Political So now what

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Who Dares Wins
Couldn't the Dems name a new VP at their convention and then have Biden exit?
That'd be difficult as well, since she is the incumbent and all the aforementioned identity politics/"Democracy" stuff. Also, to have him bow out AFTER being named the nominee would really throw everything into chaos for them and be even more embarrassing for the party.


Well-Known Member
Millcreek, UT
Of course inflation was low in the first year + of the pandemic, we were in an economic free fall (least we forget period of unemployment, yes under Trump, of well over 10%.)

And yes, the first several rounds of "COVID Stimulus" checks went out under Trump.

Which form of "big government machine" are we talking about? The stereotypical one that people claim is favor only by Democrats or one that gets the government involved in all layers of social issues pushed by the current GOP?

The only areas where the Trump administration tried at all to decrease government power was over environmental regulation. And I certainly don't trust industries to put clear air and water ahead of profit.

And the idea that Russia or any other nation feared Trump is not based on fact. We know Trump praised dictators, they mocked him. And considering the increasing isolationist ideology of the GOP (including holding up military support for Ukraine), we should not believe that a new Trump presidency will bring world peace.

As others have said, Vance like many others in the GOP, changed their tune completely as soon as it was clear continuing to speak out against Trump was unpopular (think Mike Lee locally). Power above principle.

My biggest concern with Vance is he has 2 years experience in the Senate, hardly the needed level of qualifications to be president should the aging Trump not make it through another term.

Strangely neither Trump, Vance and most the other so-called leaders of the GOP are part of an economic and educational class the MAGA crowd rallies against.

What part of the "lesser of two evils" (as I have stated) do you not understand?

If dictators mocked him, they still sure seemed to take him seriously. Putin attacked Ukraine under Obama's watch. Didn't attack under Trump. Again attacked under Biden's watch...

Trump managed to cool things down with the chubby dictator in the PRNK. The First president to do so since the Armistice was signed. Amazing really. Did he get any recognition? like say a Nobel Peace Prize? (Remember Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize, for doing absolutely nothing, other than being elected) HAHAHA, not on your life. The democrats still found a way to criticize Trump.

You can spin it however you like, history says different.

TDS from the democrats, from the mainstream media, from liberal celebrities, is amusing to watch.


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
That'd be difficult as well, since she is the incumbent and all the aforementioned identity politics/"Democracy" stuff. Also, to have him bow out AFTER being named the nominee would really throw everything into chaos for them and be even more embarrassing for the party.

I thought someone at convention named a different VP in the past few cycles. Maybe I'm so tainted by the "press" that I missed whatever bullshit whoever I was watching/reading that I misread it?


Who Dares Wins
I thought someone at convention named a different VP in the past few cycles. Maybe I'm so tainted by the "press" that I missed whatever bullshit whoever I was watching/reading that I misread it?
Yes, it is possible but its rare. The last incumbent president to change VP picks during the nomination process was FDR.
All I'm saying is that for the Dems to jettison Harris as the VP would cause utter chaos in their ranks. The first black woman VP is replaced with a straight white male like Newsom? Yeah, that won't play well in progressive circles.