McCains VP choice pro-OHV

Brian P

Misanthropic Fuel
Just a little easier on the eyes than Billary...:)


ID Bronco

Registered User
Idaho Falls, ID
Thanks for the link. I really think this strengthens The Republican position. She is pro about everything I am. Less restrictions, Pro life, Pro OHV, Hunting,

I like what I see


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
on the other thing, she is pro all of the things that people hate about the Bush administration. I think for a republican candidate, you're going to have to differentiate yourself as much as possible from Bush, because nobody will vote in anther president with similar ideals.

Bucking Bronco

on the other thing, she is pro all of the things that people hate about the Bush administration. I think for a republican candidate, you're going to have to differentiate yourself as much as possible from Bush, because nobody will vote in anther president with similar ideals.

I would

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Just doing my thing.
on the other thing, she is pro all of the things that people hate about the Bush administration. I think for a republican candidate, you're going to have to differentiate yourself as much as possible from Bush, because nobody will vote in anther president with similar ideals.

Come on man......nobody?

Those rabid liberals shown this week in Denver won't...... but there are not nearly as many of them.... as the media wants you to think there are.

I am not a fan of W at all....... but if they gave me the same choices I had at the time (Gore or Kerry) Hell... I personally would vote for Bush again.

This Sarah Palin is much better than McCain himself. She seems like the true conservative McCain was trying to find to fill the ticket and appeal to the conservative base.


Poker of the Hornets Nest
I always vote 3rd Party... I detest our 2 party system so i do my part in voting for the most outlandish 3rd party there is.. Obama or Mccain are both horrible candidates and we will continue to have horrible candidates up until the point that
1. there are 3 equal parties
2. the campaign does not cost more than the president would make during his term of office
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Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
Come on man......nobody?

Obviously not 'nobody', but if you look at Bush's approval ratings and use that as a judgment of how a vote would go, I wouldn't want those numbers.

If you think Bush vs Obama would have gone to Bush, I tend to disagree. I think Obama is much stronger candidate than Kerry or the Goracle, but part of that is built on the anti-bush platform that will work for this election. being anything un-bush will be enough to get votes from some people.

I for one voted for Bush, will almost certainly vote for McCain, but don't consider myself to be of any party. I vote heavily democrat locally, and tend to hate all partisan politics. I would say I'm conservatively liberal I guess.