more angry.


Well-Known Member
Kaysville, Ut
Have you ever thought that that old guy has been married for a long time to a miserable, angry old bitch and he has had enough and this is his version suicidal help and figured he would go out in style? I tell my kids all the time, strap me my dirt bike, take me to the N Rim of the Grand Canyon and get the camera running. I’m going to do my damnedest to get 5-10 black-flips in before I end my misery. I personally know an old man who is so angry but won’t leave his wife. I could see if do something like this. We were at lunch one day and the waitress was terrible, literally the worst I have ever had. When she brought the bill which was thirty some odd dollars. He dropped down a $50 and she asked if he needed the change. His exact response was, “Hell yes I do, you aren’t getting much of a tip from me because you suck ay your job”. I was dying, he was absolutely correct though. I couldn’t wait to call my wife to tell her what “Angry Bill” said this time. I do love the man though. He tells you straight up why he’s so pissed off. I’ve wanted to meet his wife but he tells me I no man should have to do that to any other man and not be punished for it.

Now, I started this thread when Covid started and it is my favorite post. Let’s get back to having fun with it.


somewhat damaged