You need to repost that beastie boy video from yesterday. That was awesome. (I think that was you...?)
I still don't get what the big deal about any of this is. Sure its worthy of note, but holy cow, how much does the media need to nitpick this thing?
It doesn't even seem like a victory; its nine years too late. So even if the whole thing is a bogus conspiracy its still just not a big deal. It's not going to bring anyone back and its not going to change the momentum of any conflict. If some people are dumb enough to decide to re-elect Obama because "he killed bin Laden" then... they're dumb. If someone decides to blow up a bus because "the infidel Americans killed bin Laden" well... they're dumb and they were going to do it anyway. Obama was ballsy enough to make the right choice and justice was served. End of story. Unless he made it all up just to get re-elected and then it's just awesome.
I would like to know who's behind the big stink about whether or not he was armed or not. Cause I don't care if he was or not, he should have been shot in the face either way, but it seems like the news thinks we care...
Some interesting conspiracy theories are popping up, he's been dead for 10 years and just been used as an excuse for continued war... he's alive and in custody and hidden to prevent breakout/terrorist attempts to recover him. Interesting...
I have sources that tell me he's tied to a little wooden chair in Pelosi's basement, and she dresses him in a skirt and forces him to have tea with her...
I can't think of a more effective method of torture...
I heard a rumor that he is Pelosi, post op.
I heard a rumor that he is Pelosi, post op.
The risk of claiming Osama is dead and then him popping up on youtube flipping off Obama would cause widespread unrest in the nation.
Conspiracy theories are ridiculous and unnecessary...just like our government and all the silly crap enacted since 9/11.
Absolutely. I was never too interested in the whole Obama birth certificate deal, then after years of interest he finally releases it. Why now?Also, IMO, they're only called "conspiracies" when a majority doesn't agree with an alternate view... extreme or not. Doesn't make it any less valid than the stories being put out by the gov.
Newly release footage!
Usama bin Laden... Nice