New and improved New Member night run - March 11th (Updated)


Well-Known Member
i know, I'm not looking forward to part 2. I'll be at the front of the trail, and I"m going to run it asap. Even with 20 rigs on rattlesnake, if nobody hit a single obstacle, i'd guess it'd still take 2 hours to get through.


Well-Known Member
I should restate.

I'm looking forward to it, but not because it'll be the best trail run I've ever been on. I'm looking forward to meeting everyone and helping the noobs learn about the sport. But I don't expect the RS run to be my favorite time ever on that trail (large # of people, snow/mud, dark). Don't get me wrong, it'll still be a blast. You knew what I meant ;)
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yeah I know what you meant Steve. Looking forward to meeting you and all the people who hopefully show up on the May ish run.


Still plays with cars
Lehi, UT
But I don't expect the RS run to be my favorite time ever on that trail (large # of people, snow/mud, dark).

I am just like you, apparently. I've never run RS in the dark, in the snow, or with more than 4 rigs at one time. Nevertheless, I am looking forward to this event purely for the social aspect of it. (Goodness knows I've pulled enough new people into it!)


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
I'll try to make it out on Sat. but it'll be questionable. I get to work on Fri. night until at least 11 pm. We'll see how that goes. I'd like to test out my new tcase and rear Detroit (swapped from a spool---EXTREMELY different on the street).


Well-Known Member
it'll be nice and clear on saturday, I think all Utahns who own a 4x4 (except for you) will be running it Friday night.


thanks TJ. I'm afraid everyone's going to have high expectations for the trip, and I'll totally blow it one way or another. I'm sure I won't be able to please everyone, but I'll do the best I can. I'm really looking forward to it.

If it makes you feel any better, I'm expecting to walk away from this to be able to get first place in King of the Hammers next year, so no pressure. ;)

I think a lot of the big turnout is due to everyone wanting winter to be gone and tired of being stuck on pavement.

Personally, I'm mostly coming out to meet everyone and maybe pick up a few tips of things I've never thought about before. That, and any excuse to get on the rocks is a good excuse. I've also never done anything at night, so that'll be interesting. If I didn't want to try out the 80 so much, I'd take my 02 as a light source.


Well-Known Member
hopefully someone can get a bonfire going so we can sit around and shoot the breeze for a bit.

I don't know the fire rules up there. I wouldn't recommend burning palletes, I've seen more than a few nails at the dirt parking lot.


I found out that I will still be here (long story), so I'd love to join you guys. If possible I'd like to ride along with someone on part 2. It will be myself + 1.

Hopefully this was the correct place for signing up?



Om Nom Nom Nom smack
Bad news... My 4runner is having running issues. Apparently it's a bad idea to jump the 4runner, and then run it through big muddy puddles. Hopefully by friday night I'll have it figured out. It has a missfire when cold but seems to run fine when warm. But I don't want to push my luck. We'll see what the next couple of days of inspecting find.
