Political So now what

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Registered User
Salt Lake City
As for Trump. I don't care for him personally, but I will damn sure vote for him and his policies, over the tax and spend, blundering Biden. Inflation is up approx. 30%, since old Joe got in and started implementing and pushing his policies. For me, it's first and foremost about Bidenflation.
The inflation we are experiencing is only SLIGHTLY related to Biden. the .gov (Trump included with his COVID spending) started the inflation machine long before Biden came into play. You can only print free money for so long before inflation comes home to roost. Blaming this all on Biden and his economic policies, when Congress basically controls the purse strings of the country is VERY short sided

Biden certainly helped with his BS Covid spending, but he is only partially to blame....and I would say less then 25%


Well-Known Member
Millcreek, UT
The inflation we are experiencing is only SLIGHTLY related to Biden. the .gov (Trump included with his COVID spending) started the inflation machine long before Biden came into play. You can only print free money for so long before inflation comes home to roost. Blaming this all on Biden and his economic policies, when Congress basically controls the purse strings of the country is VERY short sided

Biden certainly helped with his BS Covid spending, but he is only partially to blame....and I would say less then 25%

Don't forget that biden's first day in office, he signed Executive Orders effecting our then-current and future energy production. Inflation which had been holding steady up to that date, then started to climb. Do you recall biden begging the Saudi's and Venezuela to pump more oil, as his energy policies were and are hurting our energy production and the economy? They declined his begging... To say nothing of the numerous trillion+ dollar spending bills his administration has pushed through.

I'd lay the inflation we've been experiencing, almost squarely on his policies.


Well-Known Member
Kaysville Utah
I particularly dislike his position on Ukraine and general MAGA opinion that the US is a second rate power in decline and needs to step back from the world stage.
I think you’re wrong here. We think the US is a first rate power we’re just sick of the elites getting rich off unnecessary never ending proxy wars.


Registered User
Salt Lake City
Don't forget that biden's first day in office, he signed Executive Orders effecting our then-current and future energy production. Inflation which had been holding steady up to that date, then started to climb. Do you recall biden begging the Saudi's and Venezuela to pump more oil, as his energy policies were and are hurting our energy production and the economy? They declined his begging... To say nothing of the numerous trillion+ dollar spending bills his administration has pushed through.

I'd lay the inflation we've been experiencing, almost squarely on his policies.
His first day in office was in the beginning (relatively) to COVID. If you honestly believe the energy production is what is causing inflation you are way off. While it is contributing some, it is not the main culprit, nor is his policy much of a reason for the energy peice Inflation either.

If you lay this solely at his feet you are blind to the realities of economics. Nothing is that fast in the economy. Trump pumped BILLIONs into the economy (Biden as well) it takes awhile for the affects to work through the economy. Between "eye off the ball" fiscal policy by the fed (for YEARS), COVID money printing, we started paying the price in 2022....which is about when it shoudl've started happening. Anyone that knows anything about economics could see this coming 2+years ago. I have told numerous friends the fed has messed up long before COVID by not adjusting rates to have a weapon when it was needed. That is a big part of the problem. Trump, Biden, Obama, the Fed, and the general public all are guilty of inflation we have felt the last 2 years....to act like it is 'solely at Biden's feet. Is it being reality