Pritchett Canyon


somewhat damaged
I disagree.. I cannot see the good from hiding proof from the public. He did it. the words here are enough to make the greenies pissed. If Walker did pull some stupid stunt the pics should be up online. Invite him to come talk about it in public like a man and atone.

Zog, What friendlier approach are you suggesting? Should we treat Walker as someone that knows NOTHING about LNT and staying on the trail and ask him to pretty please atone for his misdeed because we know that there is no way that he would know better but in the future to be a good little boy?

Reasonable responses have already been posted. And I never did say that the issue was going to be left alone. I honestly think some good could MAYBE come of this. Who knows... I'm tired of the 4x4 community battling against itself. We are doing exactly what they want us to, fight and fall from within.

It's not who did the damage, but more of a matter of what are they going to do to make it right. Same standards should be held for everybody.


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away

I'm late to the party, but this is f***ed. I am all for pressuring Walker Evans and the rest of any industry folks that followed him to pony up for some repair and publicity for trail issues. It's my opinion that we need kind of an offroad SEMA to start fighting collectively, and this could be a good start.

It's too bad to see this. Has there been any response yet, from Mr. Evans???


Evanston WY
What good would posting the pictures do? The damage is already done. I really don't think it will make the violators feel any worse about doing it. Otherwise they would have never done it. Surely they knew there were several cameras around, and that they would be photographed.
I agree that they should pay for the damage, but I don't think that posting pictures is going to make that happen. Just my opinion.:ugh:


Poker of the Hornets Nest
What good would posting the pictures do? The damage is already done. I really don't think it will make the violators feel any worse about doing it. Otherwise they would have never done it. Surely they knew there were several cameras around, and that they would be photographed.
I agree that they should pay for the damage, but I don't think that posting pictures is going to make that happen. Just my opinion.:ugh:

because so far all we have is hearsay that he has done this with no proof


Formerly Beardy McGee
because so far all we have is hearsay that he has done this with no proof

What would you do with the photos? Really, push your 'resume' in front of Walker and tell him to pony up the cash for repairs, or else? OMG are you a bigger celerity than Walker? Does he know you? Does he call you at home? Would you twist his arm? Break his hip? He is old after all.. :rolleyes:

Really, let the RR4W or the U4 handle this. Their voice is bigger, because it's many people, rather than just one single one. This is the way things like this should work. Not stir up the 4x4 community into a witch hunt. Let the man own up, and if that doesn't happen, then witch hunt.. I'll bring pitch forks for everyone. ;)


Poker of the Hornets Nest
What would you do with the photos? Really, push your 'resume' in front of Walker and tell him to pony up the cash for repairs, or else? OMG are you a bigger celerity than Walker? Does he know you? Does he call you at home? Would you twist his arm? Break his hip? He is old after all.. :rolleyes:

Really, let the RR4W or the U4 handle this. Their voice is bigger, because it's many people, rather than just one single one. This is the way things like this should work. Not stir up the 4x4 community into a witch hunt. Let the man own up, and if that doesn't happen, then witch hunt.. I'll bring pitch forks for everyone. ;)

Why do you have to make this personal? Really this is a thread that says that so and so has done something.

So far there is no proof.

I don't trust RR4W or U4 to actually get anything done nor what they say without looking into things on my own. I am sorry I don't do everything you and your comrades say nor believe it without some tangible proof.. not hearsay. some people may read this and start sending emails of an inflammatory nature to Walker and find that they have been duped by trusting someone how has such a well known internet presence as yourself.


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
so you think it's more likely that someone has a personal agenda in play here, and is intentially seeking to defame Walker?

I've seen the pictures, know exactly what the ride was supposed to be and for who. Your non-belief doesn't really matter as people who actually put in time to make a positive inpact are working with the situation, and not sitting online as the sole voice for public retribution. It's not like you would do anything constructive with the pictures or the situation anyway so don't get so butt hurt that you can't give us your e-validation to the situation.

If you need daytime drama, I'm sure Days of Our Lives is on about this time of day. Maybe check that out.
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Poker of the Hornets Nest
so you think it's more likely that someone has a personal agenda in play here, and is intentially seeking to defame Walker?

Did I state that? I think not.. I said I don't trust what I have not seen proof on.. I am not fond of Hearsay and people have been known to be honestly mistaken. Again don't make this personal I know that the Ego's on RME think that everything said is about them but it is not


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
Did I state that? I think not.. I said I don't trust what I have not seen proof on.. I am not fond of Hearsay and people have been known to be honestly mistaken. Again don't make this personal I know that the Ego's on RME think that everything said is about them but it is not

I'm not making it any more personal than you. Don't get so upset that nobody cares if you believe it or not. The facts are what they are, regardless of the TC Stamp of Approval.


Poker of the Hornets Nest
I'm not making it any more personal than you. Don't get so upset that nobody cares if you believe it or not. The facts are what they are, regardless of the TC Stamp of Approval.

The facts are what they are... all that is in this thread is Hearsay. you state that facts are there then show them.
Never said that they won't get shown.. Myself and others don't feel it's the best route to take until Evans has had a chance to agree/disagree to fixing the issue.

Just because this is Walker Evans people want to make him PAY$$ for his misdeed. Blackmail is wrong no matter how funny it may seem. His name is already slandered on this thread all I am asking for is proof and not a statement that the U4 (a group that won't even share meeting minutes or what their plans are for future things but still want my $$) will take care of the situation

I am not hear to place a stamp of approval only to point out that I adamantly disagree with not showing proof yet letting this thread continue to exist.

Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah


I don't know where you got this exortion idea from. Maybe they are trying to get him to lend his name and influence to a sponsored clean up, or some sort of other activity that would reflect positively him personally and this sport as a whole.

Because people are choosing to deal with this in some place OTHER THAN THE ****ING INTERNET you're all up in arms. You may feel as if you are the protector of the accused and on some strange crusade for truth, but the reality is that once the pictures surface you'll just go "yup, that's him. carry on" and the only your impact on the situation will be remembered by the sum of your above posts, because you won't do anything about it.


Poker of the Hornets Nest
That's EXACTLY what I'm hearing from you. Thanks for screwing up a thread that started with the intentions of FIXING a problem, not creating more and letting you grind your axe.

WTF is your agenda?

I think I stated my agenda.. are you unable to read? let me quote it for you.

Blackmail is wrong no matter how funny it may seem. His name is already slandered on this thread all I am asking for is proof and not a statement that the U4 will take care of the situation