Political So now what

Political discussions within
My worst fear has been if the DNC implemented their Plan E and assassinated Joe Biden, using someone registered as a Republican. That would have created an atomic bomb type of reaction that would swing a lot of support to the Democratic candidate and also get Joe out of the way forever. To me, this would have been a very effective strategy that would be very difficult to counter.
I'd be into a Michelle Obama ticket. Hard pass on Hillary. I'd be into Bernie too, but I've had enough septuagenarians in office for my lifetime.
I just can't see how the Dem's go with anyone other than Harris with less that 100 days to the election. She has access to the Biden campaign funds, she's the sitting VP, she ticks the identity politics boxes, she's young, it avoids a convention fight and the image of chaos that will bring. Its just the cleanest, most logical choice they have.

But if these past few weeks are any indication, logic and cleanliness are not the rule of the day anymore in American politics.
I just can't see how the Dem's go with anyone other than Harris with less that 100 days to the election. She has access to the Biden campaign funds, she's the sitting VP, she ticks the identity politics boxes, she's young, it avoids a convention fight and the image of chaos that will bring. Its just the cleanest, most logical choice they have.

But if these past few weeks are any indication, logic and cleanliness are not the rule of the day anymore in American politics.
Newsom got right behind her, probably angling for a VP slot. Whitman and Beshear have not said either way yet, probably also angling for a VP slot lol.
It looks very doubtful that anyone besides Harris will be the nominee for the Democrats. The party is lining up pretty solidly behind her which is no surprise. Those publicly calling on Biden to step aside would not have done so without a lot of discussions on what would happen next.

What I see happening from here sadly will include a lot of hateful posts about Harris based on gender and race. Both disgraceful.

Obviously no one the Democrats put on the ticket will win the votes on the MAGA wing, so I suspect to see little to no public support for her on RME. But no party can win relying only on their base.

But this does do exactly what has been said for months- many Americans want someone to support who is not Biden or Trump.

Swing voters are key to the election and Trump will likely have a very difficult time holding on to them without an extreme make over, which seems unlikely considering even in the post- assignation attempt convention speech he could only maintain a change in tone for 20 out of 95 minutes.
What I see happening from here sadly will include a lot of hateful posts about Harris based on gender and race. Both disgraceful.
This is one of the least intellectually honest statements a person can make. Any criticism, real or not will be attributed to the fact that she is a black woman. The same people who will make that argument have nothing but hate for Tulsi Gabbard who is also a non white woman but doesn't hold the correct stances so it's ok to criticize her. If the Democratic party had nominated Tulsi instead of Harris, there would be no contest right now about who would win the election, Tulsi is smarter and more articulate which is exactly why the didn't pick her for VP. So who really want's to hold women of color down?
Obviously no one the Democrats put on the ticket will win the votes on the MAGA wing, so I suspect to see little to no public support for her on RME.
In defense of the RME crowd, I don't see a lot of MAGA sentiment here. I think most folks are aware that Trump is not ideal. They're just conservative enough that they'd still prefer him to most Democrats.

That's where I was when we had to choose between Trump and Billary. I landed on the side of Trump then, still not sure I was wrong because the Clintons are like their own special level of hell, but I sure would rather not see Trump in the White House again. Other than rile up his base I don't know that he did anything worth mentioning last go round, but his populist/fascist-lite approach to politics and courting of the extreme right has encouraged some pretty shitty people to express some pretty shitty opinions and generally caused a ton of chaos, and what he says he wants to do going forward combined with what other people who are very close to him are saying he wants to do (not that he'd know anything about that) scare the crap out of me.

I don't believe in identity politics. I don't belong to any party, I don't call myself a liberal or a conservative, I normally vote strictly 3rd party, because I think the two party system is a cancer that's destroying us. I'm going to break that rule and vote for a Democrat, this election. If Biden was staying in, I'd absolutely take a drooling gibbering senile Biden over Trump. If Harris is the Dem nominee, she'll have my vote. Pretty much whoever the Dems put up will have my vote, I expect.
This is one of the least intellectually honest statements a person can make. Any criticism, real or not will be attributed to the fact that she is a black woman. The same people who will make that argument have nothing but hate for Tulsi Gabbard who is also a non white woman but doesn't hold the correct stances so it's ok to criticize her. If the Democratic party had nominated Tulsi instead of Harris, there would be no contest right now about who would win the election, Tulsi is smarter and more articulate which is exactly why the didn't pick her for VP. So who really want's to hold women of color down?

I have already seen one on other social media sites (FB) that are very misognistic and we have seen comments before on this very thread critical of her claims to being black.
I don't have anything bad to say about Harris' race or gender. Maybe it is a PR problem, but the only identifying characteristics most people know are her race and gender and state she is from. When she speaks, it doesn't leave an impression that there is anything else significant. I think the democrat party could find several candidates who are more electable, and more importantly could face Trump in a respectable way. I just don't think they will because the replacement would have to be black and female, or it just wouldn't be fair.

To me personally, it is likely just entertainment. I won't make up my mind until after I watch the show, but I don't see myself voting for either Trump or Harris.
This is one of the least intellectually honest statements a person can make. Any criticism, real or not will be attributed to the fact that she is a black woman. The same people who will make that argument have nothing but hate for Tulsi Gabbard who is also a non white woman but doesn't hold the correct stances so it's ok to criticize her. If the Democratic party had nominated Tulsi instead of Harris, there would be no contest right now about who would win the election, Tulsi is smarter and more articulate which is exactly why the didn't pick her for VP. So who really want's to hold women of color down?
Yea, several years ago I told a co-worker I wasn't too fond of obama drone striking weddings and he told that's because I am racist. The mental gymnastics are fascinating.