Lighten the mood


somewhat damaged


Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
They couldn't apprehend a 74 year old 300lb 5 foot 4 crap talker with a cane without killing him?
Honest question, for everybody - during the whole BLM riots, black guys getting shot while being arrested brouhaha that went down over the past couple of years, did you ever once express the sentiment that some guy wouldn't have been shot if he hadn't been doing anything wrong? Did you ever think to yourself that that poor black guy would still be alive if he hadn't appeared to be breaking the law? If he'd just complied?

This is not a gotcha. I haven't gone digging through anybody's post history or anything, I'm just using ID Bronco's post as an example (for which I apologize). But this was a super common sentiment among right wing folks during that mess, and I'm seeing the flip side of it now (like this post) in the same right wing circles talking about this guy that the FBI shot, and it ain't a good look. Like I said, I didn't go digging, I don't know that anybody in particular is a hypocrite, I'm not calling anybody out. But it makes me wonder.

I'm waiting for the whole story, or at least as much of it as we're gonna get. Maybe the FBI was a bunch of trigger happy assholes here, they've done that before for sure. But maybe this guy was everything he was claiming to be, and maybe they had good reason to serve a warrant on him and try to take him into custody, and maybe when they tried he gave them a good reason to gun him down, just like he said he was going to.


I live my life 1 dumpster at a time
So Jo, Ut
Honest question, for everybody - during the whole BLM riots, black guys getting shot while being arrested brouhaha that went down over the past couple of years, did you ever once express the sentiment that some guy wouldn't have been shot if he hadn't been doing anything wrong? Did you ever think to yourself that that poor black guy would still be alive if he hadn't appeared to be breaking the law? If he'd just complied?

This is not a gotcha. I haven't gone digging through anybody's post history or anything, I'm just using ID Bronco's post as an example (for which I apologize). But this was a super common sentiment among right wing folks during that mess, and I'm seeing the flip side of it now (like this post) in the same right wing circles talking about this guy that the FBI shot, and it ain't a good look. Like I said, I didn't go digging, I don't know that anybody in particular is a hypocrite, I'm not calling anybody out. But it makes me wonder.

I'm waiting for the whole story, or at least as much of it as we're gonna get. Maybe the FBI was a bunch of trigger happy assholes here, they've done that before for sure. But maybe this guy was everything he was claiming to be, and maybe they had good reason to serve a warrant on him and try to take him into custody, and maybe when they tried he gave them a good reason to gun him down, just like he said he was going to.

IF this man was a real threat and was taken out, then let it be.

However, this man did not just rob a store, knock an old man unconscious, or cause any other ACTUAL harm to anyone.
Talking shiz is much different than actual behavior.

Were there probably 1,000 different ways that the FBI could have prevented this from happening? Yes. They had all the upper hand and surprise.
Police responding to violent crime in progress is different.

So not really apples to apples, IMO.

ID Bronco

Registered User
Idaho Falls, ID
Honest question, for everybody - during the whole BLM riots, black guys getting shot while being arrested brouhaha that went down over the past couple of years, did you ever once express the sentiment that some guy wouldn't have been shot if he hadn't been doing anything wrong? Did you ever think to yourself that that poor black guy would still be alive if he hadn't appeared to be breaking the law? If he'd just complied?

This is not a gotcha. I haven't gone digging through anybody's post history or anything, I'm just using ID Bronco's post as an example (for which I apologize). But this was a super common sentiment among right wing folks during that mess, and I'm seeing the flip side of it now (like this post) in the same right wing circles talking about this guy that the FBI shot, and it ain't a good look. Like I said, I didn't go digging, I don't know that anybody in particular is a hypocrite, I'm not calling anybody out. But it makes me wonder.

I'm waiting for the whole story, or at least as much of it as we're gonna get. Maybe the FBI was a bunch of trigger happy assholes here, they've done that before for sure. But maybe this guy was everything he was claiming to be, and maybe they had good reason to serve a warrant on him and try to take him into custody, and maybe when they tried he gave them a good reason to gun him down, just like he said he was going to.

I'm with Jeeper on this, he said it well.

The posts this guy made were unlawful. They were terrible but the punishment for that isn't death. A looting, physically fit active - in the process criminal is very different than this. I thought the whole George Floyd thing was about police abusing power. He was on drugs, committing a crime and there was outrage. This guy was TALKING about committing a crime, as far as we know, not on drugs, in his own home at 6am in the morning and a tank comes through his front window.

Was he guilty of something, probably. Did he need to die? Probably not, but let's see if the FBI comes clean. Who will ever know since they drug his body out to the street and left it lying there for about 2 hours. That's not how most officer involved shootings are investigated.

It should go both ways. But do most of us distrust the FBI because they currently have two sets of rules? Yes


Threat Level Midnight
Honest question, for everybody - during the whole BLM riots, black guys getting shot while being arrested brouhaha that went down over the past couple of years, did you ever once express the sentiment that some guy wouldn't have been shot if he hadn't been doing anything wrong? Did you ever think to yourself that that poor black guy would still be alive if he hadn't appeared to be breaking the law? If he'd just complied?

This is not a gotcha. I haven't gone digging through anybody's post history or anything, I'm just using ID Bronco's post as an example (for which I apologize). But this was a super common sentiment among right wing folks during that mess, and I'm seeing the flip side of it now (like this post) in the same right wing circles talking about this guy that the FBI shot, and it ain't a good look. Like I said, I didn't go digging, I don't know that anybody in particular is a hypocrite, I'm not calling anybody out. But it makes me wonder.

I'm waiting for the whole story, or at least as much of it as we're gonna get. Maybe the FBI was a bunch of trigger happy assholes here, they've done that before for sure. But maybe this guy was everything he was claiming to be, and maybe they had good reason to serve a warrant on him and try to take him into custody, and maybe when they tried he gave them a good reason to gun him down, just like he said he was going to.
I carry a gun everyday because I believe there are crazy folks out there who have guns, are unhinged to some degree, and can’t be trusted. This guy’s posts were WAY beyond “talking shiz,” he seemed just the candidate to be a danger to whoever his addled brain deemed an enemy. If he was unarmed at his computer when they entered, they should be prosecuted for murder. But if he had a firearm, and had presented himself online repeatedly as a threat to fbi agents in particular, I have no problem with them taken him seriously at his word and putting him down.

Either police should be defunded and disarmed, and replaced with social workers, or not. Can’t have it both ways depending on who gets shot.

Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
I'm with Jeeper on this, he said it well.

The posts this guy made were unlawful. They were terrible but the punishment for that isn't death. A looting, physically fit active - in the process criminal is very different than this. I thought the whole George Floyd thing was about police abusing power. He was on drugs, committing a crime and there was outrage. This guy was TALKING about committing a crime, as far as we know, not on drugs, in his own home at 6am in the morning and a tank comes through his front window.

Was he guilty of something, probably. Did he need to die? Probably not, but let's see if the FBI comes clean. Who will ever know since they drug his body out to the street and left it lying there for about 2 hours. That's not how most officer involved shootings are investigated.

It should go both ways. But do most of us distrust the FBI because they currently have two sets of rules? Yes
I agree, officer's job is NOT to execute anybody, whether they're local or FBI or whatever. They are not the judge, they are not the jury.

It's certainly possible that's what happened here, we know the FBI has done that before. I'm just not ready to play that card here, and I don't think anyone who doesn't have first hand knowledge should be. From the last article in the Deseret, they're saying they told him to come out, he didn't, they breached his front window and next thing they're bringing him out on a stretcher and doing CPR. If that's an accurate representation of the facts, it sounds like the guy F***ed Around and Found Out.

Maybe not. Maybe he was a harmless old eccentric and they overreacted and shot first. Maybe they didn't need to go in, maybe they could have starved him out or used tear gas or played Van Halen really loud at him. I don't know. I wasn't there, I don't know what their orders were or exactly what they knew. I do know what his social media looked like, and based on that I'm prepared to believe that he was who he said he was, and when the FBI came for him he met them with his .45 like he said he would, and he wasn't as good a shot as he thought he was. I'm also prepared to change my mind if information comes out down the road that paints a different picture. I just don't think it's helpful, in fact I think it's downright harmful at this point, to engage in a bunch of partisan fingerpointing, and some of the comments upthread have definitely had the smell of doublethink and partisan fingerpointing and I guess I'm not as good at keeping my mouth shut as I wish I was.

Anyway, anyone can tag me in one of the other threads if we want to continue this conversation, but this is not the right thread so I'm gonna hush. Here's something to lighten the mood.
