Lighten the mood


I live my life 1 dumpster at a time
So Jo, Ut
Unfortunately, this is me. I've worked VERY hard to get better at it.. but I fail regularly.


I've had internal arguments with most of you at some point..


Threat Level Midnight
I've heard there are people with no inner monologue. I doubt it would be anybody here since we surround ourselves with creativity and problem solving (4 wheeling in general).

I always thought that was fascinating though. Real life npc's?
A friend of mine got a divorce from his wife sort of for this reason. She was nice, friendly, cute, but was just sort of a hollow shell, easily filled by the personality of whoever she was with. He described her just like an npc. So they amicably parted ways and are still friendly with each other, but he couldn’t stay married to that.


Smooth Gang Founding Member
My brother has always been quick with a comeback and is amazing at arguing. I’m just glad he’s always been on my side 🤣
I’ve actually wondered if he has the arguments in his head after. I need to ask him.


But stuck more often.
If that was the only show on TV for the rest of my life, I'd still watch tv as much as I do now and be just fine.

(also glad someone got my semi-vague reference :rofl: )