I think we should dig deeper into every one of them. It would help understand what is going on, and help others identify better how to prevent it again.
All that knew him are already saying this wasn't a surprise. So why did no one speak up?
Speak up how? Maybe they did, but without actual action, or direct threats, what should've been done? Could he have gotten help? no idea. I tend to believe that people that are messed up enough to carry these attacks out are far past help.
Why was the boy living with his felon grandpa?
Not sure what this has to do with anything. While I haven't read about shooter, who are we, as society to take kids away from someone because of a felony (assuming it's not child related and they served their time)
Were they here legally or illegally?
Again, I'm not sure what this has to do with it. Immigration is already a sour subject, them being legal or illegal doesn't really matter. Plenty of active school shooters are legal US citizens
Why were his prior fighting and aggravation charges not reported correctly?
Other then possibly restricting his purchase of the guns, again, I don't see how this would've done anything to stop it. If it would've restricted him from buying a gun, how far down that rabbit hole do we go in terms of determining what constitutes a restriction on firearms?
Lets start focusing on EVERY part of the puzzle, and where things went wrong, instead of lightly skimming it and going heavy on the type of gun used.
Hindsight makes it easy to look back and pick apart actions (or lack thereof) However, nothing (outside of a few texts from what I've read) would REALLY give someone enough concern to actually report him. If they had, what could've really been done about it? He sounded like a creepy loner....and I knew/know plenty of highschoolers like that. none of them, I would think are capable of this...but at what point do you start to "tell someone"?
There are a lot of questions that are being asked out of emotion....which I totally get, but they are questions that, if answered, lead to more issues and as
@xjtony said, it becomes a slippery slope.
There is NO WAY to prevent these tragedies. We can minimize them some....but honestly, our society and culture are one of freedoms (leads to both good and bad things) as well as a "I don't fit in" mindset. I have NO idea what makes these people feel so strongly they are willing to go shoot up a school....I never will.
I just saw a report that said 70% of all school shootings have been committed by people under 18. They are learning to hate others and be mad, something that is far to prevalent in our society...hell, just look at any political thread now days.